Self portrait

Dreaming My Way To Retirement

My adventures riding about the country by motorcycle in the late '80s and early '90s gave me a glimpse of this vast country I wanted to see more of it before I croaked. Lots of people were out there doing just that; mostly retirees traveling the country while living in their RVs. I found it hard to imagine a better way to see the country than from the comfort of a home on wheels and a dream was born.

In '06 or '07 I decided I could retire a bit early if I husbanded my resources and lived frugally and one could certainly live frugally in an RV.

It took a while to bring a plan to fruition and finally in November of '07 I set off to see the country in an old RV, and I soon bought a camera to document my travels. My interest in more creative photography developed a bit later.

Eventually I started spending time at the Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge in San Antonio NM taking pictures of the Sandhill Cranes and Snow Geese wintering there. I was smitten by the birds and capturing their expressive personalities was enough of a challenge to keep me coming back for more.

Along the way I set up this website as a place to post some of my favorite images of those birds and more.

A Few Articles

Early in the development of this website I posted a few articles outlining my thoughts on keeping my writing environment and this website simple and I've since added a few thoughts on other topics.


Members of both my parents families participated in the settlement of Red Rock and I decided this was a good place to record whatever early history of Red Rock I can remember before those memories fade away. Memorabilia is the result.

My First Websites

First came John's First Homepage sometime in 2000 followed by Ethel's Finds in late 2000, followed by CoxonTool in late 2002—early 2003, and later by this site, I'm not sure when.

Where Am I?

Fall 2023: I'm spending time this fall and winter at the Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge in San Antonio, New Mexico. Later I'll likely head down around the Truth or Consequences area, and maybe down to Columbus NM, until I leave at the end of March to spend a couple months wandering about Utah and Wyoming before heading east for the summer.




— revised 2024-07-18 jhc