1901-05-23theletterobverse 1901-05-23theletterreverse

Letter, C. M. Coxon to C. W. Coxon

May 23, 1901

The Letter

When I started looking into my Coxon family history I took note of this single surviving letter to my great grandfather, Christopher William Coxon (C. W. Coxon), from his brother in England, Charles Merriman Coxon (C. M. Coxon), that I found amongst Dad’s effects after he died. This short letter turned out to be a goldmine.

The Letter, Transcribed

5 . Wood Street Square

London E. C.

23 May 1901

My dear Brother.

I received your letter dated 21 Feb in which you say that it is 2 years since you heard from me. Time passes very quickly but I don't think it is so long as that since I wrote to you last. You have changed your address since then I think, for I don't remember addressing a letter to Red Rock before, and I have moved once or twice since the big fire occurred here

on the 19 Nov 1897 - when my place was burnt out and I lost everything - I have got settled down again but not in the same building as before. You will see that by my address - it is next door but one. I had meant to reply to your letter before but have not been well for a few weeks. I am pleased to say that I am better again. I am sorry to hear that you have lost the use of your left side. I think under those circumstances it would not be very wise for you to come over here as I am afraid you would not be able to get about very well. I don't go down into Lincolnshire now for there is nobody there that I know. I want to go to Holbeach to look at the Cemetery and see if any thing wants doing at the graves there. I am afraid there is something to be done.

I don't know whether Dan is living at Holbeach now - for I have not heard any thing from him for years, and we were never on very intimate terms. And there are no friends left that I know any thing about. You said in your letter that you had not had a good time. I hope you may have a better time this year. and keep pretty well in health.

With love I am

Your affectionate Brother

C M Coxon

Dad Rarely Mentioned his Grandfather Coxon

Dad mentioned his grandfather (at least I think it was his grandfather) coming over from England with his brother, who went back, never to be heard from again.

Great grandfather Christopher died 3 December 1906, two years before dad was born on 1 Aug 1908 so he never knew him. Christopher's wife Margaret died 1 May 1910 in Chatham.

I assume they were living at the time at what David Cooper refers to as the Coxon place, the first older house southeast of the intersection of County Routes 5 & 24 up toward Fog Hill. Or was that Dad’s parents, James and Iva Coxon who lived there?

I had never heard of the Coxon place until David mentioned it one day. Dad never talked about this stuff and somehow I wasn’t curious enough to ask about it. Grandma Iva died before I was born (31 Jan 1940) and Grandpa James lived with us for a while until he died 26 Nov 1950. I guess knowing that little bit satisfied my curiosity at the time.

There’s a Lot to Unpack Here

There’s more here than a casual reading might indicate.