The Stewart Place in 1878 Col. Co. History

Widow Betsy Goodrich Stewart (left), daughter of Jesse Goodrich Jr. (A62964)

Goodrich Homestead, aka The Stewart Farm

circa 1881-1891

APPENDIX D - The Ancestors and Descendants of Frederick Carlton Goodrich

[ed: This text is a transcription of the original typewritten document I found amongst Mom's (Ethel Mae Coxon, daughter of Frederick L. and Georgianna Goodrich) papers. Edits in square brackets were added by me. I made some minor formating changes to make this transcription more readable. The errata page Harold references in this cover letter is attached to the original and I've incorporated the errata into this transcription, putting them in square brackets. John H. Coxon (jhc), 3 SEP 2016 at Red Rock, East Chatham NY.]

[ed: I've made some further minor formatting changes to this text version to make it a little more readable, especially as a printed version. I've also modified the text to include the changes in ERRATA #1. jhc 2023-02-04]

Table of Contents


Cover Letter


Page II - What’s in Your Name?

Page III - Historiography


Page V - F. C. and Ida C. Goodrich Photographs

Page VI - Indexing System

Page VII - Summary of the Ancestry of F. C. Goodrich

Page VIII - pg 96, A Genealogical Register, Litchfield Conn.

Page IX - pg 62, 63 History of the Town of Sharon


William Goodrich (A)

William Goodrich (A6)

William Goodrich (A62)

David Goodrich (A629)

Jesse Goodrich (A6296)

Jesse Goodrich Jr. (A62964)

Lorenzo Jesse Goodrich (A629643)

Frederick Carlton Goodrich (A6296433)

Frederick Lorenzo Goodrich (A62964331)

Lester Carpenter Goodrich (A6296433)

James Edward Goodrich (A62964334)

William Steward Goodrich (A62964335)

Gordon Earl Goodrich (A62964336)

Jesse Carlton Goodrich (A62964338)

Elmer Roy Goodrich (A6296433A)

George Wilson Goodrich (A629643314)

Herbert Lorenzo Goodrich (A629643315)

Dexter Augustus Goodrich (A629643316)

Lloyd Kenneth Goodrich (A629643318)

Calvin Henry Goodrich (A629643319)

William Steward Goodrich Jr. (A629643351)

Ernest Dennison Goodrich (A629643352)

Charles Francis Goodrich (A629643353)

Paul Emerson Goodrich (A629643354)

Harold Peter Goodrich (A629643355)

Roger Louis Goodrich (A629643357)

Starks Clarence Goodrich (A629643359)

Delmer Gordon Goodrich (A629643361)

Quentin Earl Goodrich (A629643363)

Carlton Frederich Goodrich (A629643381)

Joseph Henry Goodrich (A629643383)

Gilbert Guy Goodrich (A629643384)

Godfrey Malcolm Goodrich (A629643385)

Walter Wallace Goodrich (A629643386)

Delano Franklin Goodrich (A629643387)

Leonard Lee Goodrich (A629643388)

Donald Lloyd Goodrich (A6296433181)

Richard Goodrich (A6296433183)

Stephen Henry Goodrich (A6296433184)

Jon David Goodrich (A6296433185)

Donald Steward Goodrich (A6296433511)

Charles Francis Goodrich Jr. (A6296433532)

Robert James Goodrich (A6296433533)

Gary Albert Goodrich (A6296433534)

William Leslie Goodrich (A6296433536)

Ronald Paul Goodrich (A6296433542)

Harold Thomas Goodrich (A6296433551)

Roger Louis Goodrich Jr. (A6296433571)

Frederick Lawrence Goodrich (A6296433572)

Martin Lee Goodrich (A6296433573)

Gary Michael Goodrich (A6296433575)

Patrick Stewart Goodrich (A6296433576)

Richard Allen Goodrich (A6296433577)

Timothy Steven Goodrich (A6296433578)

Keith Allan Goodrich (A6296433591)

Delmer Gordon Goodrich Jr. (A6296433612)

Roger Elmer Goodrich (A6296433613)

David Earl Goodrich (A6296433631)

Norman Lewis Goodrich (A6296433632)

Quentin E. Goodrich (A6296433633)

Gordon R. Goodrich (A6296433635)

Richard Frederich Goodrich (A6296433814)

Thomas James Goodrich (A6296433815)

Steven Paul Goodrich (A6296433816)

Joseph Morgan Goodrich (A6296433831)

Michael Jesse Goodrich (A6296433833)

Jesse Norman Goodrich (A6296433852)

Eric Shawn Goodrich (A6296433855)

B. J. Goodrich (A6296433864)

Donald Steward Goodrich Jr. (A62964335111)

Ronald Goodrich (A62964335112)

Kevin Goodrich (A62964335113)


William Goodrich (A6295)

Chester Goodrich (A62957)

Phebe Goodrich (A6295A)

Amos Stark weather Goodrich (A629571)

William H. Goodrich (A629574)

Laura Ann Starks Thomas Goodrich (A6295A3)

Attachment - Pages From a Family Bible


Columbia County Map

Births, Marriages, and Deaths in Sharon Conn.




Cover Letter

411 Whiteview Road
Wynantskil, N.Y. 12198
May 24, 1985

Dear Ethel,

The enclosed is presented with love and best wishes and in the hope that you and yours and future generations will enjoy it and find it informative and interesting.

The information contained therein is not official but is as accurate and complete as I could get it but I am sure there are errors, too.

Please check the information and let me know about any additions, deletions or corrections needed. If the changes are major I can re-do the entire page and the corrected one can easily be inserted in the folder. If the change is minor, I will just include it on an errata page which I will distribute.

For those who have previously received Grandma’s “Diary”, I suggest inserting it in the back of the folder; for those who did not get a copy, I am including it herein.

Suggestions for other material or comments will be greatly appreciated.

Love & best,


1858 - 1927



Dedicated to the memory of my Grandfather and Grandmother and also to my wife, my children and grandchildren, my brothers and sisters and to the many cousins, nieces and nephews, and others who aided and encouraged me in the completion of this work.

1411 Whiteview Road
Wynantskill, New York 12198

Page II - What’s in Your Name?

[This page shows a photocopy of what appears to be a newspaper clipping, which I’ve transcribed below. jhc]

What’s in Your Name?

THE GOODRICH surname comes from the Anglo-Saxon Godric, which, according to one source, was “so common as to make Godric and Godiva the Jack and Jill of their day.” Godric, first used as a personal name, is recorded in the Domesday Book of 1066.

Goodrich is a patronymic name meaning “son of Godric,” and first began to take form around the 13th century. Godric itself means “good ruler.” One early record includes the name Ambrosius Filius (son of) Godrige, who lived in Cumberland, England, around 1279.

[Image of Goodrich Coat of Arms here. jhc]

The first record of the Goodrich spelling is found in 1341, when James Goodrich was listed at Colchester Court. Other spellings included Godriche (1221 A.D.), Goderich (1388), Gutteridge and Goodritch (1659), and Goodridg (1662). Today the most common spelling variant is probably Goodridge.

The Goodrich name spread to other countries including Scandinavia, where the name became Gudrekr. William and John Goodrich, brothers, were among the early residents of Wethersfield, Conn., where they were listed in 1643. The coat of arms shown here was granted to a bearer of the Goodrich surname at Seling Grove in County Essex, England. The shield is blue with a gold lion on a background of gold crosses.

This type of background is known as ‘semee of crosses crosslet,’ crosses form a pattern on which the lion is superimposed.

Page III - Historiography

[This page shows a photocopy of a certificate on which is an illustration of the Goodrich Coat of Arms on the left and the following description on the right. jhc]


The Goodrich Coat of Arms illustrated left was drawn by an heraldic artist from information officially recorded in ancient heraldic archives. Documentation for the Goodrich Coat of Arms design can be found in Burke’s General Armory. Heraldic artists of old developed their own unique language to describe an individual Coat of Arms. In their language, the Arms (shield) is as follows:

“Or, two lions pass. betw. ten crosses crosslet sa.”

Above the shield and helmet is the Crest which is described as:

“A demi lion ramp. holding betw. the paws a cross crosslet sa.”

When translated the blazon also describes the original colors of the Goodrich Arms and Crest as it appeared centuries ago.

Family mottos are believed to have originated as battle cries in medieval times. A Motto was not recorded with this Goodrich Coat of Arms.

Individual surnames originated for the purpose of more specific identification. The four primary sources for second names were: occupation, location, father’s name, or personal characteristics. The surname Goodrich appears to be patronymical in origin, and is believed to mean, “from Godric (Gods rule).” The supplementary sheet included with this report is designed to give you more information to further your understanding of the origin of names. Although bearers of the old and distinguished Goodrich name comprise a small fraction of the population there are a number who have established for it a significant place in history. They include: THOMAS GOODRICH (c. 1480-1554) English prelate who was Bishop of Ely in 1534. Assisted in the compilation of the “Bishop’s Book”, and the “Book of Common Prayer”, written in 1548. In 1551, he was appointed Lord Chancellor. RICHARD GOODRICH (d. 1562) Ecclesiastical commissioner. Attorney of the Court of Augmentations in 1535, and helped to codify ecclesiastical laws. ELIZUR GOODRICH (1734-1797) American Congregational Clergyman who was Pastor in Durham, Connecticut, between 1756 and 1797. SAMUEL GRISWOLD GOODRICH (1793-1860) American writer who edited “The Token”, a popular annual. He wrote a number of children’s books under the pen-name of “Peter Parley.” BENJAMIN FRANKLIN GOODRICH (1841-1888) American industrialist who founded the B.F. Goodrich Company, rubber manufacturers. No genealogical representation is intended or implied by this report and it does not represent individual lineage or your family tree.

HALBERTS 3687 Ira Road - Bath, Ohio 44210(1)

(1) In a medalion at the bottom of the certificate jhc


[This page shows a photocopy of the page in the 1878 Columbia County History showing the "RESIDENCE of W. D. STEWART, CHATHAM N Y." jhc]

Later known as the Goodrich Homestead.(1)

(1) Typed in the original

Page V - F. C. and Ida C. Goodrich Photographs

[This page shows a photocopy of a pair of oval portrait photographs, titled. jhc]

1858 - 1927

1860 - 1919

Page VI - Indexing System


The indexing system used herein was developed by George and Ginny Farrell of Carey, Illinois and is as follows:

Each person is assigned a code which is theirs alone. The code can never be duplicated and each persons code contains all direct ancestors codes.

This study starts with William Goodrich from England, who settled in Wethersfield, Conn ca. 1636. He is coded (A).

William’s children have a two part code consisting of the father’s letter plus a representation of the order in which they were born. For example, our grandfather, Frederick C. Goodrich is descended from William Goodrich the sixth child of William Goodrich (A) so, Williams code is (A6). The third American descendant is the second William’s second child, so this William’s code is (A62) and so on down through the lineage. Hence Frederick’s paternal code is (A6296433). (Any codes on the following pages not in agreement with the above should be amended). (Information obtained from official records in Connecticut after the preparation of many of the pages make these changes necessary.)

The number of characters in each person’s code shows the generation to which they belong.

Since using any number higher than nine requires two digits and makes the system unuseable, the system shifts to letters as follows . . the 9th child uses the numeral 9, the lOth child takes the letter A, the llth B, the 12th child is C, 13th is D, etc.

In summary:

William, a settler from England - (A)

William, his sixth child - (A6)

William, second child of above - (A62)

David, ninth child of William - (A629)

Jesse, sixth child of David - (A6296)

Jesse, Jr., fourth child of Jesse, Sr. - (A62964)

Lorenzo J., third child of Jesse, Jr. - (A629643)

Frederick C., third child of Lorenzo - (A6296433)

E. Roy, tenth child of Frederick C. - (A6296433A)

Page VII - Summary of the Ancestry of F. C. Goodrich



WILLIAM GOODRICH 1620 - 1676 (2) // WILLIAM GOODRICH 1620 - 1676 (2)

WILLIAM GOODRICH 1661 - 1737 (14) // WILLIAM GOODRICH 1661 - 1737 (14)

WILLIAM GOODRICH 1686 - 1743 (34) // WILLIAM GOODRICH 1686 - 1743 (34)

DAVID GOODRICH 1720 - (100) // DAVID GOODRICH 1720 - (100)

JESSE GOODRICH 1754 - 1826 (4184) {2} // WILLIAM GOODRICH 1751 - 1821 (352) {3}

JESSE GOODRICH JR 1787 - 1837 (4185) // PHOEBE GOODRICH 1798 - 1834 (1006) M. Talcott G. Starks

LORENZO JESSE GOODRICH 1823 - 1901 (4186) // LAURA A. STARKS 1825 - 1898


The numbers in parenthesis are as shown in the book “The Goodrich Family in America”, published in 1889.

{1}For more on descendents of this line see APPENDIX.

{2}This Jesse was born in Sharon, Conn., married Deborah Tillotson and moved to Red Rock area, Columbia County, NY from Sharon in the late 1700s.

{3}This William was born in Sharon, Conn., married Phoebe John and also moved to the Red Rock area in the late 1700s.

Page VIII - pg 96, A Genealogical Register, Litchfield Conn.

[This page is a photocopy from “A Genealogical Register.” in the Town Clerk’s Office, Litchfield Conn., which I’ve transcribed below. jhc]


Roena, b. July 18, 1798.
Midian, b. Aug. 5, 1800.
Judd, b. Sept. 26, 1802.
Linus, b. Jan. 13, 1804.

GREEVES, WILLIAM, from Scotland; m. Deliverance Peck, June 14, 1759.

Alexander, b. Sept. 5, 1760.
Elisha, b. May 28, 1762 d. Jan. 31, 1765.
Huldah, b. Jan. 17, 1765.
Lucia, b. May 5, 1768.

GOLD, WILLIAM, m. Huldah Stone, March.5, 1767.

Joel, b. Dec. 29, 1767.
John, b. July 21, 1769.

GOODRICH, WILLIAM, from Wethersfield ; lived in Litchfield 10 years; removed to Sheffield, Mass., then to Sharon, Conn.; m. Margaret ____

Anne, b. March 20, 1722.
Elisha, b. Jan. 5, 1724/5-
Solomon, March 7, 1726/7.
Lucy, b. July 18, 1729.

GOODWIN, ABRAHAM, from Hartford, son of Nathaniel; m. Mary Bird, April 13, 1726.

Nathaniel, b. Oct. 31, 1727.
Thomas, b. June 30, 1729.
Charles, b. May 5, 1731.

Note: This is from the Town Clerk’s Office in Litchfield, Conn.

Page IX - pg 62, 63 History of the Town of Sharon

[This page is a photocopy of pg 62 & pg 63 of “History of the Town of Sharon” which I’ve transcribed below. jhc]

Note: This is from the Town Clerk’s Office in Sharon, Conn.(1)


I’m here confined, as you must be,
Oh then prepare to follow me,
Because from death no age is free,
Get faith in God’s eternal Son,
In him there is salvation,
Boast not thyself of coming time,
Because to-morrow is not thine,
Seek then, to-day, that you may find

GILLET, JONATHAN was from Colchester, in 1745. He lived in several places during his early years, but finally established himself in 1753 where George Skinner now lives. Here he resided thirty years and kept a tavern. He sold this place in 1783, and purchased of Timothy Carrier, Jun. the place where George White now lives, where he resided till his death. He was representative to the Assembly at the May and October sessions in 1788, and a delegate to the convention called to ratify the constitution of the United States. His wife was a daughter of Thomas Day, and sister of Rev. Jeremiah Day, of New Preston. Mr. Gillett died December 31, 1814, at the age of eighty-nine.

GILLET, CHARLES was a brother of the preceding and came to Sharon from Colchester, in 1755. He was a blacksmith by trade, and settled where Henry J. Platt now lives. He was town treasurer from 1760 to 1771, when he removed to the mountain, having purchased of Rev. Jeremiah Day, of New Preston, the place lately owned by John Jackson. He enlisted into Capt. Downs’ company, and marched to the northward in 1776. While the army lay at the Cedars, in Canada, he was killed by a party of Indians, lying in ambush, as he was riding out on business connected with his duty as commissary. He left several children, one of whom was the wife of the late Capt. Edmund Bennett.

GILLSON, ELEAZER was from Goshen, Orange county, N. Y. and came to Sharon in 1784. He had been a soldier in the revolutionary war, and settled a little north of Deacon Woodward’s. He was one of the first emigrants to Ohio. and the first mail carrier on the post road between Pittsburgh and Cleaveland. He carried the whole mail in his pocket on foot. He died recently at the age of nearly ninety years.

GOODRICH, WILLIAM was the ancestor of the Goodrich family which has been quite numerous in the town. He was originally from Wethersfield, and first moved to Litchfield, where he remained ten years. He afterwards removed to Sheffield, Mass, and when the township of Sharon was sold,


he became the purchaser of two rights. He brought his family to the town in the fall of 1738, and built a hut near the outlet of Mudge Pond. Here he spent the winter, with no neighbors except Indians, nearer than the Dutch settlements at Leedsville. He went to mill on foot, during the winter, once to New Milford, and once to Red Hook, N. Y. on snow shoes, and carried his wheat on his back. That he was a sincere Christian we may well believe from the introductory clause in his last will and testament, the first recorded on the probate records for the district of Litchfield. After speaking of the uncertainty of life as a reason for making his will, he says: “wherefore, committing my body to the dust, from whence it was taken, and my soul to the bosom of my dear Lord Jesus Christ, hoping and believing that he will raise me up with all his saints at the glorious morning of the resurrection, I give, &c.” Mr. Goodrich died on the 31st day of March, 1743 at the age of fifty-six. He had sons, Samuel, Jared, William, Elnathan, David, Elisha, and Solomon, and their descendants have been very numerous. His wife survived him about seven years, and one tomb stone marks the resting place of both, on which is inscribed the following

Here lie the husband and the wife,
Interred beneath this double tomb,
This double witness may suffice,
To prove that death will be our doom.

GOODWIN, JOHN P. was from Hartford, and came to Sharon in 1784. He lived where his son, the late Hezekiah Goodwin, resided, and died on the 5th of May, 1807, aged eighty-two. He had two sons, John P. and Hezekiah, the last of whom was a man much respected and beloved. He was a corporal in the continental army, and was eight years in the service. His discharge, under the hand of General Washington, spoke highly of his merits. He was a representative to the Assembly in May, 1818. He was killed at the raising of a small building, belonging to Benjamin Hollister, Esq. on the 15th of May, 1833, and his untimely end was deeply lamented. He died at the age of seventy-two.

GOULD, JOHN was an original proprietor, from Hebron, and drew the thirty-fourth home-lot, the same on which George Cole now lives. His house stood on the hill west of Mr. Cole’s present dwelling-house. He appears to have been, at one time, a man of handsome estate, but in his old age became

(1) Typed in the original


The following is the line of Ancestry and the descendants of FREDERICK CARLTON GOODRICH who was born in the Town of Chatham, New York State on November 17, 1858 and died there March 27, 1927: (Information is taken from the book “The Goodrich Family in America and other sources).

William Goodrich (A)

WILLIAM GOODRICH, born in England, probably in or near Bury St.Edmunds, County Suffolk; brother of John; probably came to America at the same time as his brother. The first entry on the Conn. Records relative to him is that of his marriage to Sarah Marvin, in 1648; he was not admitted as a freeman of Connecticut til May 15, 1656, and was probably younger than his brother John; he was deputy from Wethersfield in the general court held at Hartford May 15, 1662, and was also one of the grand jury; is officially mentioned in the Col. Rec. of Connecticut, Vol II., p. 17, “Mr. Samuel Wells is confirmed in the place and office of a lieutenant to ye Train Band of Wethersfield, and William Goodrich, Ensigne”; General Assembly at Hartford, May 11, 1663; is also called “Ensign William Goodrich” in 1676, just after the close of King Philip’s War. He married Sarah, daughter of Matthew Marvin of Hartford and his widow married Capt. Wm. Curtiss of Stratford, Conn. where she died in 1702.

Children of William Goodrich and Sarah Marvin:

  1. William b. Aug 8, 1649; d. in infancy.

  2. Sarah b. Aug 8, 1649 ; d. 1700.

  3. Mary b. Nov 13, 1651 ; d. Jun 1, 1735.

  4. John b. May 20, 1653 ; d. Sep 5, 1730.

  5. Elizabeth b. 1658 ; d.Feb 17, 1698.

  6. WILLIAM (A6) b. Feb 8, 1661.

  7. Abigail b. Jun 2, 1663 ; d. Nov 7, 1684,

  8. Ephraim b. Jun 2, 1663 ; d. Feb 27, 1739.

  9. David b. May 4, 1667 ; d. May 9, 1752.

William Goodrich (A6)

WILLIAM GOODRICH, Son of William Goodrich and Sarah Marvin; born Feb 8, 1661; died in 1737; resided in Wethersfield, Conn.; married first, Nov 22, 1780 [ed: 1680], Grace, daughter of John and Grace Riley, died Oct 23, 1712; married second, Jun 5, 1714, Mrs. Mary Ann Ayrault, widow of Dr. Nicholas Ayrault, born 1661, died Aug 27, 1741.

Children of William Goodrich and Grace Riley:

  1. William, b. Aug 3, 1681 ; died Nov 16, 1681.

  2. WILLIAM (A62), b. Jul 2, 1686 ; died Mar 31, 1743,

  3. Benjamin, b. Sep 29, 1688 ; died May 11, 1742,

  4. Joseph, b. Feb 29, 1691 ; died Jan 31, 1768.

  5. Isaac, b. Aug 18, 1693 ; died Dec 12, 1737,

  6. Ann, b. Mar 25, 1697 ; died Dec 28, 1793.

  7. Ephraim, b. Sep 12, 1699 ; died Jun 9, 1728.

  8. Ethan, b. Jun 3, 1702 ; died young.

Children of William Goodrich and Mary Ann Ayrault:

   9. Elisabeth, b. Sep 15, 1715.

   A. Lucenia, b. Jun 23, 1717 ; died Dec 6, 1758,

   B. Eunice, b. Dec 8, 1719.

William Goodrich (A62)

WILLIAM GOODRICH, Son of William Goodrich and Grace Riley; born Jul 2, 1686; died Mar 31, 1743; resided in Litchfield and Sharon, Conn. ; married May 14, 1706, Margaret Orvis of Farmington, Conn. Also lived in Wethersfield, Conn and Sheffield, Mass.

Children of William Goodrich and Margaret Orvis:

  1. Deborah, b. Jun 8, 1707,

  2. Samuel, b. Jun 29, 1708.

  3. Margaret, b. Jun 1, 1710 ; died Jun 11, 1710.

  4. WILLIAM (A624), b. May 5, 1711 ; died Sep 11, 1777,

  5. Ethan, b. Jun 5, 1713 ; died Jun 7, 1713,

  6. Jared, b. Jun 12, 1715.

  7. Margaret, b. May 28, 1716 ; died Jun 5, 1716

  8. Elnathan, b. Dec 6, 1718.

  9. DAVID (A629, b. Feb 12, 1720.

   A. Anne, b. Mar 20, 1722 in Litchfield, Conn.

   B. Elisha, b. Jan 5, 1724 in Litchfield, Conn.

   C. Solomon, b. Mar 7, 1726 in Litchfield, Conn.

   D. Lucy, b. Jul 8, 1729 in Litchfield, Conn.

David Goodrich (A629)

DAVID GOODRICH, son of William Goodrich and Margaret Orvis; born Feb 12, 1720; married Jul 14, 1740 Martha Mudge; resided in Sharon, Conn.

Children: (All born in Sharon, Conn.)

  1. Martha, b. May 26, 1741.

  2. Rhoda, b. Jun 16, 1745.

  3. Welthee, b. Jun 14, 1747.

  4. David, Jr., b. Jul 14, 1749.

  5. WILLIAM (A6295), b. Oct 12, 1751 (See APPENDIX).

  6. JESSE (A6296), b. Apr 8, 1754.

  7. Asa, b. Apr 6, 1756; m. Lois Rowley Oct 10, 1776.

  8. Aaron, b. Mar 3, 1758.

  9. Martha, b. Mar 3, 1761; m. Isaac Burton of Amenia Jan 7, 1779.

   A. Lucy, b. Sep 21, 1763.

Jesse Goodrich (A6296)

JESSE GOODRICH, son of David Goodrich and Martha Mudge; born in Sharon, Conn. Apr 8, 1754; married Dec 5, 1776 Deborah Tillotson, who was born Jan 4, 1752 in Lime Rock, Conn. They came to Red Rock about 1786. Jesse died Apr 12, 1826 and Deborah died Nov 1, 1837. Both are buried in a small cemetery near the entrance road to Fog Hill Pond north of Red Rock, N.Y.

Children of Jesse Goodrich and Deborah Tillotson:

  1. Annis, b. Sep 15, 1777 in Sharon, Conn.

  2. Clarenda, b. Oct 24, 1781; died May 23, 1788.

  3. Lucinda, b. Mar 26, 1784; married Alanson Ford (1776-1850); d. May 11, 1866.

  4. JESSE, JR. (A62964), b. Apr 17, 1787 in Canaan, N.Y.

Jesse Goodrich Jr. (A62964)

JESSE GOODRICH, JR., Son of Jesse Goodrich and Deborah Tillotson; born in Canaan, New York Apr 17, 1787; married Lucy Powell March 7, 1810; Jesse died Sep 14, 1837 - age 50 yrs. ; Lucy died July 28, 1865 - age 76 yrs.; both are buried in small cemetery on hill near where the Stewart-Goodrich homestead was located on Clark Rd. in the Town of Chatham.

Children of Jesse Goodrich and Lucy Powell:

  1. Betsy, b. Feb 9, 1812, Canaan, N.Y.; died Oct 10, 1891; married Sep 22, 1831 William Darvin Stewart, who was born in Canaan, N.Y. in 1803 and died Sep 30, 1881. (had a son, William G. Stewart, (1833-1894), no children). All are buried in Mt. View Cemetery, New Concord, N.Y.

  2. Mary Anne, b. May 24, 1815, Canaan, N.Y.; died Nov 3, 1822; buried in the cemetery near Fog Hill Pond.

  3. LORENZO JESSE (A62943), b. Oct 20, 1823.

Lorenzo Jesse Goodrich (A629643)

LORENZO JESSE GOODRICH, Son of Jesse, Jr., and Lucy Powell; born in the town of Canaan, N.Y. Oct 20, 1823; died Jan 1, 1901 at age 78.; married Mar 8, 1849 Mrs. Laura Ann Starks Thomas, widow of Allen Thomas; daughter of Phebe Goodrich and Talcott G. Starks; grand-daughter of William Goodrich and Phebe Johns and also grand-daughter of Amos starks and Ruth Ford; she died Mar 21, 1898 and both her and Lorenzo are buried in Mountain View Cemetery, New Concord, New York. (See APPENDIX.)

Children of Lorenzo J. Goodrich and Laura Ann Starks Thomas:

  1. Marie Elizabeth Thomas, b. 1845; married Charles Broeffle.

  2. Jesse Darvin, b. Dec 18, 1849 in Chatham, N.Y.; married Apr 3, 1881 Susan Adelaide Powell, b. in Austerlitz. N.Y. Oct 4, 1858. Children, all born in Chatham:

    1. Floyd Eaton, b. Dec 26, 1881.,
    2. Florence Heden, b. May 10, 1883.
    3. Maude Elizabeth, b. Oct 23, 1884.
  3. FREDERICK CARLTON (A6296433) b, Nov 17, 1858

Frederick Carlton Goodrich (A6296433)

FREDERICK CARLTON GOODRICH , Son of Lorenzo J. and Laura Starks; born in the Town of Chatham, New York Nov 17, 1858; died Mar 27,1927; married Dec 17, 1878 Ida Frances Acker-Carpenter, who was born in Greenbush, N.Y. Dec 20, 1860 and died Mar 31, 1919. Both are buried in Mountain View Cemetery, New Concord, N.Y.

Children of Frederick C. Goodrich and Ida F. Acker-Carpenter: (All born in the Town of Chatham, New York)

  1. FREDERICK LORENZO (A62964331), b. Dec 25, 1879.

  2. Lucy Betsey, b. Mar 2, 1881. Died 1944; married Daniel Lamoree (1879-1954). Children:

    1. Doris May , b. Oct 15, 1905; married George Doyle. Children:
      1. Alice
      2. George Willard.
    2. Gladys Viola, b. Mar 31, 1911; married Louis Bemiss. Died 1971. Children:
      1. Louis Alton, Jr.
      2. Edward George
      3. Marjorie
  3. LESTER CARPENTER (A62964333), b. Dec 22, 1882.

  4. JAMES EDWARD (A62964334), b. Aug 8, 1884.

  5. WILLIAM STEWART (A62964335), b. Feb 5, 1886.

  6. GORDON EARL (A62964336), b. Nov 20, 1887.

  7. Sarah Laura, b. Feb 6, 1890; died Feb 26, 1948; married William Campbell Sep 3, 1913 who died in 1919. Children:

    1. Edythe V., b. Jul 27, 1915, Lenoxdale, MA; Married Harry Coons; died in 1971. Children:
      1. Shirley Jean
      2. Edward
      3. Harry, jr.
      4. Carole
      5. William
    2. Muriel V., b. Nov 24, 1918, Lenoxdale, MA. Married Lewis Cray; Res: S. Schodack, NY. Children:
      1. Patricia, b. m: Myles H. Cray.
      2. Robin Ann , b. Sep 16, 1953; m: Michae1 Scott.
      3. Lindy Lee, b. Jan 27,,1957; m: Michael Childrose.
  8. JESSE CARLTON (A62964338), b. Nov 17, 1892.

  9. Grace Ida, b. Jan 1, 1894; died in 1955; married Louis Hoyer. Children:

    1. Lucille Ida , b. Apr 20, 1917; married Donald Fitzgerald who died Res: Coxsackie, NY. Donald d. Jul 5, 1983.
    2. Grace M., b. Apr 23, 1919; married 1st C. Newell; 2nd Steven Day. Children:
      1. Stuart, b. Jun 16, 1947.
      2. Leslie, b. Sep 19, 1940,
    3. Jean L., b. Apr 28, 1922; married 1st Fred Kaiser; 2nd Howard Westervelt. Children:
      1. Bruce, b. Oct 19, 1946.

   A. ELMER ROY (A6296433A), b. Jan 5, 1896.

   B. Raymond Wallace, b. 1898; died 1911 age 13.

Frederick Lorenzo Goodrich (A62964331)

FREDERICK LORENZO GOODRICH, Son of Frederick C., born in the Town of Chatham, N.Y. Dec 25, 1879; died Dec 28, 1959; married Georgianna Digons Mar 28, 1904 who was born Dec 11, 1887 in New York City and died Mar 17, 1980; both buried in Mt. View Cemetery, New Concord. Children born in the Town of Chatham:

  1. Ralph Wallace, b. Apr 8, 1905; died in 1974; married Jan 16, 1944 Sofia Field (Widow) b. Jun 16, 1905. Retired NYC Police Dept.; buried in Mt. View Cemetery. No children.

  2. Myrtle Ruth, b. Sep 28, 1908; married 1st Lorenzo Faulkner who was born Apr 19, 1906; married 2nd Pulling. Children of Myrtle Goodrich and Lorenzo Faulkner:

    1. Lois Jeanette, b. Nov 20, 1926.
    2. Robert Lorenzo, b. Mar 8, 1931.
    3. Phyllis Grace, b. Aug 9, 1932.
    4. Constance Marie, b. Oct 16, 1933.
    5. Edward Lawrence, b. Oct 13, 1934.
    6. Beverly Ann, b. Nov 16, 1936,
    7. Donald Richard, b. Jun 1, 1939.
    8. Lorraine Ellen, b. Jul 6, 1940.
    9. Charlotte Elaine, b. May 6, 1942.
  3. Ethel Mae, b. Sep 23, 1910; married John E. Coxon Jan 28, 1932; who was born Aug 1, 1908 and died July 1, 1977. Children:

    1. John Howes Coxon, b. Feb 4, 1943.
  4. GEORGE WILSON (A629643314), b. Mar 20, 1915.

  5. HERBERT LORENZO (A629643315), b. Jun 24, 1918.

  6. DEXTER AUGUSTUS (A629643316), b. Aug 2, 1920.

  7. Ivona Louise, b. Aug 5, 1922; married Jun 28, 1945 Thomas W. Clarke, Jr. who was born Oct 28, 1918. [ed: 19”1”8 struck & 19”0”8 added in EMC’s hand. jhc]Children:

    1. Kenneth C., b. Apr 25, 1946. [ed: “25” struck & “2” added in EMC’s hand. jhc]
    2. Bonnie A., b. Jul 29, 1949.
    3. Thomas W. III, b. Sep 3, 1955.
  8. LLOYD KENNETH (A629643318), b. Jan 21, 1925.

  9. CALVIN HENRY (A629643319), b. Mar 11, 1927.

Lester Carpenter Goodrich (A6296433)

LESTER CARPENTER GOODRICH. Son of Frederick C., born in the Town of Chatham, NY Dec 22, 1882; died Feb 7, 1942; married Sep 12, 1905 Anna Ernestine Salomon, b. Nov 26, 1877 in Auburn, NY and died Jun 18, 1961; both are buried in Chatham Rural Cemetery. Child:

  1. Maida Bernice, b. Dec 13, 1910 in Lyons, Wayne Co. NY.

James Edward Goodrich (A62964334)

JAMES EDWARD GOODRICH, Son of Frederick C., born in the Town of Chatham, N.Y. Aug 8, 1884; married Ruth Miller; died Mar 10, 1926; buried in Mt View Cemetery. Children:

  1. Evelyn Ruth, b. Mar 17, 1920; married Joseph A. Hamzy. Res: Falls Village, CN.

  2. Dorothy Mae, b. May 4, 1921; married Paul Barton; Res: Indianapolis, IN.

William Steward Goodrich (A62964335)

WILLIAM STEWARD GOODRICH, Son of Frederick C., born in the Town of Chatham, N.Y. Feb 5, 1886; died in Tarpon Springs, Fla in 1951; buried in Mt. View Cemetery; married Ella Frances Cummings who was born in Athens, N.Y. Oct 9, 1893; died in Schenectady, NY Nov 1956; buried in Memory Gardens, Colonie, NY. Children:

  1. WILLIAM STEWARD, JR. (A629643351) , b. Mar 3, 1909.

  2. ERNEST DENNISON (A629643352), b. Aug 20, 1911.

  3. CHARLES FRANCIS (A629643353), b. Jul 12, 1913.

  4. PAUL EMERSON (A629643354), b. Aug 2, 1915.

  5. HAROLD PETER (A629643355), b. Oct 27, 1918.

  6. Ella Frances, b. Aug 26, 1920 at Hillsdale, NY; married 1st Richard J. Dougherty; married 2nd Melbourne Parker. Res: Schenectady (Colonie), NY. Children: (Dougherty)

    1. Ella Frances, b. Sep 7, 1939; married David Bennett; Res: Schenectady, NY. Children:
      1. Douglas Edward, b. Feb 3, 1959.
      2. Russell Emmerson, b. Jun 22, 1962.
      3. David Mark, b. Jun 1, 1964.
      4. Roger Eron, b. Jan 23, 1969.
    2. Cecilia Jean, b. May 28, 1941; married Herbert Johnson; Res: Benson, NC Children:
      1. Lee Scott, b. Jan 16, 1961.
      2. Kevin Eugene , b. Jan 31, 1962.
      3. Randall Allen, b. Jan 11, 1964.
      4. Debra Jean, b. May 15, 1965.
      5. Richard Alton , b. Mar 11, 1969.
    3. Richard J. Jr., b. Mar 18, 1946; married Tracy Caulfield; Res: Colonie, NY. Children:
      1. Meghan Erin, b. Oct 5, 1983.
      2. Kelly Michelle b. May 28, 1985.
  7. ROGER LOUIS (A629643357), b. Jan 21, 1922.

  8. Henrietta Marie, b. Mar 25, 1925 at Livingston, NY; married Alexander Z. Duane who died May 14, 1984 and is buried in West Glenville Cemetery; Res: West Glenville Amsterdam, NY. Children:

    1. Denise M., b. May 5, 1950; married 1st R. Roosevelt; married 2nd Martin Vonarx; Res: Pittsburgh, PA. Children:
      1. Shannon Michelle Roosevelt, b. Sep 10, 1970.
      2. Michele R. , b. Apr 26, 1952,
      3. Timothy A., b. Nov 1, 1959; married Janet Mary Ochampaugh Dec 27, 1980; Res: Johnstown, NY, Children:
        1. Matthew Alexander, b. Mar 25, 1985.
      4. Sherri A., b. Jul 14, 1961.
  9. STARKS CLARENCE (A629643359), b. Aug 7, 1927.

Gordon Earl Goodrich (A62964336)

GORDON EARL GOODRICH, Son of Frederick C., Born in the Town of Chatham, NY Nov 20, 1887; died in California Sep 16, 1973; married Bertha S. Westover who was born Jul 3, 1894 and died Jun 4, 1935; both are buried in Mountain View Cemetery, New Concord, NY. Children:

  1. DELMER GORDON (A629643361), b. Mar 21, 1912.

  2. Mildred Crane, b. Oct 9, 1915 in Chatham, NY; married 1st Oliver Cleland; married 2nd Andrew J. Gorman; Res: E. Hartford, Conn and Fort Pierce, FL. Children:

    1. Roberta Mildred Cleland, b. Feb 8, 1940; married James L. Dombrosky Jul 30, 1960. Children:
      1. Jinine J., b. Jul 1, 1963.
      2. Deborah Jeanne, b. Jan 27, 1966.
  3. QUENTIN EARL (A629643363), b. Jan 25, 1919.

Jesse Carlton Goodrich (A62964338)

JESSE CARLTON GOODRICH, Son of Frederick C., Born in the Town of Chatham, NY Nov 17, 1892; died in Train-Car crash Dec 22, 1941 in Wisconsin; married Elsie Goeres Sep 25, 1919. Children:

  1. CARLTON FREDERICH (A629643381), b. Jan 22, 1921.

  2. Betty May, b. Apr 26, 1922 in Kiel, WI; married Lee C. Derozier of Stevens Point, WI Aug 23, 1947. Children:

    1. Sharon Lee, b. Feb 16, 1948; died Aug 10, 1973.
  3. JOSEPH HENRY (A629643383), b. May 2, 1924

  4. GILBERT GUY (A629643384), b. Apr 16, 1926.

  5. GODFREY MALCOLM (A629643385), b. Oct 7, 1928.

  6. WALTER WALLACE (A629643386), b. Dec 11, 1930.

  7. DELANO FRANKLIN (A629643387), b. Apr 15, 1933.

  8. LEONARD LEE (A629643388), b. Oct 12, 1937.

Elmer Roy Goodrich (A6296433A)

ELMER ROY GOODRICH, Son of Frederick C., Born in the Town of Chatham, NY Jan 5, 1896; died Feb 8, 1954, buried in Chatham Rural Cemetery; married Ruth Hanor Nov 22, 1917. Children:

  1. Gertrude Ada, b. Apr 20, 1919; married Carl Ericksen.(deceased.) Res: Canaan, NY. 3 Children.

  2. Helen, b. May 13, 1924; married Charles W. Mowris. Res: Chatham, NY. 1 Child, 2 Grandchildren.

  3. Ruth, b. Jun 18, 1929; married Edward Knight(Div). Res: Canaan and Florida. 5 Children, 1 Grandchild.

George Wilson Goodrich (A629643314)

GEORGE WILSON GOODRICH, Son of Frederick L., Born in the Town of Chatham, N.Y. Mar 20, 1915; married Aug 14, 1937 Helen R. Fisher, who was born Apr 5, 1919; Res: Hernando, FL, Children:

  1. Barbara A., b. Sep 20, 1942.

  2. Carol J., b. Apr 29, 1945.

Herbert Lorenzo Goodrich (A629643315)

HERBERT LORENZO GOODRICH, Son of Frederick C.[ed: correction - should read “Frederick L”. jhc], Born in the Town of Chatham, NY Jun 24, 1918; married 1st Virginia A. Strab) [ed: corrected to “Virginia C. Astrab” in EMC’s hand. jhc]b. Jun 8, 1922; d. May 4, 1972; married 2nd Res: Children by 1st wife:

  1. Christine D., b. Mar 26, 1949.

  2. Karen M., b. Apr 13, 1953.

Dexter Augustus Goodrich (A629643316)

DEXTER AUGUSTUS GOODRICH, Son of Frederick L., Born in the Town of Chatham, NY Aug 2, 1920; married Mar 1, 1944 Doris E. Wilson, born Jun 24, 1922; Res: Belgrade Lakes, ME. Children:

  1. Ellen B., b. Sep 27, 1949.

Lloyd Kenneth Goodrich (A629643318)

LLOYD KENNETH GOODRICH, Son of Frederick C.[ed: correction - should read “Frederick L”. jhc], Born in the Town of Chatham, NY Jan 21, 1925; married Nov 3, 1945 Marian Barden, born Jan 17, 1927; Res: Chatham. NY. Children:

  1. DONALD LLOYD (A6296433181), b. Apr 3,1947.

  2. Margaret Louise, b. Oct 14, 1949; m. Frank A. Pino Feb 19, 1971. Children:

    1. Allyson Margaret
    2. Jason Seth
    3. Sara Joline
  3. RICHARD HENRY (A6296433183), b. Nov 18,1952.

  4. STEPHEN LAWRENCE (A6296433184), b. Nov 18,1952.

  5. JON DAVID (A6296433185), b. 1954.

Calvin Henry Goodrich (A629643319)

CALVIN HENRY GOODRICH, Son of Frederick L., Born in the Town of Chatham, NY Mar 11, 1927; married Oct 20, 1945 Jean Baker, b. Oct 13, 1926; Res. East Chatham, NY. Children:

  1. CALVIN HENRY (A6296433191), b. Mar 7, 1949.

  2. FRANK ANDREW (A6296433192), b. Jun 1, 1950.

  3. Patricia, married Tim McGlauflin. Children - twin daughters Tamara and Shannon b. Oct 10, 1984.

William Steward Goodrich Jr. (A629643351)

WILLIAM STEWARD GOODRICH, JR., Son of William S. Sr., Born in the Town of Chatham, NY Mar 3, 1909; married Margaret Mattison of Rhinebeck, N.Y.; retired from IBM Company; died in Hudson, N.Y. Jan 15, 1979; resided in Rhinebeck, N.Y.; buried in Rhinebeck Cemetery. Children:

  1. DONALD STEWARD (A6296433511), b. Jun 23, 1933.

  2. Marjorie, b. Jan 28, 1935; married 1st Norman Smith; married 2nd Chester Holsapple; Res: Highland, NY Children: (Smith)

    1. Corby, b. Oct 24, 1954.
    2. Sheryl, b. May 17, 1957.

Ernest Dennison Goodrich (A629643352)

ERNEST DENNISON GOODRICH, Son of William S., Sr., born in North Stephentown, N.Y. Aug 20, 1911; married Alveretta Perkins; served in US Army Europe in WWII; Res: Schenectady, N.Y. Children:

  1. Doris Ellen, b. Jul 7, 1938 in Poughkeepsie, NY; married Carlton H. Daily; Res: Guilderland, NY. Children:

    1. Dixie Lee, b. Sep 21, 1959.
    2. Darryl Lawrence, b. Feb 21, 1961.
  2. Lois Jane, b. Jun 27, 1941; married Walter Hayner; Res: West Glenville (Amsterdam), NY. Children:

    1. Kenneth Walter, b. Sep 5, 1959.
    2. Randy Scott, b. Dec 23, 1961.
    3. Nadine Hope, b. Jul 26, 1963,
  3. Rose Esther, b. Dec 6, 1943; married Donald Van Valkenburgh; Res: Schenectady, NY. Children:

    1. Tammy Angela, b. Sep 2, 1963.
    2. John Edward, b. Nov 18, 1965.
    3. Douglas Donald, b. Jan 29, 1969.

Charles Francis Goodrich (A629643353)

CHARLES FRANCIS GOODRICH, Son of William S. Sr., born in North Stephentown, NY Jul 12, 1913; married 1st Mabel Jewell of Poughkeepsie, NY who died in 1943; married 2nd Eva Fowler of Glens Falls, NY; retired from General Electric Co., Schenectady, N.Y.; Res: Northville, NY, Children:

  1. Sandra Gail, b. Mar 31, 1940.

  2. CHARLES FRANCIS, JR (A6296433532), b. Jun 27, 1941.

  3. ROBERT JAMES (A6296433533) , b. Sep 21, 1943.

  4. GARY ALBERT (A6296433534), b. Dec 26, 1944.

  5. Carol Ann, b. Nov 11, 1945; married Edward Vallee; Res: Everett, WA, Children:

    1. Kelly Ann, b. Aug 27, 1965.
    2. Mark Edward , b. Apr 18, 1967.
    3. Michael Erin, b. Aug 3, 1970.
  6. WILLIAM LESLIE (A6296433536), b. Jan 15, 1950.

Paul Emerson Goodrich (A629643354)

PAUL EMERSON GOODRICH, Son of William S. Sr., born Aug 2, 1915 in Millerton, NY; married Vivian Mattison of Rhinebeck, NY; partner with son in Construction Co; died Feb 2, 1985; buried in Wallkill Cemetery, Phillipsburgh, NY; resided in Middletown, N.Y. Children:

  1. Shirley Ann, b. Feb 8, 1938 in Poughkeepsie, NY; married Charles Houghtaling; Res: Howells, NY. Children:

    1. Jeffrey, b. Jul 12, 1970.
    2. Eric B., b. Aug. 12, 1971.
  2. RONALD PAUL (A6296433542)b. Jul 13, 1939.

  3. Linda M., b. Jul 11, 1941; married Robert DuVall; Res: Montgomery, N.Y. Children:

    1. Dana Robin, b. Jan 30, 1971.
    2. Darren Robert, b. Apr 7, 1978.

Harold Peter Goodrich (A629643355)

HAROLD PETER GOODRICH. Son of William S. Sr., born Oct 27, 1918 in the Town of Hillsdale, NY; married 1st Dorothy M. Gorton of Wrightstown, NJ; married 2nd Harriet A. Zampella of Schenectady, NY; retired from US Army and from Aetna Casualty & Surety Co. Res: Wynantskill, NY, Children:

  1. HAROLD THOMAS (A6296433551), b. Oct 27, 1942.

  2. Nancy Anne, b. Jan 6, 1947 at Niskayuna, NY; married Lawrence J. Dailey of Colonie, NY Sep 4, 1965; Res: Clifton Park, NY. Children:

    1. Kimberly Anne, b. Jun 28, 1966.
    2. Tammy Marie, b. Sep 18, 1969.
  3. Marie Margaret, b. Mar 5, 1948 at Niskayuna,. NY; married Lawrence R. Sipperly of Colonie, NY May 25, 1968; Res: Colonie, NY. Children:

    1. Michael Lawrence, b. Jul 10, 1969.
    2. Holly Marie, b. Dec 17, 1970.
    3. Kelly Lynn, b. Oct 4, 1974.
  4. Susan Elizabeth, b. Oct 2, 1949 at Fort Knox, KY; married Donald Henry Baldwin, Jr., of Niskayuna, NY Jun 28, 1969; Res: Waterford, NY. Children:

    1. Donald Henry III, b. Aug 11, 1970.
    2. Melissa Sue, b. Apr 26, 1973.
  5. Patricia Alice, b. May 26, 1955 at Fort Bragg, NC; married David R. Young of Troy, NY Feb 15, 1974; Res: Mechanicville, (Malta), NY. Children:

    1. David Roland, Jr., b. May 13, 1975.
    2. Keith Peter, b. Dec 17, 1979.

Roger Louis Goodrich (A629643357)

ROGER LOUIS GOODRICH, Son of William S Sr., born in the Town of Hillsdale, NY Jan 21, 1923; married 1st Cecilia Gleeson of Pueblo, Colorado Jun 10, 1944; div Jan 1974; she died Dec 18, 1976; married 2nd Jerri Lott Dec 14, 1975; div Jan 76; married 3rd Joann Beem of Fresno, CA Sep 17, 1977. Served in US Air F-rce WWII; Res: Fresno, CA. Children with 1st wife:

  1. ROGER LOUIS, JR (A6296433571), b. Apr 6, 1945.

  2. FREDERICK LAWRENCE (A6296433572), b. Feb 10, 1947.

  3. MARTIN LEE (A6296433573), b. Aug 5, 1948.

  4. Ronald Francis, b. Sep 7, 1949, d. Nov 1949.

  5. GARY MICHAEL (A6296433575) , b. Aug 7, 1952.

  6. PATRICK STEWART (A6296433576), b. Oct 11, 1954.

  7. RICHARD ALLEN (A6296433577), b. May 11, 1956.

  8. TIMOTHY STEVEN (A6296433578), b. Aug 15, 1960.

   A. Carolyn R. Beem , b. Jul 18, 1963 Fresno,CA ;married Rodney Meskie Jan 9, 1982. (Step-daughter). Children: 1. Tiffney Rena, b. Aug 19, 1984.

Starks Clarence Goodrich (A629643359)

STARKS CLARENCE GOODRICH, Son of William S. Sr., born in the Town of Chatham Aug 7, 1927; married Beverly Harrington of Northville, NY Apr 3, 1949. Served in US Navy; Res: Northville, NY. Children:

  1. KEITH ALLAN (A6296433591), b. Jun 21, 1950.

  2. Deborah Arlene, b. Jul 1, 1953; married Tage Richard Fredericksen; Res: Northville, NY. Children:

    1. Kirsten, b. Jun 10, 1972.
    2. Jaime Lynn, b. Jan 3, 1976.
    3. Tage Richard Jr., b. Jan 2, 1978.

Delmer Gordon Goodrich (A629643361)

DELMER GORDON GOODRICH, Son of Gordon E., Born in the Town of Ghent, NY Mar 21, 1912; married Lillian Sharp Oct 8, 1933; Res: Vero Beach, FL. Children:

  1. Elaine Katherine, b. May 12, 1934 in Old Chatham, NY; married Ramon Robert Hooke of London, England Apr 19, 1959; Res: Tustin, CA. Elaine is a RN. Children:

    1. Julie Anne, b. Sep 17, 1963 in Albany, NY.
    2. Stacey Katherine, b. Dec 11, 1968 in Hudson, NY.
  2. DELMER GORDON, JR. (A6296433612) , b. Nov 30, 1935. (Identical Twins)

  3. ROGER ELMER (A6296433613), b. Nov 30, 1935. (Identical Twins)

Quentin Earl Goodrich (A629643363)

QUENTIN EARL GOODRICH, Son of Gordon E., Born in the Town of Chatham, NY Jan 25, 1919; married Hazel Zaffke of Denver, CO.; retired from US Army 1961 and then after many years from the San Bruno, CA School System; died in San Francisco Mar 18, 1983; buried in San Bruno, CA Military Cemetery. Children:

  1. DAVID EARL (A6296433631), b. Mar 29, 1948.

  2. NORMAN LEWIS (A6296433632), b. Aug 17, 1949.

  3. QUENTIN E. (A6296433633) b. Jul 28, 1950.

  4. Catherine S., b. Sep 24, 1953. Married Shawn Slyman - (div). Children:

    1. Dawn Sarah Slyman, b. May 1974
    2. Aran Shawn, b. Sep 1976.
  5. GORDON R. (A6296433635) b. Apr 13, 1962.

Carlton Frederich Goodrich (A629643381)

CARLTON FREDERICH GOODRICH, Son of Jesse C . born Jan 22, 1921 in Milwaukee, WI.; married Dec 26, 1951 Marilyn Emma Kloeser who was born Oct 26, 1931 in Plymouth, WI; retired Teacher; Res: Kiel, WI. Children:

  1. Sandra Jesse, b. Oct 16, 1952 in Sheboygan, WI; married Lyle T. Weborg Oct 16, 1976. Children:

    1. Ryann Weall, b. Jan 13, 1974.
    2. Kristan Carlyle, b. Dec 14, 1976.
  2. Carla Ann, b. Dec 3, 1953 in Iron Mt., Mich.; married Michael Lehman Nov 27, 1976. Children:

    1. Abbey Rae, b.Jun 4, 1981.
    2. Cason Michael, b.Sep 19, 1982,
  3. Pamela Lynn, b. Apr 23, 1956 in Crandon, WI.; married James Suemnicht Jul 23,1976.

  4. RICHARD FREDERICH (A6296433814), b. Apr 13, 1957.

  5. THOMAS JAMES (A6296433815), b. Apr 27, 1959.

  6. STEVEN PAUL (A6296433816), b. Dec 4, 1961.

Joseph Henry Goodrich (A629643383)

JOSEPH HENRY GOODRICH, Son of Jesse C., born in the Town of Chatham, NY May 2, 1924; married Dec 15, 1945 Marguarette Fay McClelland of Sanford FL.; retired US Postal Service; served in US Navy; Res: Orlando, FL. Children:

  1. JOSEPH MORGAN (A6296433831), b. Jan 4, 1947.

  2. MICHAEL JESSE (A6296433832), b. Dec 27, 1947.

  3. Marguarette Fay, b. Dec 17, 1949 in Sanford, FL.; married William Richard Hamilton. Children:

    1. Kimberly Lynn, b. Sep 7, 1970.
    2. Kenneth Lee, b. Feb 25, 1972.

Gilbert Guy Goodrich (A629643384)

GILBERT GUY GOODRICH, Son of Jesse C., born Apr 16, 1926 in the Town of Chatham, NY.; married Colleen Jeane Canfield of Pomono, CA. Children:

  1. Jess Lee, b. Dec 9, 1969 in Reno, Nev.

  2. Tessa Jean , b. Mar 27, 1971

  3. Gregory Guy, b. Apr 9, 1972 in Chilton, WI.

  4. Dani Lisa, b. Dec 31, 1973 in Chilton, WI.

  5. Chad Aaron, b. Dec 29, 1975 in Sheboygan, WI.

Godfrey Malcolm Goodrich (A629643385)

GODFREY MALCOLM GOODRICH, Son of Jesse C. , born Oct 7, 1928 in the Town of Chatham, NY.; married Patricia Ann Edmonds Jun 2, 1951. Res: Edison, NJ. Children:

  1. Gary Michael, b. Mar 11, 1952 Portsmouth, VA.

  2. JESSE NORMAN (A6296433852) , b. Jun 18, 1953.

  3. Marylyn Sharlen, b. Sep 11, 1954 in Washington, DC; married Eugene Monroe Schaeffer, Jr., Jun 14, 1973. Children:

    1. Patti Ann, b. Sep 29, 1974.
    2. Kelly Lynn, b. Aug 18, 1977.
    3. Kenneth Eugene, b. Jan 26, 1980.
    4. Sara Jean, b. Mar 3, 1982.
  4. Brian Patrick, b. Jul 15, 1959 Washington, DC.

  5. ERIC SHAWN (A6296433855), b. Feb 27, 1964.

Walter Wallace Goodrich (A629643386)

WALTER WALLACE GOODRICH, Son of Jesse C., born Dec 11, 1930 in the Town of Chatham, NY; married Barbara Stella Hitsman Oct 22, 1954; Res: Kiel, WI. Children:

  1. Billy Joe, b. May 23, 1955 Sheboygan, WI

  2. Bonny Jesse, b. May 4, 1956 in Sheboygan, WI; married David Alton 1974. Children:

    1. Nathaniel John, b. Apr 18, 1975.
    2. Renee Ann, b. Mar 26, 1976.
  3. Betty Jean , b. Jun 2, 1957 in Sheboygan, WI. Children:

    1. Lee Cinda Ann Balz, b. Jun 2, 1957 Chilton, WI.
  4. B. J. (A6296433864), b. Jul 21, 1960.

Delano Franklin Goodrich (A629643387)

DELANO FRANKLIN GOODRICH, Son of Jesse C., born Apr 15, 1933 in Kiel, WI.; married Diane Ruth Ninmer of Kiel Oct 19, 1956. Res: Orlando, FL ; employed at EPCOT. Children:

  1. Amy Sue, b. Jul 25, 1957; married John Philip Elder of Valdelia, GA. Child:

    1. Brian Philip Elder, b. Dec 5, 1980.
  2. Jay Delano, b. Nov 26, 1958.

Leonard Lee Goodrich (A629643388)

LEONARD LEE GOODRICH, Son of Jesse C., born Oct 12, 1937 in Kiel, WI ; married Barbara Ida Scharschmidt Jan 10, 1959; Res: Green Bay, WI. Children:

  1. Dawn Louise, b. Jul 16, 1959 in Sheboygan, WI; married Terry Coons Sep 10, 1980. Child:

    1. Christa Ruth, b. Apr 23, 1982.
  2. Tony Lee, b. Sep 21, 1960.

  3. Holly Ann, b. Dec 22, 1964.

Donald Lloyd Goodrich (A6296433181)

DONALD LLOYD GOODRICH, Son of Lloyd K., born Apr 3, 1947; married Mary Bernice Rouleau Dec 1, 1965. Children: Donald Lloyd, Jr. and Teresa Mary.

Richard Goodrich (A6296433183)

RICHARD GOODRICH. Son of Lloyd K., born Nov 18, 1952; married Lisa Ann Hills Jun 16, 1978. Children: Michael James and Christine Margaret.

Stephen Henry Goodrich (A6296433184)

STEPHEN HENRY GOODRICH, Son of Lloyd K., born Nov 18, 1952

Jon David Goodrich (A6296433185)

JON DAVID GOODRICH, Son of Lloyd K. born 1954

Donald Steward Goodrich (A6296433511)

DONALD STEWARD GOODRICH, Son of William S. Jr., born Jun 23, 1933 in Rhinebeck, NY; married 1st Charlene Lydon Oct 13, 1954; div Dec 1981; married 2nd Carol Baden Mar 18, 1982; served in US Air Force 10 yrs.; Res: Naples, FL since 1978. Children:

  1. DONALD S. JR. (A62964335111), b. Aug 15, 1955.

  2. RONALD (A62964335112), b. Dec 16, 1957.

  3. KEVIN (A62964335113), b. Nov 24, 1958,

  4. Desiree, b. Jul 25, 1963 in Riverhead, NY; married Anthony D’attore Jul 31, 1983. Child:

    1. Ashley, b. Dec 25, 1983 in Rhinebeck, NY.
  5. Tara Susan, b. Jan 6, 1973 in Rhinebeck, NY.

Charles Francis Goodrich Jr. (A6296433532)

CHARLES FRANCIS GOODRICH, JR., Son of Charles F. Sr. born Jun 27, 1941; married ____ ; Res: Hopewell Junction, NY. Children:

  1. ____, b.

  2. Charles F. III, b.

Robert James Goodrich (A6296433533)

ROBERT JAMES GOODRICH, Son of Charles F. Sr., born Sep 21, 1943; married ____ Children:

  1. Robert James, Jr., b. Apr 28, 1973.

Gary Albert Goodrich (A6296433534)

GARY ALBERT GOODRICH, Son of Charles F. Sr., born Dec 26, 1945; married ____Children:

  1. Dawn M., b. Sep 10,1965.

  2. Debra Lee, b. Sep 15,1966.

  3. Kimberly Ann , b. Oct 30,1968.

  4. Timothy Andrew, b. Oct 23,1970.

  5. Tracy Amanda, b. Dec 3,1974.

William Leslie Goodrich (A6296433536)

WILLIAM LESLIE GOODRICH, Son of Charles F. Sr., born Jan 15, 1950. married ____ Child:

  1. Alicia Marie, b. Jul 26, 1984.

Ronald Paul Goodrich (A6296433542)

RONALD PAUL GOODRICH, Son of Paul Emerson, born Jul 13, 1939; married Vera Korman; Res: Middletown, NY. Children:

  1. Erika Lynn, b. Dec 6, 1961 in Tucson,AZ.

  2. Andrea Lee, b. Jul 19, 1963 in Tucson, AZ.

  3. Scott Ronald, b. Nov 28, 1964.

Harold Thomas Goodrich (A6296433551)

HAROLD THOMAS GOODRICH, Son of Harold P., born Oct 27, 1942 in Mount Holly, NJ; married Barbara Bernacki of Pemberton, NJ. Nov 9, 1963; served 10 yrs in US Army; Res: Safford, AZ. Children:

  1. Robin Ann , b. Sep 3, 1964 in Yuma, AZ.; married Charles Abrams of Tucson, AZ; Res: Homestead, FL in US Navy. Child:

    1. Crystal Danielle b. Jun 12, 1985 Homestead AFB
  2. Johnice Elizabeth, b. Nov 27, 1966 in Muenchweiler, Germany, Res: Tucson, AZ.

Roger Louis Goodrich Jr. (A6296433571)

ROGER LOUIS GOODRICH JR., Son of Roger L. Sr., born Apr 6, 1945 in Pueblo, CO.; married Roberta Lynne Hovey Mar 29, 1969.; Career Officer, US Army; Res: Great Falls, VA; Stationed Pentagon, Children:

  1. Christen Dawn, b. Jan 17, 1975.

  2. Marni Ann, b. May 21, 1976.

  3. Jeffrey Scott, b. Jun 11, 1979.

Frederick Lawrence Goodrich (A6296433572)

FREDERICK LAWRENCE GOODRICH, Son of Roger L. Sr., born Feb 10, 1947 in Schenectady, NY; married 1st Loretta Kalina 1966 Fresno, CA; married 2nd Kimmy Young 1980; Res: Fresno CA. Children:

  1. Lisa M., b. Mar 13, 1967.

  2. Marc, b. Oct 6, 1969.

Martin Lee Goodrich (A6296433573)

MARTIN LEE GOODRICH, Son of Roger L. Sr., born Aug 5, 1948 in Florence, CO.; married 1st Lorie Martinelli; married 2nd Susan Bronellie of Madera, CA; Res: Fresno, CA. Children:

  1. Gina, b. Nov 22, 1979.

  2. Shawn M., b. Nov 16, 1981.

Gary Michael Goodrich (A6296433575)

GARY MICHAEL GOODRICH, Son of Roger L. Sr., born Aug 7, 1952 in Modesta, CA; married 1st Karen Green; married 2nd Cindy ____ Res: Fresno, CA, Children:

  1. Bethaney Rose, b. Mar 14, 1977.

  2. Gary Michael, Jr., b. Aug 17, 1984.

Patrick Stewart Goodrich (A6296433576)

PATRICK STEWART GOODRICH, Son of Roger L. Sr., born Oct 11, 1954 in Fresno, CA.;married Michele ____ 1979; Res: Fresno, CA.

Richard Allen Goodrich (A6296433577)

RICHARD ALLEN GOODRICH, Son of Roger L., Sr., born May 11, 1956 in Fresno, CA.; married Brenda ____ 1984; Res: Fresno, CA.

Timothy Steven Goodrich (A6296433578)

TIMOTHY STEVEN GOODRICH, Son of Roger L. Sr., born Aug 15, 1960 in Fresno, CA. Res: Fresno, CA.

Keith Allan Goodrich (A6296433591)

KEITH ALLAN GOODRICH, Son of Starks C., born Jun 21, 1950; married Linda Ann Buyce; Res: Northville, NY.

Delmer Gordon Goodrich Jr. (A6296433612)

DELMER GORDON GOODRICH, JR., Son of Delmer G. Sr., born Nov 30, 1935 in Pittsfield, MA; married Carolyn Signor of Cobleskill, NY Feb 28, 1959; Res: Vero Beach, FL. Served in USARNG at Ft Dix & Ft Leonard Wood. Children:

  1. Catherine Susan, b. Oct 3, 1962 in Ithaca, NY; married Terrance Cavanaugh Dec 1982; Res: Orlando, FL.

  2. Holly Diane, b. Nov 25, 1963.

  3. Bradley David, b. Aug 11, 1972.

Roger Elmer Goodrich (A6296433613)

ROGER ELMER GOODRICH, Son of Delmer G. Sr., born Nov 30, 1935 in Pittsfield, MA.; Res: Vero Beach, FL.; married Norma Jane Fiebke of Castleton, NY Jun 1961. Served US Air Force 1956 - 1960.Children:

  1. Scott Walter, b. Oct 27, 1962.

  2. Dean Roger, b. Jun 1, 1966.

David Earl Goodrich (A6296433631)

DAVID EARL GOODRICH, Son of Quentin E., born Mar 29, 1948.

Norman Lewis Goodrich (A6296433632)

NORMAN LEWIS GOODRICH, Son of Quentin E., born Aug 17, 1949. m. Mary Ann Former 1968 (div). Child:

  1. Lea Renee, b. Dec 31, 1969.

Quentin E. Goodrich (A6296433633)

QUENTIN E. GOODRICH, Son of Quentin E., born Jul 28, 1950.

Gordon R. Goodrich (A6296433635)

GORDON R. GOODRICH, Son of Quentin E., born Apr 13, 1962.

Richard Frederich Goodrich (A6296433814)

RICHARD FREDERICH GOODRICH, Son of Carlton F., born Apr 13, 1957 in Crandon, WI.; married Victoria Nett Jul 3, 1982; Res: Sherwood, WI.

Thomas James Goodrich (A6296433815)

THOMAS JAMES GOODRICH, Son of Carlton F., born Apr 27, 1959 in Waupaca, WI; married Vicki Nett May 24, 1980. Child:

  1. Nicole Lynn, b. Jul 4, 1981.

Steven Paul Goodrich (A6296433816)

STEVEN PAUL GOODRICH, Son of Carlton F., born Dec 4, 1961 in Chilton, WI.; married Laurie Schmidt Feb 11, 1984; Res: Kiel, NI.

Joseph Morgan Goodrich (A6296433831)

JOSEPH MORGAN GOODRICH, Son of Joseph H., born Jan 4, 1947 in Sanford, FL.; married Pamelia Vickers of Orlando, FL. Children:

  1. Joseph Michael, b. Jun 3, 1967.

  2. Jennifer Lynn, b. Jul 14, 1971.

Michael Jesse Goodrich (A6296433833)

MICHAEL JESSE GOODRICH, Son of Joseph H., born Dec 27, 1947 in Sanford, FL; married Aida Slack. Children:

  1. Dawne Michelle, b. Dec 6, 1970.

  2. Rhett Michael , b. Sep 7, 1972.

Jesse Norman Goodrich (A6296433852)

JESSE NORMAN GOODRICH, Son of Godfrey M., born Jun 18, 1953 in Portsmouth, VA.; married Mary Belinda Turner of Greenville, SC Oct 13, 1956. Children:

  1. Belinda Ann, b. Apr 16, 1978 Charleston, SC.

  2. Amanda Lee, b. May 7, 1979 Fairfax, VA.

Eric Shawn Goodrich (A6296433855)

ERIC SHAWN GOODRICH, Son of Godfrey M., born Feb 27, 1964 in Washington, DC.; married Gail ____ Oct 23, 1983. In US Army Italy. Child:

  1. Erica Lynn, b. Dec 8, 1983.

B. J. Goodrich (A6296433864)

B. J. GOODRICH, Son of Walter W., born Jul 21, 1960 in Sheboygan, WI.; married Laurie Muelbower in 1979. Child:

  1. Justin George , b. Sep 19, 1980 Marshfield, WI.

Donald Steward Goodrich Jr. (A62964335111)

DONALD STEWARD GOODRICH JR., Son of Donald S. Sr., born Aug 15, 1955 in Rhinebeck, NY; married Sharon Schaffer, Children:

  1. Danielle, b. Nov 9, 1976 Rhinebeck, NY

  2. Donald S. III, b. Jun 5, 1978 Rhinebeck, NY

Ronald Goodrich (A62964335112)

RONALD GOODRICH, Son of Donald S. Sr., born Dec 16, 1957 in Rhinebeck, NY; married ____ Children:

  1. Ronald Jr., b. Feb 18, 1983 Rhinebeck, NY

  2. Eric , b. Jul 11, 1984 Longmont CO.

Kevin Goodrich (A62964335113)

KEVIN GOODRICH, Son of Donald S. Sr., born Nov 24, 1958 in Rhinebeck, NY; married Kim Geiser Dec 5, 1981. Children:

  1. Michelle, b. Jun 5, 1982 Long Island.


The following is an extension of the Maternal Line of Frederick C. Goodrich and other relatives on that side of the family:

The first four generations are identical on both sides, as follows:

WILLIAM GOODRICH (1620 - 1676) (A)

WILLIAM GOODRICH (1661 - 1737) (A6)

WILLIAM GOODRICH (1686 - 1743) (A62)

DAVID GOODRICH (1720 - ____) (A629)

William Goodrich (A6295)

WILLIAM GOODRICH, born Oct 12, 1751; d. Mar 25, 1821. Married Jan 27, 1779 Phebe Johns, b. Nov 11, 1758; d. Jan 14, 1847. Moved from Sharon, Conn. to Red Rock, Columbia Co, NY in 1793. (The first White settler in Sharon, Conn. was a Goodrich.) His farm at Red Rock was near the Christian Church, the land where the church stands and the cemetery being at one time a part of it; the land being purchased from his son, Chester. The house stood just below the bridge from the Christian Church and on the other side of the road. William was a Lieutenant in the War of the Revolution going from Sharon, Conn. After his death, his widow received a pension. His son, Chester and grandson, William. H. going to Sharon for proofs of his having been a soldier of the Revolution. One old lady was found who remembered seeing “Billy” march away to war. When William came to Red Rock from Sharon to live the family rode horseback; their son, Chester, the baby, riding on the horse with his mother. William died at Red Rock Mar 25, 1821; and was buried in the family cemetery, in the orchard between the house and the creek, on his farm. The stone, after the death of his wife in 1847, being removed to the Red Rock cemetery. Both he and Phebe are buried in this cemetery by the Christian Church. Seven of their eleven children were born in Connecticut.

Children of William Goodrich and Phebe Johns:

  1. Silvia, b.Apr 20, 1780. m. Chester Wolcott. (A son of Silvia and Chester Wolcott died, Oct 4, 1823, aged 14 yrs. After his burial the body was stolen from the grave and never recovered. Shortly after the family moved west) Children:

    1. William
    2. Jasper
    3. Chester
    4. Gilbert
    5. Julia
    6. Henry
    7. Oliver
    8. Frances
  2. William, b. Oct 23, 1781, m. Polly Parks. Children:

    1. Franklin
    2. Sophia
    3. Lucy
  3. David, b. Oct 31, 1783. m. Rhoda Wolcott. Children:

    1. Wyatt
    2. Elizabeth
  4. Benjamin, b. Sep 20, 1785. m. Patty Eldridge, Jan 4, 1808. Children:

    1. Francis
    2. Jane
    3. Eliza
    4. Esther
    5. Julia
    6. Silas
  5. Lucy, b. Oct 7, 1787. m. Samuel Richards.

  6. Frances (Fanny), b.Aug 24, 1789, d. Aug 4, 1872. m. Shubal Dunham. Children:

    1. Gideon (lived in Michigan, a farmer)
      1. Arthur
      2. Julia
  7. CHESTER (A62957), b. Jan 8, 1792 d. Nov 8, 1871 m. Phebe Starkweather.

  8. Silas, b. Jul 8, 1794 d. Sep , 1820.

  9. Elizabeth (Betsey), b. Sep 7, 1796 d. 1798.

A. PHEBE (A6295A), b. Jul 13 1798 d. Mar 21, 1834 m. Talcott G. Starks,

B. Aaron, b. May 13, 1802. d. Jul 1834 m. Ann Willis. Children: 1. Ann 2. Amelia

Chester Goodrich (A62957)

CHESTER GOODRICH, b. Jan 8, 1792 in Conn, d. in Red Rock Nov 8, 1871. Owned his fathers old home; buried at Red Rock. m. Nov 13, 1815 Phebe Starkweather, daughter of Amos and Elizabeth (Benjamin) Starkweather b. Jun 6, 1793 d. Jan 28, 1870. Children:

  1. AMOS STARKWEATHER (A629571), b. Sep 6, 1817 d. Mar 9, 1889 m. Eliza Herrick.

  2. Charlotte Maria, b. Sep 16, 1819, d. Mar 23, 1874 m. David D. Starks. Children:

    1. Mary Elizabeth b. Dec 20, 1841 d. Jul 14, 1844 (Buried in R R)
    2. Charles G., b. Jul 9, 1851 d. Jan 27, 1915 m. in 1875 Abbie C. Bassett. Children:
      1. Charlotte, b. 1876 d. 1877.
      2. Elanor, b. 1878 d. 1879.
      3. Mary Abbie, b. 1880 d.
      4. Roy G., b. 1882 d. 1882.
      5. Ray S., b. 1882 m. Jul 1906 Marguerite Kaufman. Children:
        1. Ruth, b. Mar 12, 1909.
        2. Elizabeth (Betty), b. Aug 5, 1913.
  3. Almira Jane, b. Feb 9, 1822 d. Aug 28, 1878 (a school teacher).

  4. WILLIAM H. (A629574), b. Jan 3 1825 d. Nov 8, 1907 m. Angeline O. Smith,

  5. Aaron Johns, b. Jan 25 1828 d. Nov 28, 1906 m. Martha E. Frear. Children:

    1. Julia Frances b. May 1, 1885 m. lst: Wallin Harker, 2nd: Edward Sigler. Children:
      1. Martha C. Harker, b. May 1876 d. 1915 m. 1st: John Weaver, 2nd; ____ Blake, 3rd: Ira Williams. Children:
        1. John Weaver
        2. Dau. Williams.
    2. Chester Henry, b. May 15, 1859 m. 1st : Harriet Smith, 2nd: Mary Frear. Children by 1st wife:
      1. Chester, b. Apr 18, 1880.
  6. Asher Benjamin, b. Jan 25, 1828, d. Nov 28, 1905 m. Nancy Adeline (Addie) Brown. Children:

    1. Chester B., b. Feb 28, 1856 m. Feb. 6, 1878 Mary L. Benjamin. Children:
      1. Arthur Francis, b. Sep 17, 1881 m. Bertha M. Percy. Children:
        1. Lois Loraine b. Dec 31, 1906.
        2. Mary Pauline b. Nov 27, 1908,
        3. Arthur Percy b. Jul 24, 1911.
      2. Ethel Adeline b. Sep 26, 1886 m. Harry Shirley. Children:
        1. Mary Genevieve, b. Aug 12, 1916.
    2. Eliza Jeanette (Lida) b. Feb 1858 m. Leander Young.
    3. Francis William b. Mar 31, 1864 m. Frances M. Whitcomb. Children:
      1. Clarence Arthur b. Feb 3, 1897 m. Edith W.Downs.
  7. Elizabeth Ann Goodrich b. May 13, 1834, d. Feb 2, 1917 m. Jan 1, 1857 DeWitt C. Brown. Buried in Mt. View Cemetery. Children:

    1. John Edwin b. Sep 9, 1861 m. Jennie A. Phillips. Children:
      1. Helen Elizabeth b. Dec 29, 1890 m. Norman W. Cady.
        1. Norma Helen b. Dec 1, 1916.
      2. Jennie Bernice b. Jun 12, 1901.
    2. Charles G. Brown b. Oct 15, 1866 m. Lucia D. Craig. Children:
      1. Craig b. Aug 5, 1899 d. Aug 5, 1899.
      2. Charles Dewitt b. Apr. 29, 1907.
    3. Addie Augusta b. Oct 8, 1874 m. Philip L. Frisbie.

Phebe Goodrich (A6295A)

PHEBE GOODRICH, b. Jul, 13, 1798 d. Mar 21, 1834 m. Talcott G. Starks b. 1797 d. Jul. 4, 1852. Children:

  1. Lucy Maria b.Feb 23, 1820 m. ____ Eaton.
  2. Solomon Johns b. Jul 6, 1823 d. 1828.
  3. LAURA ANN (A6295A3) b. Jun 3, 1825 d. Mar 21, 1898
  4. Joseph Badger b. Mar 10, 1827 d. Sep 1, 1895 m. Alzina Pettit.
  5. Frances Jane b. Dec 23, 1829 d. Jan 11, 1908.
  6. Ralph Johns b. Mar 29 1832 d. Oct 17, 1873 m. Margaret Griewold.
  7. Phebe Amanda b. Mar 11, 1834 m. Andrew Butler.

Amos Starkweather Goodrich (A629571)

AMOS STARKWEATHER GOODRICH, b. Sep 6, 1817 d. Mar 9, 1889 m. Eliza Herrick. Children:

  1. Mary Elizabeth b. Jan 12, 1846 m. Edward Stickles. Children:

    1. Cora E. b. Jan 31, 1867 d. Apr 20 1879.
    2. Louis E. b. Jan 10, 1869 m. Anna M. Thomas. Children:
      1. Clarence L. b. May 8, 1893 d. Feb 13, 1918 in France. Buried in Lenox, Mass Aug 4, 1921,
      2. Elmer T. b Mar 24, 1898.
      3. Luella A. b.-Sep 6, 1900.
    3. Frank A. b. Aug 15, 1874 m. Aileen Snyder. Children:
      1. Evelyn A. b. Mar 19, 1900
      2. Frank Byron b. Aug 15, 1911
    4. Percy G. b. Jan 11, 1881 m. Mary M. Bixby. Children:
      1. Viola Mary b. Aug 12, 1903.
      2. Edward A. b. Nov 19, 1906.
      3. Robert W. b. Dec 16, 1915.
    5. Bertha May b. Mar 5, 1871 m. lst: Charles W. Lang, 2nd: Jacob Bitzer. Children:
      1. Stanley W. Lang b. Jul 29, 1900.
  2. Almira Frances b. Aug 24, 1848 m. Adelbert Ford. Children:

    1. Minnie Almira b. Mar 20 1869 m. Maxon Bemiss. Children:
      1. Bessie M. b. Aug 21, 1890 m. Ellery Johnson. Children:
        1. Thelma May b. Oct 22, 1913.
        2. Donald Bemiss b. Jan 30, 1918.
    2. John D. Ford b. Dec 20, 1875 m. Amelia Payne. Children:
      1. Alfred A. b. Aug 6, 1902 d. Apr 14, 1903.
      2. Merton P. b. Aug 6, 1904.
      3. Theodore R. b. Aug 17, 1910.
      4. Dorothy M. b. Oct 11, 1911.
  3. Martha E. b. Mar 16, 1851 d. Aug 17, 1877.

  4. Lucy Ella b. Aug 25, 1853 d. Sep 8, 1865 (body turned to stone).

  5. Josephine M. b. Mar 20, 1857 m. William O. White. Children:

    1. Jesse G. b. May 5, 1884 m. Maude Velie
    2. Merton Earl b. Feb 21 1889 d Mar 17, 1889,
    3. Newton Earl b. Nov 12, 1892.
  6. Edgar Elmer b. Nov 10, 1861 d. Apr 18, 1862,

  7. Ada b. Sep 20, 1874 d. Jun 11, 1866.

William H. Goodrich (A629574)

WILLIAM H. GOODRICH, b. Jan 3, 1825 d. Nov 8, 1907 m. Jan 15, 1852. Angeline O. Smith 1829-1922. Res: Chatham, NY Buried in Mt. View Cem. Children:

  1. Anna Maria b. Nov 23, 1854 d. Jan 2, 1873.

  2. Ida Elizabeth b. Feb 28, 1860 d. 1885 m. James Wallace Darrow 1856-1916. Children:

    1. Edith Mabel b. Oct 25 1884 m. Rev. Robert Goldsmith. Children:
      1. Wallace Moffett b. Dec 26, 1908.
      2. Robert Hillis b. Sep 3, 1911.
      3. Florence Elinor b. Feb 7, 1913.
      4. Richard Darrow b. Jul 9, 1914.
    2. Florence Elaine b. Apr 21, 1888 m. Dr. Willard T. Rivenburgh. Children:
      1. Florence Elizabeth (Betty) b. Feb 13, 1916.
      2. Willard John b. 1921.
    3. William Wallace b. Sep 20, 1893 m. Pauline J. Ingraham. Children:
      1. James Wallace b.
  3. Caroline J. (Carrie) b. Jan 19, 1863 m. Norman Hanor. Children:

    1. Robert Stanley b. Feb 6, 1890. m. Elysbeth A. Palmer. Children:
      1. Ruth Armstrong b. Dec 7, 1911.
      2. Leland G. b. Jul 17,1895.

Laura Ann Starks Thomas Goodrich (A6295A3)

LAURA ANN STARKS THOMAS GOODRICH, b. Jun 3, 1825. d. Mar 21, 1898. Married 1st: Allen Thomas; Married 2nd: Lorenzo J. Goodrich (A6241143). Buried in Mountain View Cemetery, New Concord, N.Y. Children:

  1. Marie Elizabeth Thomas b. m. Charles Broeffle. Children:

    1. Anna Broeffle b.
  2. Jesse Darvin Goodrich b. Dec 18, 1849 m. Susan A. Powell.

  3. Frederick Carlton Goodrich b. Nov 7, 1858. d. Mar 27, 1927. m. Ida Frances Acker-Carpenter.

Attachment - Pages From a Family Bible

[Six pages of photocopies from a family bible are attached here. These are poor copies but I’ll try to extract what I can. jhc]

  1. Title Page: The New Testament published by G. M. Davison, Saratoga Springs, 1826

  2. Family Record, Births, page with three entries:

    1. Wm. D Steward Was Born at Canaan March 28th AD 1803
    2. Wm. G. Steward Was Born at Austerlitz Feb 6th AD 1833
    3. Henry Steward Born at Canaan June 27, 1797 Polly Hill his wife Born at Canaan Dec 17, 1797
  3. Family Record, Deaths, page with 10 entries:

    1. Henry[?] C Goodrich, [Died? date?] 1822 in Canaan [New?]york
    2. Jesse Goodrich died at Chatham Sept 14[?]th 1837 Aged 50 years 4 months 27 d
    3. Lucy Goodrich died at Chatham July 28 1865 at 10:00 pm Aged 76 years 8 months 10 days
    4. William D Stewart Died September 30, 1881 Aged 78 years & 6 months
    5. Betsy Stewart died Oct 10th 1891 Aged 79 yrs and 8 months
    6. William G. Stewart died April 5th 1894 aged 61 years 2 months
    7. John Steward died on Thursday June 25th 1846 at five minutes past one of the clock(?) (??) at Wadsworth Ohio of a grav(??) Complaint aged 81 years 3 mo 10 d
    8. Sybil Steward Died on tuesday morning at 4 oc Nov 10th 1841 Aged 69 years 7 months 26 d
    9. Henry Steward Died At Richmond Mass May 9 1856 aged 5(9?) years
    10. Polly wife of Henry Stewart Died at Richmond Mass Sept 8th 1877 aged 79 years 8 months 22 days
  4. Family Record, Marriages, with three entries:

    1. (??) Goodrich and Lucy Powell was married March (7?)th(?) 1810
    2. Lorenzo Goodrich And Lo???a A Thomas was Married March 8th 184(7?)
    3. W (G or D) Steward And Betsy Goodrich Was Married Austerlitz Sept 22nd AD 1831
  5. Family Record, Births, with seven entries:

    1. Jessa(?) Goodrich born April 17th AD 1787 Canaan Columbia Co Newyork State
    2. Lucy Goodrich born Nov 18th AD 1788 in the So?nd place
    3. Betsy Goodrich born February (7?)th 181(6?) in ?. ?. ?????? place
    4. ????? Goodrich born May(?) 24th AD 1812(or 13) in the ????? place
    5. Lorenzo S(?) Goodrich born Oct (?)th AD 1823 Canaan Col County Newyork State
    6. Jesse D Goodrich was born at Chatham Dec 18th 1849
    7. Frederick Goodrich was Born at Chatham November 7th 1858
  6. At the “END OF THE APOCRYPHA”, three entries:

    1. Jesse Goodrich was born at Sharon in Connecticut April 8 1754. Died April 12, 1826 Aged 72 years and 4 days
    2. His Wife Deborah Goodrich Born at Lime Connecticut ???? ? ??? St?le 1752 Died Nov 1st(?) 1835 aged 83 years 9(?) months 28 days
    3. Names and Births of their children
      1. Annie(?) Born Sept 15 1777
      2. Clarinda(?) Born Oct 24 1781 Died May 23 1788
      3. Lucinda Born March 26 17?? Died May 11(?) 1866 Aged 82 yrs & one month 15(?) days


Ethel M. Coxon
E. Chatham, NY 12060

Starks C. Goodrich
111 2nd St
Northville, NY 12134

Marjorie Holsapple
Box 15 Vineyard Ave
Highland, NY 12528

George W. Goodrich
4145 E. Lake Park Dr.
Hernando, FL. 32642

Delmer G. Goodrich, Sr.
131 15th Ave
Vero Beach, FL 32960

Doris E. Daily
2948 Lydius St
Schenectady, NY 12303

Dexter A. Goodrich
Box 263
Belgrade Lakes, ME 04918

Mildred C. Gorman
85 Larrabee St.
E. Hartford, CN 06108

Lois J. Hayner
RD#3 W. Glenville
Amsterdam, NY 12010

Lloyd K. Goodrich
SR 1
Chatham, N.Y. 12037

Muriel V. Cray
1733 Schodack Vly Rd
Castleton, NY 12033

Rose Van Valkenburgh
Putman Rd Box 398 RD #5
Schenectady, NY 12306

Calvin H. Goodrich
RFD Box 268
E. Chatham, NY 12060

Carlton F. Goodrich
606 9th St
Kiel, WI 53042

Charles F. Goodrich jr
Foster Rd R 1
Hopewell Jct, NY 12533

Doris M. Doyle
RD Box 37A
E. Chatham, NY 12060

Betty M. Derosier
3 Primrose Lane
Green Bay, WI 54301

Carol A. Vallee
5702 141st St
Everett, WA 98204

Mrs. Margaret Goodrich
?2 Rhinecliff Rd.
Rhinebeck, NY 12572

Joseph H. Goodrich
5201 Golf Club Pkwy
Orlando, FL 32808

Shirley A. Houghtaling
RD#5 Box 280
Middletown, NY 10940

Ernest D. Goodrich
13 Park Place
Schenectady, NY 12305

Gilbert G. Goodrich
2713 S. 15th St
Sheboygan, WI 53081

Ronald F. Goodrich
RD#5 BOX 154
Middletown, NY 10940

Charles F. Goodrich, Sr.
P.O. Box 551
Northville, NY 12134

Godfrey M. Goodrich
36 Fox Rd
Edison, NJ 08837

Linda M. DuVall
92 Washington Ave
Montgomery, NY 12549

Mrs. Vivian Goodrich
Rt. 3, Bisch Rd, Box 10
Middletown, NY 10940

Walter W. Goodrich
509 6th St
Kiel, WI 53042

Harold T. Goodrich
620 6th Ave
Safford, AZ 85546

Harold P. Goodrich
411 Whiteview Rd.
Wynantskill, NY 12198

Delano F. Goodrich
2511 Sandy Ln
Orlando, FL 32808

Nancy A. Dailey
34 Sonat Rd
Clifton Park, NY 12065

Ella F. Parker
18 Mary Hadge Dr
Schenectady, NY 12309

Leonard L. Goodrich
1806 llth Ave
Greenbay, WI 543014

Marie M. Sipperly
25 Nicole Dr
Albany, NY 12205

Roger L. Goodrich, Sr.
5534 E. Belmont
Fresno, CA 93727

Lucille I. Fitzgerald
Coxsackie, NY 12051

Susan E. Baldwin
13 1st St
Waterford, NY 12188

Henrietta M. Duane
RD#3, W. Glenville
Amsterdam, NY 12010

Donald S. Goodrich
1730 40th Terrace
Naples, FL 33999

Patricia A. Young
311 Ave D Malta Gardens Park
Mechanicville, NY 12118

Mrs. E. Frances Bennett
1813 Fred Rd
Schenectady, NY 12303

Maida B. Goodrich
Standart Woods J117
Auburn, NY 13021

Mrs. C. Jean Johnson
P 0 Box 644
Benson, NC 27504

Mrs. Evelyn Hamzy
Beebe Hill
Falls Village, CN 06031

Richard J. Dougherty, Jr
8 Fairway Lane
Schenectady, NY 12309

Roger L. Goodrich, Jr
1201 Saugus Ct
Great Falls, VA 22066

Patrick S. Goodrich
319 Calaveras St
Fresno, CA 93701

Richard A. Goodrich
4528 E Cortland Ave
Fresno, CA 93726

Timothy S. Goodrich
320 N Fulton St
Fresno, CA 93701

Michele R. Duane
RD#3 W. Glenville
Amsterdam, NY 12010

Keith A. Goodrich
441 S. Main St
Northville, NY 12134

Deborah A. Fredericksen
Second St
Northville, NY 12134

Delmer G. Goodrich, Jr
2110 15th Place
Vero Beach, FL 32962

Robin A. Abrams
15465 SW 288th St
Apt 104
Homestead, FL 33030

Columbia County Map

[This page is a photocopy of the northeast quadrant of a map of Columbia County NY. jhc]

Births, Marriages, and Deaths in Sharon Conn.

[The following pages are photocopy of pages 52, 53, and 54 of “BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS / IN SHARON, CONNECTICUT.” jhc]


GOODRICH, Aaron, s. of David and Martha, b. March 3, 1758.
GOODRICH, Abigail and Anne, d’s. of Elnathan and Elizabeth, b. Aug. 14, 1742.
GOODRICH, Ann and Garret Sliter, m. Sept. 26, 1754.
*GOODRICH, Anna and William Herrick, m. Feb. 8, 1773.
GOODRICH, Annis, d. of Jesse and Deborah, b. Sept. 15, 1777.
GOODRICH, Asa, of Sharon, and Lois Rowley, of Salisbury, m. Oct. 10,1776.
GOODRICH, Asa, s. of David and Martha, b. April 6, 1756.
*GOODRICH, Benjamin and Elisabeth Dunham, m. Dec. 31, 1777.
GOODRICH, Benjamin, s. of Solomon and Susa, b. Jan. 7, 1807.
GOODRICH, Benjamin Johns, s. of William and Phebe, b. Sept. 20, 1785.
GOODRICH, Benjamin J. and Patty Eldridge, both of Sharon, m. Jan. 4, 1808.
GOODRICH, Betsy, d. of David, Jr., and Anna, b. May 20. 1774.
GOODRICH, Betsy, d. of Charles and Anne, b. Nov. 9, 1789.
GOODRICH, Betty and John Conckling, m. Nov. 7, 1782.
GOODRICH, Caleb D., s. of Hiram, bap. Jan. 5, 1835.
GOODRICH, Calvin, s. of David, Jr., and Anna, b. Apri1 27. 1770.
GOODRICH, Chester, s. of William and Phebe, b. Jan. 8, 1792.
GOODRICH, Carmi, s. of Joel and Irena, b. July 28, 1790.
GOODRICH, Cate, d. of Joel and Irena, b. March 8, 1787.
GOODRICH, Cynthia and Benjamin Conkling, m. Nov. 15, 1770.
GOODRICH, Daniel, s. of Joel and Irena, b. Sept. 3, 1784.
GOODRICH, David and Martha Mudg, m. July 14, 1740.
GOODRICH, David, Jr., and Ann Strong, both of Sharon, m. Jan. 5, 1769.
GOODRICH, David, s. of David and Martha, b. July 14, 1749.
GOODRICH, David, s. of William and Phebe, b. Oct. 31, 1783.
*GOODRICH, Deborah and Benjamin Cook, m. Oct. 18, 1781.
GOODRICH, Dorcis, d. of William and Mirim, b. May 11, 1739.
GOODRICH, Electa and Philetus Swift, m. April 4, 1786.
GOODRICH, Elenor and John Colvel, m. Sept. 30, 1776.
GOODRICH, Elnathan, s. of Elnathan and Elizabeth, b. Oct. 10, 1740.
GOODRICH, Elnythan and Elizabeth Shours, m. Jan. 1, 1739-40.
*GOODRICH, Elijah and Rachel Lloyd, m. Sept. 17, 1783.
GOODRICH, Elisabeth and Nathaniel Smith, m. March 2, 1794.
GOODRICH, Elisha, s. of Elisha and Elizabeth, b. Jan. 25, 1752.
GOODRICH, Elisha and Elizabeth Fairbanks, m. Sept. 12, 1749.
GOODRICH, Elisha and Deborah Thatcher, both of Sharon, m. Oct. 29, 1772.
GOODRICH, Ethan, s. of Elisha and Elizabeth, b. Nov. 1, 1755.
GOODRICH, Fanny, d. of William and Phebe, b. Aug, 24, 1789.
GOODRICH, Hannah, d. of Charles and Anne, b. Dec. 5, 1786.
GOODRICH, Helen, of Sharon, and John M. Curtice, of Warren, m. Jan. 9, 1821


GOODRICH, Helena, d. of Solomon and Susa. b. June 6, 1796.
GOODRICH, Henry, s. of Joel and Irena. b. Jan. 12, 1786.
GOODRICH. Jared, s. of Elnathan and Elizabeth, b. Dec. 27, 1741.
GOODRICH, Jesse and Deborah Tillotson, both of Sharon, m. Dec. 5, 1776.
GOODRICH, Jered and Zillah Betts, both of Sharon, m. Nov. 20, 1766.
GOODRICH, Jesse, s. of David and Martha, b. April 8, 1754.
GOODRICH, Joel, s. of Elnathan and Elizabeth, b. Aug. 11, 1751.
GOODRICH, John, of Sharon, and Hannah Dixon, m. Sept. 10, 1780.
GOODRICH, Lois and Jesse W. Lake, m. Oct. 11, 1827.
GOODRICH, Lois, of Sharon, and Gerhard Winegar, of Amenia, m. Oct. 24, 1771.
GOODRICH, Lois, d. of Solomon and Susa, b. March 8, 1802.
GOODRICH, Lucy, d. of William and Phebe, b. Oct. 7, 1787.
GOODRICH, Lucy, d. of Solomon and Susa, b. Nov. 9, 1800.
GOODRICH, Lucretia, d. of William and Lucy, b. Dec. 4, 1772.
*GOODRICH, Lucy and James Lloyd, m. Jan. 20, 1783.
GOODRICH, Lucy, d. of David and Martha, b. Sept. 21, 1763.
GOODRICH, Lucy, d. of Solomon and Susa, d. Nov. 21, 1800.
GOODRICH, Lydia and William Brown, m. Dec. 7, 1780.
*GOODRICH, Mary and Elisha Crippen, m. July 5, 1786.
GOODRICH, Mary, d. of Solomon and Betty, b. Aug. 15, 1773.
GOODRICH, Mary, d. of Elisha and Elizabeth, b. April 30, 1753.
GOODRICH, Mary, d. of Elisha and Elizabeth, d. June 7, 1753.
GOODRICH, Martha, of Sharon, and Isaac Burton, of Amenia, m. Jan. 7, 1779.
GOODRICH, Martha, d. of David and Martha, b. May 26, 1741.
GOODRICH, Martha, d. of David and Martha, b. March 3, 1761.
GOODRICH, Michael, s. of Elnathan and Elizabeth, b. March 23, 1747.
GOODRICH, Meriam and Amos Weller, m. Dec. 17, 1751.
GOODRICH, Mirier, wife of William, Jr., d. April 22, 1740.
GOODRICH, Myra A., d. of Hiram, bap. Jan. 5, 1835.
GOODRICH, Nicholas, s. of Solomon and Susa, b. Aug. 24, 1794.
GOODRICH, Philander and Almira Swift, both of Sharon, m. Dec. 20, 1795.
GOODRICH, Rebekkah, of Sharon, and Richard Boles, of Hudson, N. Y., m. May 10., 1790.
GOODRICH, Rhoda, d. of David and Martha, b. June 16, 1745.
GOODRICH, Sabra and Joseph Heath, m. Jan. -, 1767.
GOODRICH, Sabra, d. of Elnathan and Elizabeth, b. May 16, 1749.
GOODRICH. Sarah, d. of Elisha and Elizabeth, b. June 20, 1750.
GOODRICH, Silvia, d. of William and Phebe, b. April 20, 1780.
GOODRICH, Solomon, Jr., of Sharon, and Martha St. John, of Amenia, m. Aug. 29, 1782.
GOODRICH, Solomon and Eveline Boland, m. Sept. 15, 1828.
GOODRICH, Solomon, s. of Solomon and Susa, b. July 18, 1798.


GOODRICH, Solomon and Betty Pardee, m. Dec. 23, 1747.
GOODRICH, Solomon and Esther Hadden, both of Sharon, m. Sept. 22, 1774.
GOODRICH, Sybil, of Sharon, and Coonrod Row, of Amenia, m. Jan. 14, 1787.
GOODRICH, Welthee, d. of David and Martha, b. June 14, 1747.
GOODRICH, William, of Sharon, and Phebe Johns, of Amenia, m. Jan. 27, 1779.
GOODRICH, Mr. William, d. March 31. 1742-3.
GOODRICH, William, s. of David and Martha. b. Oct. 12, 1751.
GOODRICH, William, Jr., s. of William and Phebe, b. Oct. 23, 1781.
GOODRICH, Zenas, s. of Elisha and Elizabeth. b. July 15, 1754.
GOODRICH, Zilphina, d. of David, Jr., and Anna, b. May 20, 1772.
GOODWIN, Abby and Daniel Lowrey, m. July 11, 1821.
GOODWINE, Abigail, of Sharon, and Abraham Knot. of Canaan, m. April 1, 1787.
GOODWIN Abbie, d. of Hezekiah and Ellen. b. Oct. 17, 1799.
GOODWIN, Abbie, d. of Hezekiah and Ellen, d. June 18, 1859.
GOODWIN, Anna M., d. of John P. and Nancy. b. 1799. d. Sept. 25, 1800.
GOODWIN, Charles Burr. s of Hezekiah and Ellen b. March 18. 1796.
GOODWIN, Charles Burr, s. of Hezekiah and Ellen, d. Nov. 23. 1800.
GOODWIN, Charlotte, d. of Hezekiah and Harriet, b. Oct. 3, 1821.
GOODWINE, Elijah and Parthena Fuller, both of Sharon. m. Dec. 2, 1787.
GOOWIN, Elijah, of Huntington on the Susquehanna. and Martha Wilkinson, of Sharon, m. Oct. 18, 1797.
GOODWIN, Erastus, s. of Hezekiah and Harriet, b Jan. 7, 1823.
GOODWIN, Erastus, s. of Hezekiah and Harriet, d. Sept. 2. 1891. GOODWIN, Fanny H., of Sharon, and Jacob Lawton, of Washington, N. Y., m. July 18, 1806.
GOODWIN, George Dorr and Mary Jane Butler, m. July 19, 1846.
GOODWIN, George Dorr, s. of Hezekiah and Polly, b. April 25, 1813.
GOODWIN, George Dorr, s. of H. and Polly, bap. June 29, 1823.
GOODWIN, Hannah, d. of John P. and Ann, b. 1755, d. Jan. 3, 1845.
GOODWIN, Harriet and John Griswold, m. Nov. 15, 1805.
GOODWIN, Henry I., s. of John P. and Nancy, b. 1794, d. Sept. 20, 1800.
GOODWIN, Hezekiah and Harriet Deming, m. Feb. 3, 1819.
GOODWIN, Hezekiah and Fanny Lowrey, m. April 4, 1830.
GOODWIN, Hezekiah and Ellen Burr, m. _____
GOODWIN, Hezekiah and Polly Dorr, m. Dec. 2, 1810.
GOODWIN, Hezekiah, s. of John P. and Ann, b. March 28, 1761, d. May 15, 1833.
GOODWIN, Hezekiah, s. of Hezekiah and Ellen, b. March 26, 1795.
GOODWIN, Hezekiah, s. of Hezekiah and Ellen, d. Nov. 27, 1848.
GOODWIN, John P., s. of Hezekiah and Ellen, b. July, 1801, d. Aug. 1801.
GOODWIN, John P., b. 1719, d. May 5, 1801.


[ed: I've corrected the text to include these errata. - jhc]

June 1985

Note: All codes should be changed to eliminate “411” on the Paternal side and “B3” on the Maternal side, ie, my code is (A629643355) instead of (A6241143354).

Page 1 - Eliminate the word “probable” from the first line.

Page 2 - Under (A62) add “Also lived in Wethersfield, Conn and Sheffield, Mass.”

Page 5 - Under Doris Children show: George Willard.

Page 5 - Under Gladys Children show: 1. Louis Alton, Jr. 2. Edward George 3. Marjorie.

Page 5 - Under Lucille show Donald d. Jul 5, 1983.

Page 5 - Under Jean show m. 1st Fred Kaiser; 2nd Howard Westervelt.

Page 7 - Dorothy Mae married Paul Barton.

Page 7 - Under Richard J. Jr. add 2. Kelly Michelle b. May 28, 1985.

Page 8 - Under Henrietta M. show Alex d. May 14, 1984 and Shannon b. Sep 10, 1970.

Page 8 - Under Gordon show buried in Mountain View Cemetery, New Concord, NY.

Page 9 - Under Roy show died Feb 8, 1954, buried in Chatham Rural Cemetery.

Page 9 - Under Gertrude: m. Carl Ericksen.(deceased.) Res: Canaan, NY. 3 Children.

Page 9 - Under Helen: m. Charles W. Mowris. 1 Child, 2 Grandchildren.

Page 9 - Under Ruth: m. Edward Knight (Div). 5 Children, 1 Grandchild. Res: Canaan and Florida.

Page 10 - Under Margaret Louise: m. Frank A. Pino Feb 19, 1971. Children: 1. Allyson Margaret 2. Jason Seth 3. Sara Joline.

Page 10 - Under Richard add middle name HENRY.

Page 10 - Under Stephen change middle name to Lawrence.

Page 10 - Under Jon change middle name to David.

Page 10 - Under Calvin Henry, Sr. add 3. Patricia m. Tim Mcglauflin Children - Twin Dau. Tamara and Shannon b. Oct 10, 1984.

Page 11 - 3. Rose add middle name Esther and Douglas add middle name Donald and change b. to Jan 29, 1969.

Page 11 - Gary Albert change b. to Dec 26, 1944.

Page 11 - Carol Ann change b. to Nov 11, 1945.

Page 14 - Under Delmer change DOB to Mar 21, 1912.

Page 14 - 3. Roger change middle name to Elmer.

Page 14 - Under Quentin:
1. David Earl b. Mar 29, 1948.
2. Norman Lewis b. Aug 17, 1949.
3. Quentin E. b. Jul 28, 1950.
4. Catherine S. b. Sep 24, 1953. Married Shawn Slyman - (div) Children: 1. Dawn Sarah Slyman b. May 1974; 2. Aran Shawn b. Sep 1976.
5. GORDON R. b. Apr 13, 1962.

Page 17 - Under Donald Lloyd: m. Mary Bernice Rouleau Dec 1, 1965. Children: Donald Lloyd, Jr. and Teresa Mary.

Page 17 - Under Richard: m. Lisa Ann Hills Jun 16, 1978. Children: Michael James and Christine Margaret.

Page 19 - Under Robin Ann add: Child 1. Crystal Danielle b. Jun 12, 1985 Homestead AFB

Page 20 - Under Delmer, Jr. add - Served in USARNG at Ft Dix & Ft Leonard Wood.

Page 20 - Under Roger, change middle name to Elmer and add Served US Air Force 1956 - 1960.

Page 21 - David Earl - Born Mar 29, 1948.

Page 21 - Norman Lewis - Born Aug 17, 1949. m. Mary Ann Former 1968 (div). Child: Lea Renee b. Dec 31, 1969.

Page 21 - Quentin E - Born Jul 28, 1950.

Page 21 - Gordon R. - Born Apr 13, 1962. Change code to (A6296433635).

Add the following Addresses:

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mowris (Helen)
6 Harmon Heights
Chatham, N.Y. 12037

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Clarke, Sr. (Ivona)
Walton Rd. Box 784,1
Seabrook, NH 03874

Mr. & Mrs. Herbert L. Goodrich
10 Colt Street Box 7006
La Feria, TX 78559

Mrs. Myrtle Pulling
Box 426
Aztex, NM 87410 [ed: Aztec]

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Day (Grace)
RD 11, Box 212
Ravena, NY 12143

Mr. & Mrs. Howard Westervelt(Jean)
RD #1
Ravena, NY 12143

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Barton (Dorothy)
5730 North Sherman Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46220

Note: Change Delmer’s Zip Code to 32962.

Trivia Notes: Frederick C. & Ida F. Goodrich had 11 Children, All now deceased. The average age at death for this, the 9th generation, was 58 years. Gordon E. lived the longest - 86 yrs; Raymond died the youngest - 13 yrs. There were 40 Grandchildren of whom five: Ralph, Edythe, Gladys, Steward and Paul have departed. Grandsons: 21; Granddaughters: 19. there are 126 Great-Grandchildren.

What relation are we to B.F. Goodrich, the Tire Man? I am sure eveyone gets that question many times over.

BENJAMIN FRANKLIN GOODRICH was born in Ripley, NY Nov 8, 1841 and was in the 7th Generation in this country the same as our Great-Grandfather Lorenzo J. . . . . . Benjamin’s code would be (A877349) and since Lorenzo’s is (A629643) we can see that they were 5th Cousins, and so, we in the 10th generation would be 5th cousins three times removed to B.F.G. (This won’t even get you a re-tread.)

There are over 6200 families in the US with the surname of GOODRICH; 687 in California; 536 in New York; 496 in Michigan; 334 in Florida and 313 in Texas; only 7 in Hawaii and 10 in Delaware.

— revised 2023-07-14 jhc