The Stewart Place teams at the barns

The William & Betsey Stewart Farm

Betsey was the daughter of Jesse Goodrich Jr., who bought the farm in 1837

circa 1881-1891

7 ~ 1945 - John E & Ethel M Coxon

Dad and Mom bought the farm from Lucy Lamoree's estate in 1945. I was two.

See That Little Square Door Over the Team?

I'm told I fell out of that door, head first into a wheelbarrow, when I was two. Oh! Dad bought the farm in 1945. I was two. I feel a story coming on...

I remember that door being latched with a simple wrought hook into a wrought staple in the frame. How could a curious kid not lift that hook? A kid exploring Dad's new farm. I bet I'd never seen a real farm before. The stairs leading up, up, up, into the dark mystery above the wagon house, so tempting to a two year old! And this little kid-sized door. And a little hook. What's beyond that door? Plop!

From: Stewart House and Barns

— revised 2024-07-16 jhc