Goodrich family gathered at Fred & Georgia's

Goodrich Family and Guests

Goodrich Family Gathering with Guests

I have yet to figure out what occasioned this April 3, 1932 gathering and photo session at Grandpa and Grandma Goodrich's place in Piersonville.

Piersonville is the neighborhood at the intersection of County Route 9 and Tenbroeck Road, at the top of the hill where the Piersonville school and the Doyle farm is. Grandma and Grandpa Goodrich’s place was on the right side of County Route 9 about half way up the hill to Piersonville from the north. Their house was torn down a few years ago.

These pictures were taken in the road in front of the house with folks backs to the hillside on the east side of the road. The field behind them is forested now. This was before the road inprovement started the following year.

Above Group Photo with Guests

What's the Occassion, Why These Particular Guests?

Why Charlie Briggs?

Why Alice Hunt?

Why Jennie Coxon?

Who was the photographer?

Where's Renny Faulkner? Where's the 1 yo baby, Robert? With Renny out of the picture?

Group Photo of the Nine Siblings

Goodrich siblings gathered at Fred & Georgia's

Goodrich Siblings

Goodrich Siblings Gathered at Fred & Georgia's

April 3, 1932

Photo of Jack and Ethel Coxon

Jack and Ethel Coxon at Goodrich family gathering at Fred & Georgia's

Jack and Ethel Coxon

This picture was taken about two months into Mom and Dad’s lifelong marriage. They married January 28, 1932. Dad was 23 and Mom was 21.

Dad always smoked a pipe. Where is it?