APPENDIX C - Babcock - Allen - Goodrich Burial Ground

This small burial ground is on the Home Farm to the north-east of the house, across County Rt. 9 and up on the bank to the left of the driveway into the Wichmann's place.

NOTE: On 2023-07-03 I stopped to have a look at the burial ground to see if there was a stone for Ebenezer Cady who I've long thought was listed at Find-A-Grave in error, there being no image of a stone for him shown. Confirmed; there is no stone. Also there is no stone for Nathiel Northrup, a fellow I have not been able to identify. See my NOTES below. - jhc

Babcock - Allen - Goodrich Burial Ground

County Route 9, Red Rock, Columbia County NY, USA

GPS Coordinates: 42.3663712, -73.5309830


  1. Ebenezer Cady - 1708 - 1779. Stone reads: "[No photo]". No further info. [I think this is listed in error - See Ebenezer Cady, same death year, with photo, in DeWitt Brown Road Cemetery. jhc] [1]

  2. William Babcock - 6 Jun 1776 - 11 Jul 1812. Stone reads: "In, memory of, WILLIAM BABCOCK, ?? died, July 11 1812, aged, 36 years". Born: 6 Jun 1776, Chatham, Columbia County, NY, USA. [There are links to several other family members graves: of particular interest a daughter, Lucretia C. Babcock b. 15 Mar 1806 Chatham and a son, Justus Avery Babcock b. 8 Feb 1808 Chatham; both died in Ohio. No mention of a wife. jhc] [2]

  3. Lucretia Davis Babcock - 11 Feb 1757 - 26 Nov 1819. Stone reads: "[Can't read it from photo]". Wife of William Avery Babcock, mother of William Babcock. [There are links to several other family members graves. jhc] [3]

  4. Nathiel Northrup - 22 Dec 1756 - 24 Feb 1829. Stone reads: "[Can't read it from photo]". [No further info.] [4]

  5. Capt William Avery Babcock - 19 Mar 1747 - 21 Sep 1829. Stone reads: "In, Memory of, Capt William A. Babcock, Who Died, Sept 21 1829, In the 83 year of, his life". Born: 19 Mar 1747, Stonington, New London County, Connecticut, USA. Husband of Lucretia Davis Babcock, father of William Babcock. [There are links to several other family members graves.(see More About Capt. Babcock below)] [5]

  6. Mary Allen - Unknown - 4 Aug 1834. Stone reads: " MARY, daughter of, William & Sally Allen died, Aug 4 1834, aged 10 years". [No further info.] [The Beers 1873 Columbia County Atlas shows what I know as the Cash place across the bridge as "W. Allen". This burial ground must have served as a community burial ground.] [6]

  7. Jesse Goodrich - 17 Apr 1787 - 14 Sep 1837. Stone reads: "JESSE GOODRICH, DIED, Sept 14 1837, [??] yrs". Born: 17 Apr 1787, Canaan, Columbia County, NY, USA. [No further info. This is Jesse Goodrich Jr. jhc] [7]

  8. Lucy Powell Goodrich - Unknown - 28 Jul 1865. Stone reads: "LUCY, Wife of, Jesse Goodrich, DIED, July 28 1865, AGED 76 YEARS". [No further info. She was born in 1789. Wife of Jesse Goodrich Jr. jhc] [8]

References / Babcock-Allen-Goodrich Plot:

More About Capt William Avery Babcock

"Info from: C Bohn

"Deacon Daniel Babcock, grandfather of the writer, referring to his brother Capt William Avery Babcock, April 5, 1845, said, "William served in the Revolutionary Army, and was engaged in the capture of Burgoyne." Joshua Babcock, a nephew of Capt William, said that he was Ensign in the Revolutionary War and later Captain on Militia.

"In April, 1777, a party of 11 Householders" apparently from Columbia Co, commanded by Capt Martin Beebe, rode to Albany, "to do all in their power for the defense of America in general and New York State in particular, fearing lest timely assistance for the defense of the city and stores should fail." They arrived on the 17th inst. Their bill, which covered only their expenses, was sent to the committee asking for L6 18s. Among the eleven persons were "Sergt. Wm. Babcock" and his wife's father, "Lieut. John Davis." (NY in the Revolution, Supplement, p. 139.)

"On p. 203 of the same book is a list of persons who received Land Bounty Rights for services or willingness to serve in defense of the frontiers of the State. The name of William Babcock is found in this list.

"Capt William Avery Babcock was a farmer and owned much land. He was the boss carpenter at the building of the Spencertown Presbyterian Church, which is still standing. New Lebanon, NY, records state that he was elected Assessor for the years 1787, '88, '90, '92, and Fence Viewer for the year 1791. Babcock Genealogy p. 108-9"


Find-a-Grave / William Avery Babcock:

Notes From My Visit to the Burial Ground

On 2023-07-03 I stopped to have a look at the cemetery to see if there was a stone for Ebenezer Cady, and one for Nathiel Northrup, a fellow I have not been able to identify.

On my visit to the cemetery I found the 6 stones shown in the photo of the burial ground at Find-a-Grave but no stone for Ebenezer Cady nor one for Nathiel Northrup.

[1] Ebenezer Cady - I found the 6 stones shown in the photo at Find-a-Grave. A stone for Ebenezer Cady was not among them.

[2] William Babcock - This stone was is broken with the top piece tumbled down the bank. I leaned the piece up against a tree.

[3] Lucretia Davis Babcock - I found this stone lying on the ground as shown at Find-a-Grave.

[4] Nathaniel Northrup - I found no stone for Nathiel Northrup. Find-a-Grave shows a photo of Capt. Babcock's stone with Northrup's listing. The stone is largely covered with lichen and mostly unreadable but I doubt he would be memorialized on the same stone with Capt. Babcock, especially since he died 7 months before Babcock. All the existing stones are accounted for. I suspect this grave is listed in error at Find-a-Grave.

[5] Capt William Avery Babcock - I found this stone to be largely covered with lichen and mostly unreadable.

[6] Mary Allen - I found this stone as shown at Find-a-Grave.

[7] Jesse Goodrich - I found this stone as shown at Find-a-Grave.

[8] Lucy Powell Goodrich - I found this stone as shown at Find-a-Grave.

References / Babcock-Allen-Goodrich Plot: / Nathaniel Northrup:

— revised 2024-06-29 jhc