Red Rock area compilation map from Beers 1873 Columbia County NY Atlas.

Red Rock Area

Compiled from Beers Atlas of Columbia County, New York


Appendix - Coxon Family in England

Memorabilia Related Research Material

Coxons in England

1872 William Coxon — Holbeach Directory pg 744-750 - Transcribed

Hugh Christopher Coxon, farmer, Battlefields and Mr William Coxon, Chancery Street are listed on page 745. Hugh C. Coxon, Battlefields is also listed under Farmers on page 749.

William Coxon could be Christopher's and Charles' Father. Hugh C. Coxon I don't think is a direct relation. jhc

NOTE: I have PDFs of several pages from this directory in my files at Documents/Personal History/Genealogy/Coxons in England/Research Images/Holbeach,Lincolnshire,England. jhc

744 Holbeach Directory.

the head master must be either a Master or Bachelor of Arts, the school is free for reading, writing and arithmetic to all the boys of the parish. Those who learn the classics pay 20s. each per quarter. A scheme in Chancery for the future management of the school was obtained about 27 years ago ; by it the head master is allowed to take 12 boarders. The school is now entirely conducted by the second master, Mr. Webb, and there are about 200 boys on the foundation. The school was formerly held in a part of the church, but a new and commodious school room was built in 1814, at the cost of about £500. The poor widows and widowers of Holbeach have £10 yearly for bread and plums, from 2A. of land, left by Adlard Squire Stukely, in 1730; and £5 for coals, left by Jacob Davey. The poor have also £5 a year in coals, the interest of £100, left by Thomas Bradley, in 1794 ; and £29 in bread from 5A. 1R. 17P. of land, left by J. Everson, in 1802. There is also distributed on St. Thomas' Day £112, of which £50 arises from 9A. 3R. l0P. of land, left by Richard Darby, about 1670, and the remainder from several rent-charges and plots of land, given by various donors. They have also the interest of £100 three per cents. left in 1842 by J. Morse, Esq., to be given away in blankets, &c., at Christmas; and also the interest of a like sum, left in 1858, by the late Dr. Maltby, Bishop of Durham, and sometime vicar of Holbeach. The workhouse land (3A.) is supposed to have been given to the poor by R. Davye, about 1660. E. Copeman, Esq., of this town, has for some years past let about 8A. of land in small allotments to poor men, at moderate rents ; and seeing the success and benefit attendant on this, a "Land Allotment Society" was ·established in 1870, for the purpose of obtaining land for the same object. They have now about l0A., let in lots of a rood each. Mr. F. G. Lemon is honorary secretary.

There are lodges of Odd Fellows and Foresters and several other Benefit Societies. The Fire Brigade consists of eight men, with three engines, of which one is in the town, one in the Marsh, and one in the Fen.


Adams Jabez, baker, St. John's street Adcock James Joseph, grocer & provision mert. High st Allen Joseph (A. & Walden); h North parade Allen & Walden, thrashing machine owners, North par Anderson Joseph, victualler, Golden Ball, Drove Ashby Fredk. Thos. billposter & accountant, Church st Ashford Thomas, blacksmith, St. Matthew's Aspland David Curtis, farmr. Mansion house, Washway Ayliff Edward George, solicitor and superintendent registrar, West end; h Boston road Ayliff Misses Louisa and Sarah, Boston road Bailey Mr John, Washway Bailey John, farmer, Fen Bailey Joseph, farmer, Old White House lodge, Hurn Bailey Joseph P. linen draper, hatter and clothier, and assessor and collector of taxes, Church street Bailey Luke, farmer and thrashing machine owner, Cemetery road Bailey William, carpenter & wheelwright, St. Matthew's Baines Henry, shopkeeper, Church street Banks Charles, farmer, Hurn Barker Captain Joseph Hurton, J.P., Mattimore House, High street Barker Robert, farmer, Hurn Barker Miss Susan Emma, Albert street Barnes Thomas Timms, watchmkr. & jeweller, High st Barrs Martin, shoemaker, Hurn , Bass Mrs Ann, farmer, Church street Bass John Fred, farmer, Marsh Baxter Baker Matthews, castrator & cattle dctr. Clough Bean Wm. plumber, glazier and painter, Albert street Beeston Mrs Mary, Albert street Bellairs James Harrington; market gardener and seeds- man, Boston road Bellairs Jeremiah, farmer and potato merchant, Alexander villa, Spalding road Bellattie Mrs Mary Eliz. milliner & dressmkr. Church st Bemrose George, victualler, Crown, West end Benner George, blacksmith, Hurn Benton John, farmer, St. John's Benton William, farmer, St. John's Bett John, farmer, Hurn Bishop Benjamin, bricklayer, North parade Blanchard Thomas Richard, blacksmith and victualler, New Inn, St. Mark's Bland Thomas, letter carrier, Bank Boardman William, farmer, Fen Bolton Edward, farmer, High street Bontoft Joshua Seymour, butcher Boor John, plumber and glazier, West end Bottomley Frederick Wilson, farmer, The Bank Bowell John, fishmonger and beerhouse, Cemetery road Bowles George, butcher, St. Mark's Bowser William, farmer, Manor farm, Hurn Bradley Mark, watchmaker and jeweller, West end Bratley Miss Eliz. milliner (Lawson & B.) ; h West end Brewin John, farmer, Northon's lane Brown Miss Elizabeth, infants' schoolmistrs. Church st Brown George, farmer, Bingham lodge, St. Mark's Brown Robert, farmer, Cemetery road Buffham Jacob, farmer, North parade Buffham William, butcher and beerhouse, High street Burgess William, farmer, Fen Burnett Richard, farmer, St. John's Burton John, farmer, Washway Bycraft Richard, farmer, East end Cain Mr John, High street Cameron James, victualler, Ram, High street Caparn Richard, solicitor (C. & Willders); h West end Caparn & Willders, solicitors, High street Carbutt Mrs Ann, Albert street Carbutt John, farmer, Hurn Carruthers Miss My. Ann, day & boarding schl. High st Carruthers Mrs Sophia, High street Carter John, brewer, maltster and spirit merchant, Old Brewery, High street Carter Mr John Hardy, Barrington road Cartwright George, farmer, Washway house Cartwright John, beerhouse, Back lane Cash Charles, farmer, Northon's lane Castle William, wheelwright, Drove Caudwell Joseph, farmer, Thimbleby hs. St. Matthew's Cemetery, Cemetery road; Charles May, curator Chappell Joseph, joiner, builder and contractor, timber merchant, brick and tile maker, steam sawing and mortar mills, High street; h Barringtongate Cheffins William, photographer, Vicarage lane Clark Henry, bricklayer and builder, West end Clarke Mrs Elizabeth, Barrington lodge Clark Thomas, shopkeeper and carrier, Drove

745 Holbeach Directory

Clarke John, monumental and general mason, High street; h Chancery street Clements Mrs Mary Ann, Albert street Cliff John, blacksmith, Hurn Codling John, farmer, St. Matthew's ; h Whaplode Cole Samuel, farmer, Washway Congreve Mr Nelson, High street Cook John Frederick, chemist, druggist and wine and spirit merchant, High street . Cook Mrs Susannah, school teacher, Union Workhouse Cooley William, tailor, Church street Coop Charles, boarding and day school aud organist at Parish Church, High street Copeman Edward, solicitor, clerk to Holbeach & Long Sutton Magistrates and Medley's Charity Trustees, West end Coulson Thomas, shopkeeper and farmer, St. John's County Police Station, High st; John Marks, suprndtnt Coupland Eno, saddler & harness maker, Market place Coward David, farmer, Fen Coward Martin, farmer, Fen Cox James, corn miller and baker, Fen Cox John, farmer, Fen Coxon Hugh Christopher, farmer, Battlefields Coxon Mr William, Chancery street Craven Thomas, farmer, Wash way Crawley William, farmer, Keighley house, St. Ma1·k's Crofts Mr John, Albert street Crosby Benjamin, baker and confectioner, High street Crosby Miss Sarah, confectioner, High street Cross David, farmer, Fen Cross John, farmer, Holbeach common Curtis Mrs Clara, Albert street Curtis Thomas 'Vest, chemist and druggist, corn, seed and cake mert. & genl. commission agent, High st Darley John, yeoman, Fen end Dennay Henry, beerhouse, Boston road Devon Thomas, plumber and glazier, Barringtongate Dickins Henry, corn miller, Spalding road Dixon James, farmer, Drove Dixon Samuel, beerhouse, Barringtongate Dobson Robert Wildbore, veterinary surgeon, Albert st Dollin Willm. shopkeeper & vict. Three Tuns, Clough Douse Thompson, highway surveyor and collector of rates, Victoria street Duckett William Kilham, tobacconist, High street Edgley Charles, tailor and draper, High street Edwards Charles, inland revenue officer, Chancery st Eldred Mr John Bass, Jessamine cottage, Church st Ellis Thomas, farmer, Fen Elms Robert, shopkeeper, Church street Elsom John, drill owner and beerhouse, Fen Elston .A.braham, sausage maker, High street Elvis Richard, farmer, Fen Eyres George, cooper, Chapel street Farmer Thomas, farm bailiff, St. Mark's Farrow Charles, National schoolmaster, St. Mark's Fawn James, joiner and builder, .A.lbert street Fawn James, blacksmith, Fen Fields Cotnam, tailor and glover, Back lane Fields Walter, tinner, brazier, gasfitter & bellhanger, Cemetery road Flaxman Horatio, tailor, Church street Francis Daniel, farmer, Hurdletree bank Francis Henry, farmer and beerhouse, Bank Franks Alfred William & Fredk. farmers, Cemetery rd Franks Mrs Sarah, Cemetery road Free School, Church street ; C. W ebb, 2nd master Freeman Mrs. farmer, Fen Frow Charles, C.E. land surveyor, High street Gas Works, Boston road; George Wright, manager Gent Miss, High street German Jonathan Ash, black & genl. smith, Boston rd Germany Geo. horse dealer & breaker, Barringtongate Gibbs Miss Matilda, ladies' day & boardg. schl, Albert st Gibson John, clerk, High street Gilbert Charles, fishmonger, vVest end. Gilder Thomas, joiner, & builder, brick, pantile & drain pipe manufacturer, and dealer in cement, High street Goodacre Robert, coach builder, West end. Goodger Mrs Sarah, West end Gostelow Mrs Ann, Albert street Gott Isaiah, farmer, Fen Gott John, farmer, Fen Gott Mr. Matthew, Albert street Gough Dennis, glass and china dealer, and horse and gig letter, West end Goulding (Robert) and Bass (John F.), farmers, Marsh Grasley Mrs Phmbe, Albert street Green Charles, engine driver, G.N.R . .A.lbert street Greenwood Edmund, bricklayer, Bank Gregory Mr Edward, Barringtongate Gregory Mrs Sarah, shopkeeper, Albert street Grinstead Henry post-office messenger, Temperance cottages, Chancery street Grundy Stephen, farmer, St. John's Gunthorpe Mrs Louisa, farmer, vVignal's gate Gurney, Birkbeck, Peckovers and Buxton, bankers (branch), West end; W. A. Mills, agent Guy Thomas, ironmonger and gas fitter, High street Hackett Rev Benjamin (Baptist), Barringtongate Hackney John, shopkeeper, West end + Hackworth William, auctioneer and victualler, String of Horses, Boston road Halifax Robert, farmer, Fen Handshaw William, farmer, Barringtongate Hardell John, farmEr, Fen Hardy Benjamin, greengrocer, St. John's street Hardy Charles, clothes and furniture broker, and carpenter, St. John's street Hardy John Blinkhorn, gunsmith, gaslitter, parish clerk, and superintendant fire brigade, High street Hardy Miss Rebecca, milliner and dressmkr. Church st Hargrave Mark, porter, Union Workhouse Hargrave William, wine and spirit merchant, brewer, victualler, Chequers, commercial and posting house, and Inland Revenue Office, High street Harper Robert, L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., surgeon, Union medical officer, Barringtongate Harrison John, yeoman, Hurn Harrison Misses Mary Jane & Eliz. Sibley hs. West end Harrison Mrs. Patience, Cemetery road Harrison Thos. National schoolmaster, St. John's Harrisson Fred.Augustus, corn miller & farmer, High st Harrisson Mrs. Louisa, corn miller, Eight Sail Mills, Church st; h Barrington house; J. M. Parsons, mgr Harrisson Mrs. Sarah Ann, High street Hart John \Vilkinson, master, Union Workhouse Harwin John Robert, brewer's clerk, High street Haslam William, engineer, millwright, iron and brass founder and agricultural implement maker, Boston road Iron Works Hatter William, shopkeeper and market gardener Haythorpe John, carpenter, Bank Hayhow R. black and shoeing smith, Cemetery road Haythorpe Zachariah, carpenter, Bank Healey Mrs. J ane, High street Heat Miss Ellen, milliner, dress maker, fancy goods dealer and dyers' agent, High street Helliwell Mrs. Eliza, victualler, Talbot, High street Helstrip Edward, bricklayer and builder, New road Helstrip Mrs Mary Ann, shopkeeper, High street Hemmans Rev Fielder, M.A. vicar, and prebendary of Lincoln, Vicarage Henley Brothers, grocers, and corn, seed and cake merchants, High street and Cemetery road Henley Brownlow Barlow (Brothers), and f,>rmer, High street, and 1Vhaplode ,

746 Holbeach Directory

Henley Mrs. Franoes, Cemetery road Hibbs James, boot and shoemaker, Victoria street Higdon Francis, steward an4 land agent, Cedar house, Boston road Higdon Francis George, farmer, Crown lodge, Clough Hill Joseph, fruiterer and beerhouse, Oburch street Billiard William, hairdresser, High street Hodgson Rev John J ames, M.A., senior curate, Albert st Holah George, farmer, St. Matthews Holbourn Mrs Elizabeth, Church t~treet Holgate Mrs Stephen, Barringtongata Holmes David, beerhouse, Clough Hood Mr Robert, Church street Horry Mrs Judith Lewin, baker & flour dealer, High st Housman Thomas, beerhouse, Bank Howell John, potato merchant, Barringtongate Ingamells Charles, assistant overseer and insurance agent, Albert walk lngham Miss Mary Jane, Natnl. schoolmistress, Drove Inkley J esse, chemist and druggist, baking powder manufacturer and wine agent, High street Jackson Charles, wine and spirit merchant, agent to the United Wine Growers of Hungary, Market house Jackson Charles, town crier, Boston road Jakes Joseph, butcher, High street James Rev Waiter Hill, M.A., vicar of St. Luke's, Holbeach Burn Jarvis Edward, ooal merchant & beerhouse, Back lane JefferyiS William Bailey, farmer, Manor farm, Hall hill Jex Henry, plumber, glazier and painter, High street Johnson Christopher, land surveyor, Washway Johnson Edmund, farmer, Drove Jowitt Rev John Henry, M.A., vicar of St. Mark's with St. Matthew's, Vicarage, St. Mark's Keall Robert, farmer, :Pennyhill Kemp Thomas, farmer, Burn King Mrs Mary, boot a.nd 13hoe and fancy goods dealer, High street Kirkby Geo. M.R.C.V.S., vet. surgeon, Barringtongate Kirton William, wheelwright & agricultural implement maker, Littlebury street Kisby Charles, black and white smith, and agricultural implement ma.nufacturer, High street Lane Thomas Angell, draper, silk mercer, outfitter and grocer, High street Larrington Mr Thomas, Church street Lawrence Atkinson, farmer, Wignal's gate Laws William, farmer, Drove Lawson and Br!lltley, milliners & dressmakers, West end Lawson Miss .Maria (L. & Bratley); h West end Leak John, bee;rhouse, High street Leatherland James, farmer, Drove Ledbetter William, victualler, Ram Inn, Drove Leslie Rev Robt. J., M.A., vicar of St. John's, Vicarage Lemon Fredk. George, auctioneer and valuer, accountant, agent, watchmaker, stationer, and fancy goods dealer, High street; Button Bridge Lewin John, beer house, Church street Literary InBtitute, High street; F. G. Lemon, hon. sec Lock William, baker, West end Longbottom Mr. James, Church street Loweth Thomas, schoolmaster, Union Workhouse Lundy William Henry, farmer, St. Mark's Lyon Brothers (James and William), drapers, hosiers and milliners, West end Macdonald Rev Grant, curate, West end Macdonald John Charles (M, and Son) and bookseller, printer, sta.tioner, house and emigration agent, o.nd music and paperhanging dealer, High street Macdonald & Son, auctioneers and valuers, High street Macdonald William George, auctioneer, &c. (M, & Son) and victualler, Bell, High 1treet Mackinder Joseph, farmer, common Maddock William, beerhouse, St. John's Major Hemy, farmer, Battlefields Makeman Miss Ann, day school, Church street Marshall Christopher, relieving officer, Chancery street Marshall Joseph, horse and gig l~tter, High street Martin John, cabinet maker, High street Martin Miss .M. agent for Rose's teas-& coffees High at Mashford Charles, carpenter & wheelwright, High st Mashford John, coal, cake and manure merchant, and farmer, High street Mason William, boot and shoemaker, High street Martin Frederick George, butcher, High street Matthews Michael, shopkeeper, Bank May Charles, curator, Cemetery, Cemetery road May Thomas Gray, shopkeeper, High street Mayes John, potato merchant, Northern lane Mears Mrs Elizabeth, farmer, \Vest end Meatheringham Wm. Boulding, frmr. Flinthouse, Marsh Mendham Robert, farmer, Drove Merry Robert, grocer and draper, High sh-eet Millns Robt. grocer, flour &tea dlr., dlr in carpets, mats, rope, twine, sacks, netting, tar, gravel, gas tubes and fittings, & india rubber & waterproof goods, and agt. for Milner's safes, and insurance agent, High street Millns William Robert, registrar of marriages and emigration agent, High street Mills Mrs. Mary Ann, farmer, West end Mills Wm. Adolphus, bank & insurance agent, West end Mitchell Harbert, farmer, Bank Mitchell John, -..ictualler, Star, Washway Mitchell Thomas, printer, bookseller, atationer, paper hanging dealer, pianoforte and harmonium dealer, depot for Christian Knowledge and Religious Tract Societies, and sewing machine and bank agent and postmaster, High street ; h Albert street Money Wilson, blacksmith, Drove Moore Rev James Edwin (Independent), Chancery st Moseley Charles, cowkeeper, High street Mosley William, boot and shoe maker, West end Moslin J ames, gardener, seedsman & fruiterer, High st Moslin Jesse, ironmonger, High street Mossop Richard Peele, solicitor, Hamilton house Moyses Martin, victualler, Rose and Orown, Hurn Munton Mrs Elizabeth, victualler, Red Lion, West end Murray Henry, baker and flour dealer, Back lane Naylor Samuel, farmer, Hartley house, St. Matthew's Naylor Walter, farmer, St. Matthew's Nioholls Robert, beerhouse, Penny hill . Ogden Henry, shoemaker, Drove Parsons John Mowbray, manager, Ba.rringtongate Parsons Joseph Walker, corn miller & farmer, Patteran John, farmer, St. John's Patterson William, painter and decorator, West end Patterson William, jun. painter and decorator, High st Feet Mr Major Flintham, High street Pennington George, farmer, Washway Phenix William, farmer, Drove Phillips John, hairdresser, Church street Pick Mr William, Hall Hill cottage Pickering William, farmer, Fen Pickworth William, farmer, Hurn; h Spalding Pine Mrs Ann, butcher and farmer, Clough Pitts William, farmer, Marsh Pocklington Frederick John, tailor, St. John's street Porter William, farmer, Hurdletrea bank Powell William, farmer, Drove Presgrave Mrs Grace, grocer & provision dlr. Oemetery rd Presgrava Henry, butcher & game dealer, High street Presgrave John, grocer and beerhouse, Chapel stree' Priestley George, farmer, Hurdletree bank Proctor Abraham, farmer, potato merchant & artificial manure agent, Penny Hill house Ransom William, farmer, Drove Ravensdale Thomas, farmer, Drove

747 Holbeach Directory

Raven Mrs l:larah, shopkeeper and milliner aud straw bonnet maker, Weat end Redford Richard, farmer, St. Mark's + Reynolds William, farmer, St. John's Ridlington & Son, brewers & beer retailers, wine & spirit merchants, agents for Ind, Coope & Co.'s, Bass', and Allsopp's ales, and Guinness and Co.'s and Truman, Hanbury & Co.'s stouts, Old Foundry Brewery, Barringtongate; and Boston Ridlington Waiter (R. & Son); h Victoria street Ringham Robert, butcher anq vict. Black Bull, High st Rippin Mrs Ann, watchmaker and jeweller, Church st Robb Mr John, St. John's Robb John, rope, twine, &c. maker, High street Robinson Job, land surveyor, Fen Robinson William, farmer, Hurn Rose Frederick, farmer, St. John's Rose George, farmer, St. John'~ Rowell William, farmer, White house, St. Mark's Rower John, butcher and victualler, Chequers, Hurn Sands Henry, boot and shoe maker, High street Savage Henry, farmer, Wignalsgate Savage John Francis, farmer, St. Matthew's Savage Thomas Edward, Esq. Mansion house, High st Savage Thomas Holliday, farmer, St. Mark's Savidge Joseph, shopkeeper, Church street Sawyer Joseph, farmer, St. Mark's Scott John Thomas, shopkeeper, Bank Seaton William, farmer, Drove Shilcock Mr John, Oakham house, High street Shippey Mrs Mary, ladies' day ~nd boarding school, Barringtongate Simpson Miss Lucy, matron, Union Workhouse Simpson Thomas, saddler and harness maker, High st Simpson Thos. William, ca1·penter & wheelwright, Hurn Sindall John, tailor, St. Mark's Skeef Stephen, boot and shoe maker, Boston road Slater Mr Barnett, New road Slater Miss Bridget, Albert walk Slator Abraham, black & shoeing smith, Chapel street Sleight Richard, stone & marble mason, Church street Smith Miss Alice Ann, milliner & dressmkr. Cemetery rd Smith Mrs Amy, Cemetery ;road Smith Edward, farmer, Barringtongata Smith Geo. Henry, victualler, Horse & Groom,JHigh st Smith George Hill, joiner and builder, Albert street Smith Henry, bricklayer and builder, Church street Smith John p,nd Robert, fanners, Damgate Smith Joseph, boot and shoemaker, High street Snarey William, ironmonger, iron and tin plate worker and gasfitter, West end Spencer Joseph Henry, M.R.C.S. surgeon, Albert street Stamford, Spalding and Boston Bank (branch), High street ; Thomas Mitchell, agent Stamp Office, High street; Charles Waite, distributor Steed William, shoemaker, St. Mark's Steel Matthew, farm bailiff, Hurn Stephenson Robert, beerhouse, Hlll'n Stevenson John, beerhouse, Fen Stevenson William, tailor and draper, High street Stockdale Joseph, market gardener, West end Strawson Samuel, victualler, Station Hotel, Church st Sturton John Phipps, solicitor, vestry clerk, comsr. for affidavits & to administer oaths in Chancery, High st Sutton John Elwood, brewer & spirit merchant, PennyHill hall Sykes Rev Christopher Bower (Wesleyan), West end Tagg Abraham, farmer, St. John's Tatam Charles Hardy, corn miller, Holbeach Washway Tatam Edward John, Esq. C.E. & Associate Inst. Civil Engineers, West ~nd; and Moulton Tateson Mrs Caroline, Albert stree• Taylor Edward, farmer, Wignal's gate Taylor George, farm bailiff, Marsh • • Taylor George, grocer, draper and beer and wine retailer and thrashing machine proprietor, St. Mark's Taylor John, grocer and draper, Hur:q. Taylor John, farmer, Barringtongate Taylor Joseph, farm foreman, Barringtongate Taylor Robert, boot and shoe maker, Church street Taylor William, farmer, St. John's Teesdale John, farmer, St. Mark's Thomas Mrs Elizabeth Snsannah, Albe:rt 8treet Thomas Miss, High street Thomas William, Esq. Stukely house Thompson Edward, butcher & tallow chandler, West end Thompson Miss Martha, confectioner, lligh street Tingle William, farmer, Fen Tinsley Charles, farmer, St. John'!l Tinsley Mr George, Victoria street Tinsley Joseph, farmer and grazier, Penny hill Townsend Mrs Amelia, Chapel street Townsend Charles William, currier and leather merchant and insurance agent, Victoria. street Trafford Robert, vict. Carpenters' Arms, Back lane Triffit Joseph, suddler and harness maker, High street Trimnell John George, farmer, Leadenhall, St. Mark's Tubbs Wilkinson, boot and shoe maker, Church st,reet Tuxford Joseph, coal and corn merohant and artificial manure dealer, Fleet road Union Workhouse, Fleet road; J, W, Hart, master; Miss L. Simpson, matron Vickers William, sexton, Hurn Vincent John, farmer, Boston road Visa Ambrose Blithe, M.R.O.S. and L.S.A. surgeon and Union medical officer, West en< Visa Edward Blithe, surgeon, Church street Vorley John, farmer, W oodhouse, Hurn Waite Charles, ironmonger, &c. and stamp distributor, High street ; h Barringtongate Waite Edmund Parrender, farmer, Washway Waite Samuel, farmer, Washway Walden William, machine owner (Allen & W.); h North parade Walkel' Charles, farmer, Reckarby house, St. Matthew'8 Walker Josiah, baker, High street Walker William, flour dealer, High street Walmsley William, wheelwright, Fen Walton William, station master, Railway station Ward Mrs Jane, victualler, Plough, St. John's Ward Jonathan, farmer, St. Matthew's Ward Captain Richard, R.N. inspecting commander of coastguard, Cemetery road Ward William, farmer, St. John's Watson John, miller and baker, Hum Webb Charles, registrar of births and deaths second master, Endowed School, High street Weeks Thos. Winter, travelling draper, Barringtongate Welch Charles, high bailiff, County Court, High street Welch William, farmer, Laurel lodge, Washway Wenham William Crowson, farmer, Fen West William Fundrey, shopkeeper, Clough West William Henry, farmer, St. Mark's Westmoreland George, beerhouse, High street White Mrs Ellen, basket maker, Church street Wicks Edward, carpenter and wheelwright, St. Mark's Wicks Francis, wheelwright, Hurn Willders John Wariug, solicitor (Caparn & W.), and Mrs Emma, ladies' school, Bleak House Wilkinson Miss, toy and fancy dealer, High street Williams John, potato merchant, Victoria st;reet Wing Elkanah, farmer, Barringtongate Winkley Edward, farmer, Drove Wood Michaei, chemist and druggist, West end Woods Ephraim, carpenter, wheelwright and locksmith, Washway Woods Samuel, farmer, Washway Woolley John, shopkeeper, Bank

748 Holbeach Directory

Worth Thomas Moraaunt, farmer, Pennyhill Worth Mr Thomas, High street Worth William Cotnam, farmer, Christie house, St. Marks Wray Mr Thomas, High street Wright George, Gas Works manager, Boston road Wright Rowland, farmer, Fen Young Thomas, farmer, Fen



Marked *take Boarders. Carruthers Miss Mary A. High st Coop Chas. (&organist), High st Free School, Church street ; Charles Webb, master *Gibbs Miss Matilda, Albert street Makeman Miss Ann, Church street National (All Saints), Girls: Albert street, Miss E. Smith Infants', Church street, Miss E. Brown; St. Mark's, Charles Farrow; St. John's, Thos. Harrison; St. Poly-cm'P's, the Drove, Miss M. J. Ingham Shippy Mrs Mary, Barringtongate *Wilders Mrs E. Bleak house


Curtis Thomas W. (comsn.), High st Heat Miss Ellen (dyer's), High st ~ Higdon Francis (estate), Boston rd Inkley Jesse (wine), High street Jackson Charles (wine), High street Lemon Fredk. G. (land, &c.), High st Macdonald John C. (house and emigration), High street Martin Miss Mary (Rose's teas), High street Millns Robert (safes), High street Millns W. R. (emigration), High st Mitchell Thomas (sewing machines, &c.), High street Ridlington & Son (ale and porter), Barringtongate Robb J. (Sutton's parcels), High st


IIaslam William (and ironfounder and millwright), Boston road Kirton William, Littlebury street Kisby Charles, High street


)Mashford John, High street Proctor Abraham, Penny hill house Tuxford Joseph, Fleet road


~Ayliff Edward G. West end Capam & Willders, High street Copeman Edward, West end Mossop Richard P. Hamilton house Sturton John P. High street


Hackworth William, Boston road Lemon Frederick G. High street Macdonald & Son, High street


Aaams Jabez, St. John's street Cox James, Feu Crosby Benjamin, High street Horry Mrs Judith L. High street Lock William, West end Murray Henry, :Back lane Walker J osiah, High street Walker William, High street Watson John, Burn


Gurney, :Birkbeck, Peckovers and Buxton (branch), West end (draw on Barclay, Bevan & Co.); Wm. A. Mills, agent Stamford, Spalding & Boston Bank (branch), High street (draw on Barclay, Bevan & ,Co.); Thomas Mitchell, agent Post Office Savings' Bank; T. Mitchell, postmaster


Ashforth Thomas, St. Matthew's Benner George, Burn Blanchard T. R. St. Mark's Cliff John, Burn Fawn James, Fen German Jonathan A. Boston road Hayhow R. Cemetery road Kisby Charles, High street Money Wilson, Drove Slator Abraham, Chapel street Woods Ephraim, Washway


Macdonald J. C. High street Mitchell Thomas, High street


Bans Martin, Hurn Hibbs James, Victoria street King Mrs. M. C. (dealers), High st Mason William, High street Mosley William, West end Ogden Henry, Drove Sands Henry, High street Skeef Stephen, Boston road Smith Joseph, High street Steed William, St. Mark's Taylor Robert, Church street Tubbs William, Church street


Carter John (and maltster), Old Brewery, High street Hargrave William, High street Ridlington and Son, Old Foundry Brewery Sutton J. E. Pennyhill Brewery


Bishop Benjamin, North parade Clark Henry, West end Greenwood Edmund, Bank · Helstrip Edward, New road Smith Henry, Church street


Chappell Joseph, High street Gilder Thomas (and cement dealer), High street


Bontoft Joshua S. Bowles George, St. Mark's Buffham William, High street Jakes Joseph, High street Mastin Frederick G. High street Pine Mrs Ann, Clough . Presgrave Hy. (&game dlr.), High st Ringham Robert, High street Rower John, Hurn Thompson Edward (and tallow chandler), West end


Cook John F. High street Curtis Thomas W. High street Inkley Jesse, High street Wood Michael, West end


Jarvis Edward, Back lane Mashford John, High street Tuxford Joseph, Fleet road


Crosby Benjamin, High street Crosby Miss Sarah, High street Thompson Miss Martha, High st


Curtis Thomas W. High street enley Bros. High st. & Cemetery rd Mashford John (cake), High street Tuxford Joseph, Fleet road


Cox James, Fen Dickens Henry, Spalding road Harrisson Frederick A. High street Harrisson Mrs Louis a, Church street; Parsons Joseph Walker Tatam Charles H. Wash way mills. Watson John, Hurn


Bailey Jph. P. (& out.fitr.), Church st Lane Thomas A. High street Lyon Brothers, West end Merry Robert, High street Weeks Thomas W. (travelling), Barringtongate Taylor George, St. Mark's Taylor John, Burn


Heat Miss E. High street King Mrs Mary C. High street Lemon F. G. High street Wilkinson Miss High street

749 Holbeach Trades Directory


Aspland D. C. Mansion hs. Washway Banks Charles, Hurn Bailey John, Fen Bailey Jph. Old. White House, Hurn Bailey Luke, Cemetery road Barker Robert, Hum Bass Mrs Ann, Church street Bass John F. Marsh Bellairs Jeremiah, Spalding road Benton John, St. John's Benton William, St. John's Benton William, Fen Bett John, Hurn Boardman William, Fen Bolton Edward, High street Bottomley F. W. Bank Bowser Wm. Manor farm, Hurn Brewin John, Northon's lane Brown Geo. Bingham ldg. St. Mark's Brown Robert, Cemetery road Buffham Jacob, North parade Burgess William, Fen Burnett Richard, St. John's Burton John, Washway Bycraft Richard, East end Carbutt John, Hum Cartwright George, Washway house Cash Charles, Northon's lane Caudwell Joseph, Thimbleby house, St. Matthew's Cole Samuel, Washway Coulson Thomas, St. John's Coward David, Fen Coward Martin, Fen Cox John, Fen Coxon Hugh C. Battlefields Craven Thomas, Wash way Crawley Wm. Keighley hs. St. Mark' Cross David, Fen Cross John, Common Ellis Thomas, Fen E1vis Richard, Fen Francis Daniel, Hurdletree bank Francis Henry, Bank Franks A. W. & F. Cemetery road Freeman Mrs. Fen Gott Isaiah, Fen Gott John, Fen ~ Goulding & Bass, Marsh Grundy Stephen, St. John's Gunthorpe Mrs L. Wignal's gate Halifax Robert, Fen Handshaw William, Barringtongate Hardell Joseph, Fen Harrisson Frederick A. High street )(llenley B. B. High street Higdon Francis Geo. Crown lodge Holah George, St. Matthew's Je:fferys W. B. Manor farm, Hall hill Johnson Emund, Drove Keall Robert, farmer, Pennyhill Kemp Thomas, Hum Lawrence Atkinson, Wignal's gate Laws William, Drove Leatherland James, Drove Lundy William Henry, St. Mark's Mackinder Joseph, Common Mackman Joseph, Drove Major Henry, Battlefields Mashford John, High street Mears Mrs Elizabeth, ·west end Meatheringham William B. Flint. house, Marsh Mendham Robert, Drove Mills Mrs Mary A. West end Mitchell Harbert, Bank Naylor Samuel, St. Matthew's Naylor Waiter, St. Matthew's Patteran John, St. John's Pennington George, Washway Phenix William, Drove Pickering William, Fen Pickworth W. Hurn Pine Mrs Ann, Clough Pitts William, Marsh Porter William, Hurdletroe bank Powell William, Drove Priestly George, Hurdletree bank Proctor Abraham, Pennyhill house Ransom William, Drove Ravensdale Thomas, Drove Bedford Richard, St. Mark's Rcynolds William, St. John's Robinson Wil1iam, Hurn Rose Frederick, St. John's Rose George, St. John's Rowell W. Whitehouse, St. Mark's Savage Henry, Wignal's gate Savage John F. St. Matthew's Savage Thomas H. St. Mark's Sawyer Joseph, St. Mark's Seaton William, Drove Smith Edward, Barringtongate Smith John and Robert, Damgate Tagg Abraham, St. John's Taylor Edward, Wignal's gate Taylor John, Barringtongate Taylor William, St John's Teesdale John, St. Mark's Tingle William, Fen Tinsley Charles, St. John's Tinsley Joseph, Pennyhill Trimnell John G. Leadenhall, St. Mark's Vincent John, Boston road Vorley John, Wood house, Hurn Walker Charles, St. Matthew's Waite Edmund P. Washway Waite Samuel, Washway Ward Jonathan, St. Matthew's Ward William, St. John's Welch William, Laurel lodge, Hurn W enham William C. Fen West William Henry, St. Mark's Wing E1kanah, Barringtongate Wink1ey Edward, Drove Woods Samuel, Washway Worth Thomas M. Pennyhill Worth William C. Christie house, St. Mark's Wright Rowland, Fen Young Thomas, Fen


Atlas : Robert Millns, High street County (Fire) and Provident (Life) : Thomas Mitchell, High street London Assurance: Chas. Ingamells, Albert walk Midland Counties : Charles Waite, High street Norwich Union, Norwich & London Accident, and General Hailstorm : William A. Mills, West end Royal: Ridlington and Son, Barrington gate Yorkshire : Ed. Copeman, High st Scottish Provincial : Charles Webb, High street United Kingdom Temperance (Life): Chas. W. Townsend, Victoria St


Bowell John, Cemetery road Gilbert Charles, West end


Hardy Benjamin, St. John's street Hill J oseph, Church street Moslin James, High street


Bellairs J ames H. Boston road Moslin J ames, High street Stockdale Joseph, West end ·


Gough Dennis, West end


Adcock James J. High street Lane Thos. A. High street 1\ferry Robert, High street Mil1ns Robert, High street Presgrave Mrs Grace, Cemetery rd Presgrave John, Chapel street Taylor George, St. Mark's Taylor John, Hnrn '


Hilliard William, High street Phillips John, Church street


Gough Dennis, West end Marshall J oseph, High street


Eel], Wm. G. Macdonald, High st Black Bull, Robt. Ringham, High st Carpenter's Arms, Robert Trafford, Back lane Chequer's Hotel (commercial and posting), Wm. Hargrave, High at Chequers, John Rower, Hurn Crown, George Bemrose, West end Golden Ball, Jph. Anderson, Drove Horse and Groom, George H. Smith, High street New Inn, T. R. Blanchard, St. Mrk's Plough, Mfrs. Jane Ward, St. John's Ram, James Cameron, High street Ram, William Ledbetter, Drove Red Lion, Mrs E. Munton, West end Rose and Crown, L Moyses, Hurn Star, John Mitchell, Washway Station Htl. S. Strawson, Church st String of Horses, William Hackworth, Boston road Talbot, Mrs E. Helliwell, High st Three Tuns, William Dollin, Clough


Bowell John, Cemetery road Buffham William, High street Cartwright John, Back lane Dennay Henry, Boston road Dixon Samuel, Barrington gate Elsom John, Fen Francis Henry, Bank Hill J oseph, Church street Holmes David, Clough Housman 'J.'4omas, Bank

750 Holbeach Trades Directory

Jarvis Edward, Back lane Leak John, High street Lewin John, Church street Maddock William, St. John's Nicholls Robert, Pennyhill Presgrave John, Chapel street Stephenson Robert, Hurn Stevenson John, Fen Taylor Georga, St. :Mark's W estmoreland George, High street


Guy Thoma~ (and gas:fitter), High st Snarey William, West end Waite Charles, High street Moslin Jesse, High street


Chappell Joseph, (contractr) High st Fawn James, Albert street Gilder Thomas, High street Hardy Charles, St. John's street Haythorpe John & Zachariah, Bank Smith George H, Albert street


Frow Charles, C. E. High street Johnson Christopher, Washway Robinson Job, Fen


Bellattie 1\Irs. Mary E. Church st Hardy Miss Rebecca, Church street Heat Miss Helen, High street Lawson and Bratley, West end Lyon Brothers, West end Ravell Mrs Sarah, West end Smitb Miss Alice A. Cemetery road


Mcdonald John C. High street Mitchell Thomas, High street


Bean William, Albert street Boor John, West end Devon Thomas, Barringtongate Jex Henry, High street Pa tterson William, West end I Patterson William, jun. High street


Bellairs Jeremiah, Spalding road Howell John, Barringtongate Mayes John, Northern lane Proctor Abraha.m, Pennyhill house


Williams John, Victoria street Dohson Robert W. Albert street


Coupland Eno, Market place Kirkby George, Ba.rringtongate Simpson Thomas, High street Triffit Joseph, High street


Baines Henry, Church street Clark Thomas, Drove Coulson Thomas, St. John's Dollin William, Clough Elms Robert, Church street Gregory Mrs Sarah, Albert street Hackney John, West end Helstrip Mrs Mary A. High street Matthews Michael, Bank May Thomas G. High street Ravell Mrs Sarah, West end Savidge Joseph, Church street Scott John Thomas, Bank West William F. Clough Woolley John, Bank


Chappell Joseph, High street Clark John, High street Sleight Richard, Church street


Harper Robert, Barringtongate Spencer Joseph H. Albert street Vise Ambrose B. West end Vise Edwa.rd B. West end


Marked * are Drapers also. Cooley William Churoh street *Edgley Charles, High street Fields Cotnam (&glover), Back lane Flaxman Horatio, Church street Pocklington Fredk. J. St. John's st Sindall John, St. Mark's Stevenson William, High street


Alien and Walden, North parade Bailey Luke, Cemetery road Taylor George, St. Mark's


Fields Waiter, Cemetery road Guy Thomas, High street Hardy John B. (gunsmith), High st Snarey William, West end


Barnes Thomas T. High street Bradley Mark, West end Lemon F. G. High st; & Sutton brdg Rippin Mrs Ann, Church street


Bailey William, St. Matthew's Castle William, Drove Kirton William, Littlebury street Mashford Charles, High street Simpson Thomas W. Hurn Walmsley William, Fen Wicks Edward, St. Mark's Wicks Francis, Hurn Woods Ephraim, Wash way


Carter John (spirits only), High st. Cook John F. High street Hargrave William, High street Jackson Charles, High street Ridlington and Son, Barrington gate Sutton John E. (spirit), Penny hill brewery


Mr Thomas Mitchell, High street, is postmaster. Letters received at 6.30 a.m. and 12.30 p.m., and box closes at 10.30. a.m. and 6. p.m. Letters may be sent with extra stamp till 6.20. SAVINGS' BAN:It, MoNEY ORDER and INSURANCE OFFICE open from 9 to 6 daily, on Saturdays till 8 p.m. TELEGRAPH OFFICE open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.


Station on Bourn and Lynn joint line. Trains several times a. day each way. Wm. Walton, station master


G. Mackinder, to Spalding, Tuesday Thomas Clark, from Holbeach Drovfl to Bpalding, Tuesday; Wisbeach, Thursday and Saturday


MOULTON is a large and handsome village, nearly 3 miles W. of Holbeach, and it is miles E. by N. or Spalding. It has a Station on the Bourn and Lynn branch of the Great Northern line. Its population increased from 1228 in 1801 to 2272 in 1871, and it contains 11,005 acres of land, including a long tract of fertile fen land, extending six tniles southward, and an extensive range of rich marsh land, stretching six miles northward to Fosdyke Wash, and exclusive of 600 acres still covered by the tides at high water, but bearing a scanty herbage and samphire beds. The parish has many large scattered farm houses, and the hamlets of Austindyke or Asendgke, 21 miles S. ; Eaugate, 41- miles S. ; Moulton Ohapel, 4 miles S. ; and Seasend, 2 miles N. by E. of Moulton; the last named being on the marsh, and the others on the fens. Lord Boston is lord of the manor of Fitzwaltet and a moiety of Dominorum ; and E. 1,N estwood, Esq., of the manor of Harrington and a moiety of Domino rum ; the manor of Spalding extends into this parish. The chief landed proprietors are the lords of the manors, the Crown, Mrs. Johnson, Lord Say and Sele, St. John's College, Cambridge, W. C. Clll'istio, Esq., J. P. Savage, Esq.,James King, H. H. Tatam, Esq., o.nd,

1877 Charles Merriman Coxon Marriage

1877 Charles Merriman Coxon Marriage — England and Wales Marriage Registration Index, 1837-2005

Name: Charles Merriman Coxon Event Type: Marriage Registration Quarter: Jan-Feb-Mar Registration Year: 1877 Registration District: Camberwell County: London Event Place: Camberwell, London, England Spouse Name (available after 1911): Volume: 1D Page: 727 Line Number: 346

Citing this Record: "England and Wales Marriage Registration Index, 1837-2005," database, FamilySearch (, Charles Merriman Coxon, 1877; from “England & Wales Marriages, 1837-2005,” database, findmypast (; citing 1877, quarter 1, vol. 1D, p. 727, Camberwell, London, England, General Register Office, Southport, England.

Possibly to: Ellen Burge Mary Ann S Winter

1890 Charles Merriman Coxon, Lodger — 14 Charterhouse Square

Qualifying Property: 1 Cripplegate buildings

Names of Electors


Names of Electors in full, Surname being first.: 22993 Coxon, Charles Merriman Place of Abode.: 14 Charterhouse Square Nature of Qualification.: Tenement Description of Qualifying Property.: 1 Cripplegate buildings

NOTE: 1 Cripplegate buildings is used as qualifying property by 3 additional people as well: Kingsford, Spencer; Pearce, Nicholas; Pounde, John. Pearce appears here and in the 1899 list for 118 & 119 Fore Street as well. jhc

1896 Charles Merriman Coxon, Lodger — 14 Charterhouse Square

Qualifying Property: 7 Wood Street Square

Names of Electors


Names of Electors in full, Surname being first.: 24019 Coxon, Charles Merriman Place of Abode.: 14 Charterhouse square Nature of qualification.: Tenement Description of qualifying Property.: 7 Wood street square

1897-11-19 The Great Fire in Cripplegate - City Press Supplement

NOTE: The City Press Supplement has many pictures of this fire. I saved a few of the Wood Street area.

One of the casualties at 7 Wood Street was C. M. Coxon:

"7- F. Krasa and Co glass and china manufs., ags., and imps. Offices and show-rooms burnt out. Insured. Business at 2, Fell-st., Wood-st. N. Pearce and Co., warehousemen; second floor. Totally destroyed. Business at 118, Fore-st. F. Richardson, manufs.' ag. Burnt out. Business at 118, Fore-st. 7- Louis Rosenthal and Co., trimming manufs. Stock and office furniture destroyed. Premises taken at 118, Fore-st. C. M. Coxon, manufs.' ag. :Roof and floors fallen in. Insured. Business at 118, Fore-st."



"It was on the premises occupied by Messrs. Waller and Brown, mantle manufacturers, of 30 and 31, Hamsell Street, that the fire broke out, the alarm being first given at the Whitecross Street station by a stranger at two minutes to one, and the first steamer arriving at two minutes past one, or four minutes afterwards. The buildings on either side-tenanted by Messrs. Oppenheimer and Co., at Nos. 32 and 33, and Messrs. Harrison, Smith and Co., at Nos. 28 and 29 were soon involved. At the same time the flames made their way to the rear of Messrs. Wailer and Brown's premises, and spread to every point in the block between Hamsell Street and Well Street, being also carried by the wind across Jewin Street, and seizing upon the warehouse at No. 45, occupied by Mr. Philip Moses, wholesale furrier.

From the commencement of the conflagration, the flames had been making their way in the direction of the " Grapes " tavern, at the corner of Hamsell Street and Jewin Street, and this whole block was speedily burnt out. The warehouse of Mr. Moses was, in the meantime, being rapidly burnt to the ground, the fire continuing to take a north-easterly direction, and eventually involving a large portion of Jewin Crescent. By half-past three Australian Avenue was reached, and here it was that the fire brigade worked for all they were worth to prevent the destruction of the valuable warehouses lying to the north. This effort was attended by success, but the flames raged so furiously that they turned aside, and soon enveloped a warehouse at the head of Bradford Avenue, the wind helping to fan the fire in that direction.

Messrs. Dent, Allcroft and Co.'s warehouse, in Bradford Avenue, built some years back, was seized upon, and the whole of the stock practically destroyed. Then the fire made straight for Redcross Street, the first building alight in that thoroughfare being that occupied by Messrs. Chave Cox and Co. Here the width of the street arrested the fire's progress, and it burnt itself out. While the firemen were using the most strenuous efforts to extinguish the fire on this side of Jewin Street, the flames had continued to spread from its origin in Hamsell Street in a south-easterly direction towards St. Giles's Church, skirting the churchyard on the southern side, attacking and seriously damaging the vicarage, and going as far south as 7, Wood Street Square, where Messrs. F. Krasa and Co.'s warehouse was the last building to suffer total demolition, though some of the premises between this and the church were seriously damaged. The church of St. Giles, Cripplegate, had a very narrow escape, and its loss would have meant the obliteration of one of the most interesting buildings, historically, in the City and Archdeaconry.

As it was, quite enough damage was done to the edifice to cause the parishioners regret and serious discomfort. The preservation of the church was due, to a large extent, to the presence of mind of a well-known parishioner, who immediately informed Commander Wells that the roof was on fire. The chief officer recognised the seriousness of the position, and detailed several firemen to cope with the fire, which they were subsequently able to do. The famous old church-where Milton lies buried and where Oliver Cromwell was married-was thus saved, but several holes were burnt in the roof, and the plaster on the walls was much disfigured. Alarm of quite as serious a character was felt by lovers of the City Companies in general when it was known that the Barbers' Hall in Monkwell Street stood in jeopardy. As it was, the famous old building was scorched, but happily, the flames got no further. When the Hall was known to be in danger scores of willing hands rendered willing help. The Holbein picture a movement for the presentation of which to the Guildhall Art Gallery a year ago was, it will be remembered, unsuccessful was placed in a position of safety close by. The picture is a most valuable possession of the Barbers' Company, and its loss would have been irreparable."[1]


In their efforts to get a glimpse of the fire, the crowd at several points considerably hampered the work of the firemen, and there appeared to be some difficulty in keeping the crowd in order. In Redcross Street the police officers had very little difficulty in this respect, for an occasional shower of burning embers was quite sufficient to make the eager onlookers take to their heels. In several cases persons in the crowd were slightly burned by these fiery messengers, and many had their headgear damaged. Later in the day policemen were brought from all parts of the City, and in the evening there were stated to be altogether some 550 policemen and firemen on duty. The men of the Salvage Corps, who were under the command of Major Fox, were instrumental in saving a great deal of valuable property. Complaints have been made in many quarters of the delay in getting fire engines to work in the first instance; but, as a matter of fact, the first steamer arrived at two minutes past one, when the officer in charge observed that the upper floors of two of the warehouses were well alight. Four steamers were on the spot in eight minutes. After this, steamers followed in quick succession, and in 30 minutes 19 steamers were on the scene, with a complement of long ladders and escapes. Steamers and other appliances continued to arrive until the total number reached 51, one manual engine, one hose-cart, three long ladders, two fire escapes, and three hose and coal vans. The force consisted of the chief officer, the second officer, three superintendents, and 288 officers and men. Many injuries were received by officers and men, but no one was incapacitated, or expressed any wish to be relieved. The water supply was well maintained from the first. The astonishing rapidity of the fire was entirely due to the nature of the buildings, the stock which they contained, the distribution of enclosed courts and well-holes, numerous communications in party walls, and the narrowness and relative position of the thoroughfares. It is of interest to note that the quantity of water drawn from the mains of the New River Company for the purpose of extinguishment was 15,000,000 gallons, equal in weight to approximately 67,000 tons. All the water required was drawn solely from the mains of the Company, who, it may be added, will receive no payment in respect thereof.

1899 Charles Merriman Coxon, Lodger — 14 Charterhouse Square

Qualifying Property: 118 & 119 Fore Street

Names of Electors


Names of Electors in full, Surname being first.: 24513 Coxon, Charles Merriman Place of Abode.: 14 Charterhouse square, E.C. Nature of qualification.: tenement Description of qualifying Property.: 118 & 119 Fore Street

NOTE: 118 & 119 Fore Street are used as qualifying property by 3 additional people as well. Furze, Herbert; Pearce, Nicholas; Richardson, Frederick. Might they be partners? Pearce appears here and in the 1890 list for 1 Cripplegate buildings as well. - jhc

1901-05-23 Letter - C. M. Coxon to C. W. Coxon

5 . Wood Street Square London E. C. 23 May 1901

My dear Brother.

I received your letter dated 21 Feb in which you say that it is 2 years since you heard from me. Time passes very quickly but I don't think it is so long as that since I wrote to you last. You have changed your address since then I think, for I don't remember addressing a letter to Red Rock before, and I have moved once or twice since the big fire occurred here

on the 19 Nov 1897 - when my place was burnt out and I lost everything - I have got settled down again but not in the same building as before. You will see that by my address - it is next door but one. I had meant to reply to your letter before but have not been well for a few weeks. I am pleased to say that I am better again. I am sorry to hear that you have lost the use of your left side. I think under those circumstances it would not be very wise for you to come over here as I am afraid you would not be able to get about very well. I don't go down into Lincolnshire now for there is nobody there that I know. I want to go to Holbeach to look at the Cemetery and see if any thing wants doing at the graves there. I am afraid there is something to be done. I don't know whether Dan is living at Holbeach now - for I have not heard any thing from him for years, and we were never on very intimate terms. And there are no friends left that I know any thing about. You said in your letter that you had not had a good time. I hope you may have a better time this year. and keep pretty well in health.

With love I am Your affectionate Brother C M Coxon


Addressed to:

Mr. C. W. Coxon Red Rock Col. Co. New York U. S. A.


LONDON.E.C 33 11.30AM MY 24 01

On Reverse [only top right corner remains - jhc]

Cancellation [partial]:

New York, NY Jun 2

Cancellation [partial]"

Chatham Jun 3 730 AM 01

[Looks like a fragment of a personal stamp, oval, in green: Along top perimeter within green borders - jhc]: M. COXON * *

1908 Charles Merriman Coxon, Lodger — 14 Charterhouse Square

Names of Voters

pg. 273 1908-9 Parliamentary & County - Finsbury - East Division; Parochial - Finsbury - Glasshouse Yard. Lodgers.; St. Sepulchre Polling District]; EAST DIVISION; St. Sepulchre Ward Glasshouse Yard Parish; Parliamentary - County - Parochial


Names of Voters in full, Surname being first.: 5755 Coxon, Charles Merriman Description of Rooms occupied, and whether Furnished or not.: One room, third floor, unfurnished Street, Lane, or other place and number (if any) of House in which Lodgings are situate.: 14 Charterhouse square Name and Address of Landlord or other person to whom Rent is paid.: Mrs. Gurner, same address

1909 Charles Merriman Coxon, Lodger — 14 Charterhouse Square E.C.

Qualifying Property: 3 Wood Street Square

Names of Electors

pg. 888

Names of Electors in full, Surname being first.: 22348 Coxon, Charles Merriman Place of Abode.: 14 Charterhouse square, E. C. Nature of qualification.: tenement Description of qualifying Property.: 3 Wood street square

NOTE: 3 Wood street square is used as qualifying property by 2 additional people as well. Martin, Sidney Herbert; Morgan, Frederick Andrews. Morgan appears here and in another 3 Wood street square list as well. jhc

1910 Charles Merriman Coxon, 3 Wood Street Square Qualifying Property, Holloway Road Abode

Name: Charles Merriman Coxon Event Date: 1910 Event Place: London, England, United Kingdom Event Place (Original): City of London, London, England Event Type: Voter Registration Names of Electors in full, Surnames being first: 22429 Coxon, Charles Merriman Place of Abode: 4D Morgan mansions, Holloway Road Nature of qualification: tenement Description of qualifying Property: 3 Wood street square

Digital Folder Number: 007591379 Microfilm Number: 002356321 Image Number: 01619

Citing this Record "England, London Electoral Registers, 1847-1913", database with images,, Charles Merriman Coxon, 1910.

???? Charles Merriman Coxon, Lodger — 4D Morgan mansions, Holloway road

Qualifying Property: 3 Wood Street Square

pg. 959

Names of Electors in full, Surname being first.: 23193 Coxon, Charles Merriman Place of Abode.: 4D Morgan mansions, Holloway road Nature of Qualification.: tenement Description of Qualifying Property.: 3 Wood street square

NOTE: 3 Wood street square is used as qualifying property by at least 3 additional people as well (the list begins at the top of the page). Lee, Stephen Walker; King, Joseph Blair; Morgan, Frederick Andrews. Morgan appears here and in another 3 Wood street square list as well. - jhc

1911 Charles Merriman Coxon, Islington, N, London, England — England and Wales Census, 1911

Widowed, General Manufacturer's Agent

England and Wales Census, 1911

Name: Charles Coxon Sex: Male Age: 66 Event Date: 1911 Event Place: Islington, London, England, United Kingdom Event Place (Original): Islington, N, London, England Sub-District: Lower Holloway Sub-District Number: 4 Enumeration District: 27 Registration District: Islington Birth Year (Estimated): 1845 Birthplace: Lincoln, Lincolnshire Marital Status: Widowed Occupation: GENERAL MANUFACTURER'S AGENT Relationship to Head of Household: Head Event Type: Census Document Type: 3 Page Number: 1 Source Page Type: 6 Piece/Folio: 51 Registration Number: RG14 Schedule Type: 26

Record Type: Household Line Number: 1

Citing this Record "England and Wales Census, 1911," database, FamilySearch (, Charles Coxon, Islington, London, England, United Kingdom; from "1911 England and Wales census," database and images, findmypast (; citing PRO RG 14, The National Archives of the UK, Kew, Surrey.

1929-05-18 Charles Merriman Coxon Probate

Name Charles Merriman Coxon Probate Date 18 May 1929 Probate Place Middlesex, England, United Kingdom Probate Place (Original) Middlesex, United Kingdom Death Date 8 Mar 1929 Beneficiary's Name Adelaide Florence Coxon

Citation: "England and Wales, National Index of Wills and Administrations, 1858-1957," database, FamilySearch (, Charles Merriman Coxon, 18 May 1929; citing Probate, Middlesex, England, United Kingdom, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, Great Britain.; FHL microfilm

— revised 2024-07-23 jhc