Ida Goodrich’s Diary
Ida Frances Acker-Carpenter Goodrich was my great-grandmother, wife of Frederick Carlton Goodrich, mother of Frederick Lorenzo Goodrich, my mother’s father. jhc
This is a transcription of an old photocopy of Ida’s diary. Some of these sheets seem to be out of order. Ida died March 31, 1919, about 3 months after the last entry in December 1918.
From Harold Goodrich's cover letter he sent to Mom with her copy of his genealogy, The Ancestors and Descendants of Frederick Carlton Goodrich, I gather that Mom received this copy of the diary from him. jhc
Sheet 01
Address: F. E. Alexander, Pulaski N. Y., Lecturer of State Grange 1913
A letter Oct. 7 from Mrs. Charles Webster saying that she arrived home all safe and they were all well. 934 Columbia St., Hudson N. Y. 1913
1913 Nov. 6 A letter from Sadie saying that Will had cut his finger quite bad and that his little niece had been injured by the girl falling down stairs on her. They are living on Pomeroy Ave. at present. Address 251 North St. Where Will works. They are living in furnished rooms.
Sheet 02
Jan. 22nd 1913 Rec’d a letter from J. W. Scott, Lecturer Pomona Grange, asking questions regarding the Lecturer Conferences held after State Grange meetings. (Answered) Jan 30th 1913. Address. Copake N. Y.
Jan 15th 1913 Rec’d a letter from Lester, saying they were all well, and asking for news from home and vicinity. “Answered” Address Fairport N. Y.
Dec. 24th 1912 Rec’d a letter from Gordon asking for money to help him out untill pay day. He is working for the Express Company in Albany, works nights, gets $60.00 per month. He’s [several words cut off] father in Chatham. Answered, money was sent. Address Albany General Delivery.
Jan. 1913 Address Mrs. J. H. Harmon, Box 316 Ashtabula Ohio. Also Mrs Mable
Jan 1913 Address Mrs. J. C. Wright (nee. Amelia Harmon), 3414 Carnegie Ave, Cleveland Ohio.
Jan. 1913 Gordon E. Goodrich, 83 Columbia St. Albany N. Y., Lodging and boarding place.
Jan 1913 Gordon E. Goodrich, Chatham N. Y. c/o C. L. Westover [last line cut off]
Sheet 03
Jan. 22nd 1913 A communication from the sales manager of the State Charities Aid Association, saying that the $7.26 sent in was received all right. Address 105 East 22nd St New York City N. Y.
Jan 28th Rec’d from H. L. Hunter the returns for the 15 doz. Eggs sent Jan. 18th $3.44.
Jan 2nd 1913 Rec’d a letter from Mrs G. Lampman (an old friend) saying she had been sick and inviting me to come and make her a visit, Address East Chatham R. F. D. (Answered Feb 18th 1913)
Dec. 9th 1912. Rec’d a letter from Grace saying she got her clothes all right and was having a good time with the mumps and had to quit work for a while. Address 316 Lafayette St. Schenectady N. Y.
Jan 4th 1913 Rec’d a letter from Grace saying she had been busy with work & pleasure. and wishing she was on her way again as she was the week before. her cold is some better, has been trying roller skating and getting some bruises. 316 Lafayette St. Schenectady
Dec. 21st 1912. Rec’d a Postal from Mrs. Gordon Goodrich saying they arrived in Albany alright and were agoing to look for rooms. (didn’t stay long) came back to Chatham.
Jan. 30th 1913 Grace came home from Schenectady
Sheet 04
Jan 27th 1913 A letter from Mr & Mrs Snyder inviting us to come and stay the night with them on Sat. Feb 1st we went and had a very nice time, met with some other grangers there. returned Sunday afternoon and it was quite cold. Address Ghent N. Y., R. F. D. 2
Feb 9th 1913 A letter from Sister Eliza saying that she was not well enough to accept my invitation and ride so far, but she would sometime later, she expected to go to Castleton Feb 16th. Address Chatham N. Y.
Dec 1st 1912 A postal from Sister Kate in ans. to a thanksgiving remembrance sent by me. All are in usual health. Address Castleton N. Y.
1913 Address for song books, The Cable Company, Cable building, The one hundred & one, Chicago. best songs, by mail prepaid 7ct per doz.
Dec. 5 1912 A postal from Mrs P. W. Shufelt, in answer to mine, saying that she would help me out with the program to the 7ct supper held in Grange hall Dec. 7th and that the others would do the same, and she did, alright. Address Chatham
Dec. 10th 1912 A postal from Anna, saying that the birthday & Thanksgiving cards had been rec’d (Fairport)
Dec. 17th Rec’d a letter from sister Eliza 315 Elm St, Arlington N. Y. (answered)
Sheet 05
Dec. 14th 1912 A short letter from Cousin Eva Phillips, saying that they would be unable to attend our anniversary the 17th and sent a nice olive spoon or fork. Address East Chatham N. Y.
Dec. 18th 1912 A short letter from Mrs. Snyder saying, they arrived home about 8.30 A. M. Started from here about 6.30 A. M. after the anniversary party and young folks dance. Their neighbor, Mr. Miller & wife are to buried [sic] the 19th.
Feb. 12th 1912 A letter from Ella, saying that Steward had been quite sick with a disordered stomach & a bad cold but thought he would be all right in a day or so. Had the doctor.
1913 Address James E. Snyder, Valatie N. Y. For remnants - waist patterns - 5# rolls &ct.
1910 Address Mrs. E. B. LaRowe, Auburn N. Y. (A post card received Jan 26th)
1910 Address
1911 The Michigan Patron, Patron Publishing Co., Adrian, Mich. 25cts per year. send 2c stamps or coin
1913 William D. Campbell, 251 North St., Pittsfield. June 9th
Sheet 06
1913 Sept 30th North Stephentown N. Y. (Dennison Farm) A letter from Ella (Mrs. W. S. G.) saying that they were boarding the men working on the concrete stables, all well, did not expect to stay another year, Baby Charles growing and good,
Hancock Mass. Nov. 5 1913 A letter from Ella, saying that they had moved, all well, Will teaming for the Estes Mills.
Dec. 1913 - Sister Eliza’s address when she is staying with her Daughter Myra - (Mrs. Charles Dilks) 815 Elm St Ablington New Jersey.
Feb. 20th Rec’d a postal from “Tillie” (Mrs. Benjamin Rowe) niece. Address 1250 -40th St., Brooklyn N. Y. (Answered)
Feb 28th 1914 Rec’d a postal from Will. but tired - still working. 518 Smith St. Schenectady N. Y.
Feb. 12 1914 Rec’d a letter from Ella Saying she rec’d the pkg. all right, that they thought of moving soon looking for a farm to work. Will still teaming it in Hancock. All were well. baby Francis fat and good.
Feb. 9th 1914 A letter from Sadie, saying that it was very cold, but they were well.
Feb. 17 1914 A letter from Sadie saying she rec’d the cards and money all right all well & thought of moving again
Sheet 07
April 8th 1914 Address W. S. Goodrich, Millerton N. Y., Spencers Corners, R. F. D.
April 8th 1914 A letter from Ella saying that they arrived at her brother’s in Millerton, about 9. P. M. they left here 7.30 A. M., Monday the 6th, tired, but all right.
1914 Aug 11 A letter from Ella. Millerton R. F. D.
July 11 1914 A letter from Ella. Spencers Corners, Millerton
1914 June 20 A letter from Sadie. Lenoxdale Mass.
July 2. A letter from Sadie
Aug 1 A letter “ “
July 15 A letter from Mrs. Adam Snyder, Ghent R. F. D.
July 25 A letter from F. E. Alexander, Pulaski N. Y., Lecturer of New York State Grange. About the lecturers conference to be held in Hudson Aug 21 1914. I attended
Sheet 08
Jennie V. Mull Born Oct. 2 1901 Sister Kate’s youngest Daughter
Friday Oct 30 1914 I took the 12.50 train for Mt Riga to make Will and Ella a visit - found them all well and living in the house with Ella’s brother Paul Cummings. Will working the place for him returned home Friday November 6th in Grace’s Auto in company with Grace Lucy Gladys & Mrs. McNeil. Their address is Millerton N. Y. I received a letter from Sadie while there.
Oct. 28 A postal from Sadie
Oct. 25 A long and interesting letter from Sadie.
Sept 27, 1914 A few lines from Anna Broeffle stating the death of her father Charles Broeffle, Fred’s Brother in law, their address is 236 Gay Park Ave., Amsterdam N. Y. Fred went to the funeral but I was visiting Sadie in Lenoxdale at the time.
Aug 22 1914 A letter from Ella while she is visiting her mother in Shaftsbury Vermont. Mrs. E Cummings, R. F. D.
Oct 14th 1914 A postal from Anna @ home while I was in Schodack Landing
Sheet 09
1915 Jesse’s address April is R. D. 7 Schenectady, c/o D Bigbee. He is working on a rich man’s farm
May 1915 Fred has moved from Chatham to his father’s tenement and is working on the home farm.
Mrs. Joshua Davis, c/o Ed. Hamilton, 11 [??)] Crane St., R. F. D. No 6, Schenectady N. Y., Box 212, Sept. 1915
Mrs. B. Vosburgh c/o C. C. Woolworth, R. F. D., Castleton line 2 Sept. 1915
Gordon E. Goodrich, Albany City Hospital, Albany N. Y., April 1st 1915. Had 3 fingers on left hand taken off.
Sheet 10
Sept. 1918 I spent 13 days with Will and his family.
Oct. 1918 I spent 3 days with Fred & family helping with the moving while there rec’d telegram from Will that Sadie was sick so Ed. took me over to Lenoxdale in auto. arriving there at 10. P. M. Thurs. night. I staid there 15 days. Ed. Lucy Doris & Gladys came for me and I arrived home about 8. P. M. Friday evening Oct 25. Will gave me a pair of shoes $4.50 stamps 15. cloth for apron 69c mixing bowl. 20 Paid trolly fare to Lee 10c & to Pittsfield 30 Peanuts 7c Total $6.00 Oct. 30th rec’d package containing 2 white aprons 75c loaf of raisin bread 12c 2 cans honey 25 to pkg. pancake flour 30c
Sheet 11
Will moved to North Stephentown April 1911 and to Hancock in 1913 and to Millerton 1914 Came home for a month Dec. 1914
Lester lived in Oakwood 3 yrs Moved to Port Byron 1910 moved to Lyons 1911 Fairport 1912 Chatham 1913.
Sheet 12
March 1913, Auburn 13 Sheridan St., A letter from Lester saying that they would be in Chat. April 5 1913 He says not to look backwards but how can anyone help it sometimes, I can’t. He and his family are coming home to live a while at least, He has a little girl - born Dec. 12 1910.
[ED. the following appears to be on a separate note laid over the diary page. jhc]
Dear sister Eva, Will you as Pomona [sic ?] please help “Ceres” (Mrs. Clarence Reynolds) with the program Oct. 23
Mrs Reynolds, Will you, [?? ???? ?????] please help Pomona [??? Eva ?????], the program Oct 23
Sheet 13
April 22, 1913 A letter from William Campbell asking to marry Sadie. June 5 1913 (put him off until later) 95 Seymour St. Pittsfield Mass.
May 9th 1913 A letter from Ella saying that she was not feeling very well the rest all well. North Stephentown N. Y.
May 29 1913 A letter from Ella
July 1 A letter from Ella saying that she was around the house yet.
June 1913 I went up to Will’s at North Stephentown staid a few days (nothing doing).
July 14 A letter from Ella saying that they had another boy born the 12th. Asking me to come and stay a few days with her. I went on Thursday and stayed until the next Wednesday Came back to Chatham and stayed at Gordons and Berthas over night.
Will and Ella have three nice boys now. Steward born March 3 1919 Earnest - Aug 20, 1911
95 Seymour St., Pittsfield Mass. A letter from Sadie July 14th she went to Pittsfield June 1913 to work for Will. Campbells sister.
July 10 A letter from Will Campbell saying that he and Sadie would be married Sept. 3rd so I will say no more about it. They were married Sept. 3 Ed & Grace as witnesses at Chatham Parsonage.
Sheet 14
Monday Nov 17th Jesse and his father started away from home. The father going to Hancock to Will’s next day to Pittsfield to Sadies. met Jesse in Pittsfield Tuesday afternoon Nov. 18, 1913
A card “Thanksgiving” from Ella Will & children Nov. 26 1913. All well.
1913 Anna went to Auburn Dec. 3 and came back Jan. 3, 1914
1913 Sadie came home from Pittsfield Dec. 6 and went back Dec. 19th
1914 Sadie came home the 25th of Jan. and went back Feb. 1st.
Jesse went to Pittsfield Nov. 17th (His Birthday 22) to look for work. Nov. 24 received a card from him sent from Hartford Conn. still looking for a job. Nov. 25 Back to Pittsfield again.
1914 Feb 5 A post card from Sadie giving their address 30 Harris St. Pittsfield
Feb. 17th 1914, A post card valentine from Sadie, saying she received the birthday cards, and that they thought of moving again. and to send mail to Westerly Hotel, Pittsfield
Feb. 17th 1914 A post card from Jesse, saying he is well and working every day. Address 513 Smith St., Schenectady N. Y.
Sheet 15
Jan. 1918 Jesse’s present address is 155 Detroit Mich.
Sister Bertha’s present address is 83 Grand St. Gloversville.
Sister Eliza’s Present address is 315 Elm St. New Jersey
Sister Kate’s present address is Schodack Ldg., Rens Co. N. Y.
Sadie’s Present address is Lenoxdale, Mass.
1918 Sisters Berthas Birthday is July 9th age now 37 yrs. Will be 38 the 9th of July 1918
1918 Eliza is 70
June 1918 Jesse is in Racine Wis.
July 1918. “ “ “ St. Paul Min.
Aug & Sept. “ “ “ LaBolt S. Dak.
Oct. Seattle Wash.
Oct 19th A letter From
Sheet 16
1918 - Feb 4 to 9th Fred & I attended the State Grange at Syracuse I was sent as a substitute delegate. returning home we visited Sister Bertha at Gloversville Fred’s niece Anna Broeffle at Amsterdam & Fred’s cousin Mary Davies and family at Schenectady arriving home on the 18th
May 24 - 1918 Fred & I attended the Dairyman’s Exposition at New York. Staying with Mrs. Marie Hoyer arriving on Tuesday and leaving Friday.
1918 Nov. 13 to 18 Fred & I attended the National Grange at Syracuse where we were initiated in the 7th & last degrees returning home we visited some friends (Mr. & Mrs. Hess) in Phoenix. Went down the Hudson river road to Castleton to my nieces & Brother then on to Hudson and home. Anna & Lester were both sick with influenza and Ed to.
1918 Sat. Dec. 7, I returned home from Sadies. Sunday attended the funeral of Mr. A. D. Bartlett, Monday the 9 Fred & I went to New York The 10 to Jersey City to the Annual meeting of the Dairyman’s League the 11th home again
Sheet 17
1917 April A post card from Jesse, Detroit Michigan. left Schenectady after 4 years stay
1917 Jan. 5th Roy’s 21st birthday. April, he is working for Milton Sawyer and has an auto.
E. Roy Goodrich & Ruth Hanor were married Nov. 22th 1917
Son Fred moved his family from the Birge farm to the Highland Farm Oct. 5th 1918 and is in the employ of G. S. Fr[???]himy as superintendent.
Sheet 18
1917 To Nephew Frank Rowe & Wife Minnie April 30th a son Harold
1917 To W. S. Goodrich & wife Ella a daughter Oct. 27th lived a few minutes. buried in Craryville. (I was with Ella)
1918 To Fred L. and wife a son Herbert Lorenzo Born Monday June 24. (I was with Georgia) Birge House on Birge Hill Chatham N. Y.
1918 Sunday Oct. 27 Born to W. S. Goodrich and wife Ella a son (the 5 one) Harold Peter. Craryville N. Y.
1918 Sunday Nov. 24 Born to W. D. Campbell & wife Sadie a daughter Muriel Vivian I was called there by telegram Lenoxdale Mass.
Sheet 19
Grand children born in the year 1915
To Fred L. Goodrich & wife March 20th, George Wilson. Chatham N. Y. (11th)
To W. D. Campbell & wife Sadie July 27th, Edythe Virginia, Lenoxdale Mass (12th)
To W. S. Goodrich & wife Aug 2nd, Paul Emerson, Millerton N. Y. (13th)
To Gordon Goodrich & wife Oct. 9th, Mildred Crane, Chatham N. Y. (14th)
1917 To Louis A Hoyer & wife Grace, April 20th a daughter Lucille Ida, Chatham N. Y. (15th)