Oct 17, 1900 Chatham Courier pg 1

The Chatham Courier Reports

Thursday, October 17, 1900


As reported in The Chatham Courier, October 17, 1900.



A Pronounced Success in Every Particular A Gala Day of Sports, Music, Speech Making, Feasting and Good Cheer. The Net Proceeds will be $300, Report in Detail.

Last Wednesday was a red-letter day in the history of Red Rock, the occusion being the anniveraries celebration, the event that had been so anxiously awaited and eagerly anticipated, and from the formal opening of the affair in the morning until the last light was extinguished at night, not a ripple occurred to mar the pleasure of the occasion. Everything passed off with the greatest of regularity and many a time in the future will those who now compose the young manhood and womanhood of this peaceful hamlet, with children or grandchildren about their knees, wander back in memory over the intervening years and recount, with never flagging interest, the events of that memorable day in the history of Red Rock, Wednesday, October 10th, 1900, as those who attended or were identified, with the celebration of 40 years ago have told over and over again of the many interesting incidents of that occasion that are still prominently retained in memory. And surely this was an occusion that all who attended will wish to remember. It was a celebration of the good, old-fashioned sort, an occasion where good cheer was dominant, where there was no lack of enthusinsm to further the most laudable object for which the celebration was inspired, i.e. the financial benefit of the two churches and the improvement of the village cemetery. From afar off points came substantial contributions for the good of the cause, or messages of approval, from the many who first saw the light ??? ??? this hamlet where nature has bestowed some of her most picturesque handiwork. Although it is, mayhap, years since their eyes have feasted on the scenes familiar to them in youth, still in their hearts there is retained a recollection dearer than earthly treasures. On this hillside sleep their kintolk and many is the eye a tear will dim as are recalled the days of childhood and the scenes in their dear old homes.

Although the weather was not us auspicious as might lave been desired for the event, still the attendance was all that could be expected and the gross receipts will reach $500 and about $300 will be netted.

One of the first sights to greet the eye of the pleasure seeker as he entered the village was one to cause the blood of patriotism to tingle in his veins. Away up in the air, 50 feet or more directly over the historic rock, waved the American flag suspended from a wire strung between two “giants of the forest" on the hills on either side. On the rock was the speakers’ plattorm resplendant in the national colors, the structural work concealed by evergreens. Further up the street, near the Christian church, along the banks of the famous Indian creek, were the eating tents and the various booths and stands where the wants of the crowds were catered to by attractive, neatly gowned young ladies and gorgéously attired young men. The savory odor of the edibles bade one sup whether he would or no and at the conclusion of the feast there was little to spare. From start to finish the affair was an exemplification of what unity can accomplish and the promoters of the event are to be congratulated on the success of their ettorts.

In the morning a base ball game took place between the Ghent team and a team composed of players from both Red Rock and Spencertown It resulted in it victory for the Ghent team, score 13 to 6. The 150-pace foot race, in which there were 5 starters, was won by F. Goodrich and Eri Chase of Spencertown won the weelbarrow race over the same course. Early in the forenoon the Ghent band arrived and discoursed enlivening music and in the afternoon the Chatham band arrived and added choice selections. After dinner the greased pig race took place. Nearly 20 persons joined in the chase but the porker was finally bagged by Edward Jenkins. The potato race had five participants and was won by Fred Goodrich. Five started in the barrel race which was won by Lester Goodrich. In the evening an enjoyable concert took place in the Christian church which was witnessed by an audience that crowded the edifice to the doors and which was participated in by Miss Lockrow, Miss Bliss, Mrs. Brower, D. D. Tompkins, Neal Van Deusen, A. B. Howes, Mrs. Henry Frisbee Miss Mable Ford, Mrs. F. F. Frisbee, Mrs. R. W. Morey and Miss Hallenbeck.

At the Rock

After a selection by the Chathamn band, the Rev. J. S. Ladd introduced to the assembled crowd, the Rev. Dr. John McLaughlin, pastor of the Red Rock Christian church who read an appropriate poem, which he wrote for this occasion. He prefaced the reading by few remarks, in a humorous vein, relative to the formation of the rock and in conclusion said: It is my belief that this is one of two rocks that started out one morning to race and the other, when it saw was getting the worst of it stopped to pout in Mr. Jenkins’ field and this rock stopped here to wait for it. And the other rock is pouting still.

Although Mr. McLaughlin is a man more than 80 years of age he is still faithfully and satisfactorily discharging the duties of the pastorate of his church and has cemented a strong bond of friendship between himself and his parishioners.

After Judge Cadman’s address, which will be found on the third page of this issue, the Master of the State Grange spoke on the Value of the Grange to the Farmers. We hope to publish a report of his address later. He was followed by School Commissioner H. I. Fish and Rev. Mr. McLaughlin and this closed the speech-making ceremonies.

H. M. D.

Transcribed from The Chatham Courier, October 17, 1900 (nyshistoricnewspapers.org)