Red Rock area compilation map from Beers 1873 Columbia County NY Atlas.

Red Rock Area

Compiled from Beers Atlas of Columbia County, New York


Appendix - 1850-1859

Memorabilia Related Research Material


1851 Charles M Coxton, Fleet, Lincolnshire - England and Wales Census, 1851

Age 6

England and Wales Census, 1851

Name: Charles M Coxton Sex: Male Age: 6 Event Date: 1851 Event Place: Fleet, Lincolnshire, England Registration District: Holbeach Residence Note: Spalding Gate Birth Year (Estimated): 1845 Birthplace: Swallow Beck, Lincolnshire Occupation: Scholar Relationship to Head of Household: Son Event Type: Census Page Number: 8 Piece/Folio: 2097 / 430 Registration Number: HO107

Household Role Sex Age Birthplace William Coxton Father M 53 Osbournby, Lincolnshire Christiana Coxton Mother F 41 Sutton St Edmund, Lincolnshire

Household Identifier: 2527928 Line Number: 4 Digital Folder Number: 101795870 Microfilm Number: 101795870 Image Number: 00829

Citing this Record "England and Wales Census, 1851," database with images, FamilySearch (, Charles M Coxton in household of William Coxton, Fleet, Lincolnshire, England; citing Fleet, Lincolnshire, England, p. 8, from "1851 England, Scotland and Wales census," database and images, findmypast (; citing PRO HO 107, The National Archives of the UK, Kew, Surrey.

1851 Christiana Coxton, Fleet, Lincolnshire - England and Wales Census, 1851

In household with husband William and son Charles M.

England and Wales Census, 1851

Name: Christiana Coxton Sex: Female Age: 41 Event Date: 1851 Event Place: Fleet, Lincolnshire, England Registration District: Holbeach Residence Note: Spalding Gate Birth Year (Estimated): 1810 Birthplace: Sutton St Edmund, Lincolnshire Marital Status: Married Relationship to Head of Household: Wife Event Type: Census Page Number: 8 Piece/Folio: 2097 / 430 Registration Number: HO107

Household Role Sex Age Birthplace William Coxton Husband M 53 Osbournby, Lincolnshire Charles M Coxton Son M 6 Swallow Beck, Lincolnshire

Household Identifier: 2527928 Line Number: 3 Digital Folder Number: 101795870 Microfilm Number: 101795870 Image Number: 00829

Citing this Record "England and Wales Census, 1851," database with images, FamilySearch (, Christiana Coxton in household of William Coxton, Fleet, Lincolnshire, England; citing Fleet, Lincolnshire, England, p. 8, from "1851 England, Scotland and Wales census," database and images, findmypast (; citing PRO HO 107, The National Archives of the UK, Kew, Surrey.

1851 William Coxton, Fleet, Lincolnshire - England and Wales Census, 1851

In household with wife Christiana and son Charles M.

England and Wales Census, 1851

Name: William Coxton Sex: Male Age: 53 Event Date: 1851 Event Place: Fleet, Lincolnshire, England Registration District: Holbeach Residence Note: Spalding Gate Birth Year (Estimated): 1798 Birthplace: Osbournby, Lincolnshire Marital Status: Married Occupation: Releiving Officer Relationship to Head of Household: Head Event Type: Census Page Number: 8 Piece/Folio: 2097 / 430 Registration Number: HO107

Household Role Sex Age Birthplace Christiana Coxton Wife F 41 Sutton St Edmund, Lincolnshire Charles M Coxton Son M 6 Swallow Beck, Lincolnshire

Household Identifier: 2527928 Line Number: 2 Digital Folder Number: 101795870 Microfilm Number: 101795870 Image Number: 00829

Citing this Record "England and Wales Census, 1851," database with images, FamilySearch (, William Coxton, Fleet, Lincolnshire, England; citing Fleet, Lincolnshire, England, p. 8, from "1851 England, Scotland and Wales census," database and images, findmypast (; citing PRO HO 107, The National Archives of the UK, Kew, Surrey.

1855 Stewart Household in 1855 Census

“In the 1855 NYS census, Wm D Stewart 52 is living in Chatham with his wife Betsy 43, their son Wm G. 22 as well as Betsy's mother Lucy Goodrich 66 and a laborer Martin O. Farrell 18.”

Clipped from: (

1856-07-01 William G. Stewart Acquires 3 Acres South of the Farm

This is the three acre parcel with tenement house mentioned in several deeds settling the William G. Stewart's estate. Was this the place now owned by the Sawyer's. I remember as a kid Gladys Bemiss, a Goodrich relative, living there with her kids. jhc

All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land lying and being in the aforesaid Town of Chatham, bounded, situated and described as follows viz: bounded on the North by lands of William D. Steward\[sic\], on the East by the highway leading from the house of William Allen to the house of Henry Willetts and on the South and West by lands of Henry Willetts. containing three acres one rood and some rods of land be the same more or less. Being the premises described in deed made between Albert Griswold and Lucinda \[H?\]. his wife, of the Town of Chatham, County of Columbia and State of New York of the first part and William G Steward\[sic\] of the Town, County and State aforesaid, of the second part, dated the 1st day of July 1856 and recorded the 27th day of October 1856 at 11 AM. in Book No 5 of Deeds at page 602.

Quoted from: 1894-07-03 - Quit-claim Deed - William D. & Sarah J. Stewart to Frederick C. Goodrich at APPENDIX E - Stewart Farm to Frederick C. Goodrich

1856-07-31 Deed - Albert Griswold to William G. Stewart

Approximately 3 acres adjoining the south side of the home farm, west of the highway from William Allen's house to Henry Willett's house.

This Indenture made this Thirty First day of July one thousand eight hundred and fifty six Between Albert Griswold and Lucinda H his wife of the Town of Chatham County of Columbia and State of New York of the first part and William G Steward[sic] of the Town County and State aforesaid of the second part. Witnesseth that the said party of the first part for and in consideration of Five Hundred and Fifty Dollars to them in hand paid by they said part of the second part do grant Bargain sell and confirm unto the party of the second part and to his heirs and assigns forever All that certain piece, parcel, or lot of land, lying and being in the aforesaid town of Chatham bounded and described as follows "viz" Bounded on the North lands of William D Steward[sic] on the East by the highway leading from the house of William Allen to the house of Henry Willetts and on the South and West by lands of Willett Containing three acres one rood and some rods of land be the same more or less Together with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in wise appertaining To Have and to hold the said premises above described to the said part of the second part his heirs and assigns forever And the said Albert Griswold and Lucinda H of the first part for themselves and their heirs do covenant grant promise and agree to and with the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns the above Bargained premises against all and every person or persons whatsoever lawfully or equitably claiming or to claim the whole or any part thereof forever to Warrant and Defend In Witness Whereof the said party of the first part here have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written

Albert Griswold L. S. Lucinda H Griswold L. S. / Sealed and Delivered In presence of Stephen L Reed / State of New York} County of Columbia} ss On this thirty first day of July 1856 before me the subscribers personally appeared Albert Griswold and Lucinda H his Wife and acknowledged that they had severally executed the within instrument - And the said Lucinda H on a private examination apart from her husband acknowledged that she executed the within instrument freely and without any fear or compulsion of her husband And I further certify that I Know the persons who made the said acknowledgement to be the individuals described in and who executed the within instrument - Stephen S. Reed Justice of the Peace / Recorded October 27, 1856 at 11 A.M.

— revised 2024-07-24 jhc