Red Rock area compilation map from Beers 1873 Columbia County NY Atlas.

Red Rock Area

Compiled from Beers Atlas of Columbia County, New York


Appendix - 1820-1829

Memorabilia Related Research Material


1820-10-17 Deed - William A Babcock to Ebenezer Cady

NOTE: This appears to me to be a deed to what I know as the Willard Doyle farm, later Jack Doyle's place, at the top of the hill in Piersonville. This deed was recorded in 1830 in Liber O, Page 427, immediately preceding the deed to Ebenezer Cady 1823-06-03 Deed - William A. Babcock to Ebenezer Cady. Both were recorded after William A. Babcock's death in 1829. jhc

This Indenture made the seventeenth day of October in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty. Between William A Babcock of the town of Austerlitz County of Columbia and State of New York of the first part and Ebenezer Cody of the other part Witnesseth That the Said William A Babcock for and in consideration of the sum of Four thousand dollars money of the account of the United States to the said William A Babcock by the said Ebenezer Cody in hand well and truly paid at and before the ensealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. Has granted, bargained, sold, aliened, released and confirmed And by these presents Doth grant, sell, alien, release and confirm unto the said Ebenezer Cody in his actual possession now being and to his heirs and assigns forever. All that certain lot of land lying in the town of Chatham and Austerlitz County of Columbia and State aforesaid, lying on the west side of the Stockbridge Turnpike beginning at the south corner of William Clark's land running N sixty four and a half degrees west five chains thirty five links N thirty nine degrees west six chains and ninety two links N sixty three and half west eight chains and fifty eight links N seventy eight degrees west one chain and fifty links to L. B. Morehouses land. South thirteen degrees East twenty four chains and seventy five links to a white oak bush South seventy four degrees east three chains forty five links to an oak tree. South Eighteen degrees west nine chains fifty links to highway. N Eighty nine degrees and half East fifteen chains fifty links, S seventy eight East four chains and forty two links N Seventy four and half degrees East six chains eighty links N eighty three and half degrees East eight chains and Eighty seven links to the place of beginning. Likewise one other lot of land beginning at the South west corner of Richard Beebe's land. running S fifty three degrees west six chains Eighty eight links. S twenty four degrees west five chains twenty five links S twelve and half degrees East eleven chains Sixty eight links S twenty three and half East nine chains and seventy links to a chestnut tree in Griswold corner S seventy nine and half East four chains and twenty links S three degrees East three chains to a butternut tree S Sixty nine degrees East eight chains eighty six links. N thirty three degrees East thirty one chains ninety seven links to William Benjamin's land. N Seventy Seven degrees west Eighteen chains twenty five links to a maple tree N fifty degrees west nine chains ninety four links to Beebe's land S Eighty Seven degrees west four chains fifty links to the place of beginning Containing in both lots One hundred and forty three acres and sixteen rods be the same more or less. Together with all and singular the privileges, advantages, hereditaments and appurtenances to the Said premises belonging or in any wise appertaining. And the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders. rents. issues and profits thereof. And all the estate, right, title, interest, property, claim, and [word] whatsoever both in law and equity of him the Said William A Babcock or either of them of in or to the same [word] or any part or parcel thereof To Have And To Hold. the above [word], bargained, and released premises with the appurtenances unto the Said Ebenezer Cady his heirs and assigns to the only proper use of the Said Ebenezer Cady his heirs and assigns forever. And the Said William A Babcock for himself his heirs, executors and administrators Doth by these presents Covenant, promise, grant, and agree to and with the Said Ebenezer Cady his heirs and assigns in manner and form following that is to say that he the Said William Babcock at the time of the ensealing and delivery of these Presents in lawfully [word] in his own right of in and to the Said premises mentioned to be hereby granted and released with the appurtenances as of a [word] perfect, absolute and indefeasible estate of inheritance in fee simple without any consideration or other matter or thing whatsoever to alter change charge defeat or make void the same. And also that he the said William Babcock has in himself good right, full [word]. and lawful authority to grant, bargain, sell, release, and assign the said premises hereby mentioned to be granted and released unto and to the use of the said Ebenezer Cady his heirs and assigns in manner aforesaid . And Further that the said Ebenezer Cady his heirs and assigns shall and may from time to time at all times forever hereafter peaceably and quietly have, hold, use, occupy, possess and enjoy the said premises mentioned to be hereby granted and released with the appurtenances. And that free and clear and freely and clearly acquitted exonerated and discharged of from and against all and all manner of [word] and other gifts, bargains, sales, leases, mortgages, judgements, executions, charges and incumbrances whatsoever And the Said William A Babcock for himself and his heirs all and singular the premises mentioned to be hereby granted and released and every part and parcel thereof with the appurtenances unto the Said Ebenezer Cady his heirs and assigns against all and every person and persons whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the Same Shall and will Warrant and forever Defend by these presents . In Witness Whereof the parties to these presents have hereunto interchangeably set their hands and seals the day and year first above written

the words "Richard Beebe" in Eighteenth line from top interlined before signed William A Babcock. L. S.

Sealed and Delivered in Presence of D W Patterson John Babcock

State of New York } Columbia County } Be it remembered that on the thirtieth day of November in the year of out Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty personally appeared before me David W Patterson commissioner for the County aforesaid William A Babcock a person to me well known and acknowledged that he signed, sealed, and delivered the within Indenture as his free voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned I having examined the Same and finding therein no material Erasures or interlineations except the noted to have been made before signed do allow the Same to be recorded. Recorded April 28th 1830 at one Oclock P. M. David W Patterson

Columbia County Deeds, Liber O, Page 427 Grantors Index: "United States, New York Land Records, 1630-1975", database with images, FamilySearch (, William A Babcock, 1823 Deed: "United States, New York Land Records, 1630-1975," database with images, FamilySearch (, Columbia > Deeds 1829-1835 vol N-O > image 569 of 649

Babcock to Cady Description Extracted

lying on the west side of the Stockbridge Turnpike beginning at the south corner of William Clark's land

N 64.5 W // 353.1 // running N sixty four and a half degrees west five chains thirty five links

N 39 W // 456.72 // N thirty nine degrees west six chains and ninety two links

N 63.5 W // 561 // N sixty three and half west eight chains and fifty eight links

N 78 W // 99 // N seventy eight degrees west one chain and fifty links to L. B. Morehouses land.

S 13 E // 313.5 // South thirteen degrees East twenty four chains and seventy five links to a white oak bush

S 74 E // 227.7 // South seventy four degrees east three chains forty five links to an oak tree.

S 18 W // 627 // South Eighteen degrees west nine chains fifty links to highway.

N 89.5 E // 1,023 // N Eighty nine degrees and half East fifteen chains fifty links

S 78 E // 291.72 // S seventy eight East four chains and forty two links

N 74.5 E // 448.8 // N Seventy four and half degrees East six chains eighty links

N 83.5 E // 585.42 // N eighty three and half degrees East eight chains and Eighty seven links to the place of beginning.

Likewise one other lot of land

beginning at the South west corner of Richard Beebe's land

S 3 W // 448.8 // running S fifty three degrees west six chains Eighty eight links.

S 24 W // 346.5 // S twenty four degrees west five chains twenty five links

S 12.5 E // 770.88 // S twelve and half degrees East eleven chains Sixty eight links

S 23.5 E // 640.2 // S twenty three and half East nine chains and seventy links to a chestnut tree in Griswold corner

S 79.5 E // 277.2 // S seventy nine and half East four chains and twenty links

S 3 E // 198 // S three degrees East three chains to a butternut tree

S 69 E // 580.8 // S Sixty nine degrees East eight chains eighty six links.

N 33 E // 2,110.02 // N thirty three degrees East thirty one chains ninety seven links to William Benjamin's land.

N 77 W // 1,204.5 // N Seventy Seven degrees west Eighteen chains twenty five links to a maple tree

N 50 W // 656.04 // N fifty degrees west nine chains ninety four links to Beebe's land

S 87 W // 297 // S Eighty Seven degrees west four chains fifty links to the place of beginning

Containing in both lots One hundred and forty three acres and sixteen rods be the same more or less.

1822-11-11 Quit-Claim Deed - Reuben Merrill to Jesse Goodrich

NOTE: What's this about? jhc

Know all men by these presents that I Reuben Merrill of the town of Canaan County of Columbia & State of New York have remised released & for ever quit Claimed for me my heirs executors & administrators & by these presents do remise release & for ever quit claim unto Jesse Goodrich of the town of Austerlitz County & State aforesaid his heirs executors & administrators all & all manner of action & actions cause & causes of actions suits bills bonds writings obligations debts dues duties reckonings accounts sum & sums of money judgements executions extents[?] quarrels controversies trespasses damages & demands whatsoever both in law & in equity or otherwise howsoever which against him the said Jesse Goodrich I ever had now have or which I my heirs executors or administrators can shall or may have claim challenge or demand for or by reason or means of any act matter cause or thing arising from or growing out of or by reason of the said Jesse Goodrich having given me the said Reuben Merrill Warrantee Deed of conveyance of a certain piece or parcel of Land lying & being in the town of Canaan County & State aforesaid bounded on the highway leading from Thomas Barretts to Green River Meeting house lying the west side of said road on the North by lands of Thomas Barrett & Martin Parks on the West Ezra Parks Thomas Bishop & the Turnpike on the South by lands of Justin Allis & John Castle & I do hereby agree to exonerate the said Goodrich or his heirs from all costs that ever has or may hereafter arise from & by reason of defending the above described premises from the beginning of the world unto this day & date of these presents.

In Witness I have hereunto set my hand & seal this eleventh day of November eighteen hundred & twenty two.

Signed & Sealed & Delivered in presence of Alanson Ford, David Ford

Reuben Merrill L. S.

Columbia County ss Be it remembered that on the seventeenth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & twenty seven before me came George Lawrence Com..[?] personally appeared Alanson Ford one of the subscribing witnesses to the within indenture a person known to me who being duly sworn say that he was present at the time of the execution of the within indenture by the said Reuben Merrill & that he executed the same as his voluntary act & deed for the uses & purposes therein mentioned I have examined the within & find no material alteration Allow the same to be Recorded.

George Lawrence Com..[?]

Recorded May 12th 1827 at 11 OClock A. M.

Recorded at Columbia County Clerks Office, Vol K of Deeds, page 536

1823-06-03 Deed - William A. Babcock to Ebenezer Cady

NOTE: Oddly, this deed was signed but not acknowledged, and recorded in 1830 in Liber O, Page 428, immediately following the deed to Ebenezer Cady 1820-10-17 - Deed - William A Babcock to Ebenezer Cady. Both were recorded after William A. Babcock's death in 1829. jhc

... beginning at the north east corner of Henry Willett's land on the west side of the road in front of Wm. Benjamin's land and running on said Willett's' North line, north ... thence north four degrees fifteen minutes west three chains and seventy links to Clarks land thence south eighty degrees east seven chains and fifty links to the road thence south ... on said road thence south eighteen degrees and thirty minutes West four chains and twenty links ... to the place of beginning containing Six acres and Seventy nine rods be the same more or less. ...

Columbia County Deeds, Liber O, Page 428 "United States, New York Land Records, 1630-1975," database with images, FamilySearch (, Columbia > Deeds 1829-1835 vol N-O > image 570 of 649

1825 Deeds - Heirs of John Clark to Elisha Williams

Elisha Williams acquired the farm in multiple deeds from the heirs of John Clark in March of 1825; a total of about 200 acres for $2,500.00.

1825-03-23 - Deed - Van Rensselaer Clark to Elisha Williams

All the land on the northeasterly side of the road And all the land on the southeasterly[sic] side of the road excepting the 50 acres deeded to Peter Clark, 100 acres more or less, $1,000.00.

Recorded April 19th 1825. This Indenture made the twenty third day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & twenty five Between Van Rensselaer Clark of the town of Chatham in the County of Columbia & State of New York of the first part with Amanda his wife of the first part And Elisha Williams of the City of Hudson in the County of Columbia aforesaid of the Second part Witnesseth that the Said Parties of the first part in Consideration of one thousand dollars to them in hand paid by the Second part the receipt whereof is hereby confessed have giveth granted bargained and Sold, and by these Presents do give grant bargain and Sell unto the said Elisha Williams all the right title claim interest and estate that the Parties of the First part have of & in that part of the farm of the late John Clark of Chatham deceased, which lies on the northeasterly Side of the road leading from Henry W Clark to Pilfershire Also all that part of the said farm which lies on the South Easterly Side of Said road except the fifty acres Claimed by Peter Clark as under a Deed from his father, the Claim of the Said Van Rensselaer Clark being to all the part on the Southerly Side of the road. And to an Equal Undivided [moiety?] on the northeasterly Side thereof Both Parcels Supposed to contain about one hundred Acres more or less. Together with every Privilege & appurtenance to the Same belonging or in any wise appertaining. To Have and to hold to him the said Elisha Williams his heirs Executors and administrators doth covenant grant and agree to and with the said Elisha Williams his heirs and assigns against all persons claiming or to claim [two words] from or under him the Said Van Rensselaer Clark. In testimony whereof the Said Parties of the first part have hereunto Set their hands and seals the day & year first above written

Van Rensselaer Clark L S Malinda M Clark L S

Sealed and delivered in the presence of Milton Niles D W Patterson

On the Eighteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred & twenty five personally appeared before me David W Patterson a Commissioner for taking acknowledgements of Deeds & for the County of Columbia Van Rensselaer Clark and Malinda his wife Persons to me well known and severally acknowledged that they Executed and delivered the within Indenture as their act and Deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned the Said Malinda being by me examined in [word] separate and apart from her Said husband acknowledged that she executed the same freely without any fear threat or compulsion from her said husband whatever - having examined the David Deed and finding therein no material erasure do allow the Same to be recorded

David W Patterson

Columbia County NY Deeds, Liber H, Page 285 Available online at: "United States, New York Land Records, 1630-1975," database with images, FamilySearch (, Columbia > Deeds 1824-1825 vol G-H > image 442 of 599; multiple county courthouses, New York.

1825-04-08 - Quit Claim Deed - Henry I Clark to Elisha Williams

Quitclaim to any interest to the farm, 184 acres more or less, $200.00.

Recorded June 22nd 1825 Know all men by these Presents that Henry S Clark of Franklin in the County of Delaware & State of New York & Chloe his wife In Consideration of two hundred Dollars to them in hand Paid by Elisha Williams of Hudson in the County of Columbia & State of New York aforesaid. Have and hereby give grant bargain sell release and forever quit claim to the Said Elisha Williams his heirs and assigns forever, All the right title and interest I have of the Said Henry I Clark & wife of & in that Farm of Land Situate in Chatham in Columbia County, and known & distinguished as the farm once owned by John Clark father of the Said Peter Containing one hundred & eighty four acres more or less in the whole Together with every Privilege and appurtenance to the Same belonging or in any wise ascertained in as full and ample a manner as we might or could Lawfully Convey the Same To have and to hold to the Said Elisha Williams his heirs and assigns forever. We declare we have done no act to destroy impair or convey our Estate in the Premises until the Execution of this Deed. In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this Eighth day of April 1825

Henry I Clark L S Chloe Clark L S

Sealed and delivered in the presence of William Beach

Be it Remembered that on this Eleventh day of June 1825 before me the undersigned Commissioner Personally appeared Henry I Clark & Chloe his wife to me well known to be the Grantors named in and who executed the within Deed and acknowledged the Same to be their free act & Deed & I having Examined the Said Chloe Privately Separately and apart from her said husband, she acknowledged she executed the Same freely & without any fear threat or compulsion of her Said husband I having examined this Instrument and find no material alteration or erasures allow the Same to be recorded

William Beach a Commissioner under the Statute State of New York Delaware County Clerks Office L S I Homer R Phelps Clerk of the County of Delaware do hereby Certify that William Beach whose name appears Subscribed to the Certificate of Acknowledgement of the within Deed was on the day of the Date of the Same a Commissioner in and for Said County Commissioned and Sworn according to Law, And further that I am acquainted with the hand writing of the Said Commissioner and hereby believe the Signature of William Beach to be the Proper hand writing of the Said Commissioner, In testimony whereof I hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of the Said County the 18th day of June 1825

R Phelps Clerk By F [Baldoin?] Dep. Clerk

Columbia County NY Deeds, Liber H, Page 505 Available online at: "United States, New York Land Records, 1630-1975," database with images, FamilySearch (, Columbia > Deeds 1824-1825 vol G-H > image 554 of 599.

1825-04-18 - Deed - Peter I. Clark to Elisha Williams

Fifty acres on the southwesterly side of the road given by his father, $1,000.00.

Recorded April 19th 1825. This Indenture made the Eighteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and twenty five Between Peter I. Clark of the town of Chatham in the County of Columbia and Prudence his wife of the first part And Elisha Williams of Hudson in the County aforesaid of the Second part Witnesseth that the Said Parties of the first part for and in Consideration of the Sum of One thousand dollars Current Money of the United States to him in hand paid at & before the ensealing and delivery hereof, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have given granted bargained sold And by these presents do give grant bargain sell unto the said Elisha Williams his heirs and assigns All that certain tract of land Situate in Chatham aforesaid, known and distinguished as fifty Acres of Land Set off from the old farm of John Clark deceased, on the South westerly Side of the road leading from Pilfershire past Henry W Clark as the same is described in a deed given or said to have been given by said John Clark in his life time to the Said Peter Clark, Also all the right title interest claim or demand in Law or Equity of the said parties of the first part of and in the whole farm of the Said John Clark deceased as the Same was owned & possessed by him in his life time with every privilege and appurtenance to the Same belonging or in any wise appertaining. To have and to hold to him the said Elisha Williams his heirs and assigns forever. And the said Peter Clark for himself his heirs executors and administrators Covenants grants and agrees with the Said Elisha Williams his heirs and assigns that he is seized of the aforesaid fifty acres of Land. And that the same is free from all encumbrances. And that the Said Peter Clark will forever warrant and defend the Said Elisha Williams in the Peaceable possession of the said fifty acres of Land, and of all the right and title of the Said Peter Clark in the residue of the said farm forever. In testimony whereof the Parties of the first part have hereto Set their hands and seals the day and year first above written

Peter J Clark L S Prudence (her X mark) Clark L S

Sealed and delivered in the presence of D W Patterson

On this Eighteenth day of April 1825 before me David W Patterson one of the Commissioners of in and for Columbia County personally appeared Peter J Clark & Prudence his wife to me personally known to be the grantors named in and who executed the foregoing Deed and acknowledged the same to be their free act and Deed. And the said Prudence having been examined by me Separate and apart from her husband, she acknowledged she executed the Same without any fear threat or compulsion of her husband. Having examined the Deed and finding therein no erasures I allow the Same to be recorded

David W. Patterson

Columbia County NY Deeds, Liber H, Page 284 Available online at: "United States, New York Land Records, 1630-1975," database with images, FamilySearch (, Columbia > Deeds 1824-1825 vol G-H > image 441 of 599.

1825-04-18 - Quit Claim Deed - John J. Clark et al to Elisha Williams

Quitclaim any interest in the farm, 200 acres more or less, 4 parties at $75.00 each = $300.00.

Recorded April 19th 1825. Know all men by these Presents that John J. Clark William J Clark Cynthia Maria Clark Lucy Clark for and in Consideration of Seventy five Dollars to each of us in hand paid at and before the ensealing and delivery hereof Have given granted bargained Sold & forever Quit Claimed and by these Presents do give grant bargain Sell and forever Quit Claim to Elisha Williams of Hudson all our right title interest estate claim or demand of and in all that farm of Land Situate in the town of Chatham in the County of Columbia Known and distinguished as the old John Clark farm Containing two hundred acres more or less. To have and to hold to him the Said Elisha Williams his heirs and assigns forever, And the Said Parties of the first part Covenant Each for himself his heirs Executors and Administrators with Said Elisha Williams his heirs and assigns that he had not done or Suffered any act or thing to impare the title hereby Conveyed, and that they respectively will warrant and forever Defend against all persons claiming by from or under them, Witness the hands and Seals of the Parties of the. First part this Eighteenth day of April 1825

Cinthia Maria Clark L S Lucy Clark L S William L Clark L S John S Clark L S

Sealed and delivered in the Presents of John Hermance John S Clark

On this Eighteenth day of April 1825 before me thee Undersigned Commissioner before me personally appeared John S Clark to me personally well known who being duly Sworn Confessed that he saw Lucy Clark his mother sign seal and deliver the within Deed and he Subscribed his name thereto as a witness and saw John Harman sign his name thereto as a witness, that he well knew the Persons to be the Grantors within named, this being Satisfactory evidence of the due Execution of this Deed I allow it to be recorded, the Said John Clark also personally Signed the Said deed in my presence and acknowledged it as his free act and Deed I therefore allow it to be recorded as his Deed

David W Patterson Commissioner

Columbia County NY Deeds, Liber H, Page 286 Available at: "United States, New York Land Records, 1630-1975," database with images, FamilySearch (, Columbia > Deeds 1824-1825 vol G-H > image 442 of 599.

1826-01 Deed - Williams to Griswold - 210 acres

Page 1

This Indenture made this ________ day of January in the year of our Son one thousand eight hundred & twenty six Between Elisha Williams of Hudson in the County of Columbia and State of New York and Lucia his wife of the first part — and John S Griswold and Albert Griswold of the Town of Austerlitz in the County of Columbia aforesaid Witnesseth that the said parties of the first part for and in consideration of five thousand seven hundred and [twenty/seventy?] five dollars the said parties of the first part in hand paid at & before the ensealing & delivery hereof have given granted bargained & sold to the said parties of the second part. All that certain tract piece parcel or farm of land situate in Chatham in the County of Columbia aforesaid. known and distinguished as the farm formerly belonging to old John Clark and by the survey of David W Patterson described as follows viz Beginning at a stake standing at the road leading from William Allens to New Concord Meeting house nearly opposite to the dwelling house and running along the road South nine degrees East one chain - eighty seven links - South fifty one degrees west seven chains - South thirty eight degrees west fourteen chains eighty eight links, bounding on the Road to Ebenezer Cadys land thence north seventy nine & three quarter degrees west - Eighteen Chains & forty five links to a large black oak tree. Thence north thirty and an half degrees west sixteen

Page 2

chains twenty seven links to a stake and stones thence south seventy nine degrees west thirty one links thence following an old fence north twenty nine degrees west nine chains twenty five links - north thirty two degrees west twelve chains fifty links thence north twenty three degrees west four chains forty one links to a maple tree in Henry W Clarks corner - thence north sixty nine degrees East forty two chains forty one links along Clarks land to Ebenezer Lovejoys land thence South forty six and an half degrees East thirty four chains sixty four links along said Lovejoys line to the highway thence south thirty seven degrees west seventeen chains thirty eight links to the place of beginning Containing two hundred and ten acres according to the survey & computation of David W Patterson made in april 1825 together with all and singular the privileges & appurtenances of the same belonging or in any wise appertaining

To have and to hold to them the said parties of the second part their heirs and assigns forever - and the said Elisha Williams doth Covenant grant and agree to and with the said parties of the second part their heirs and assigns - that they shall and may at all times forever hereafter have hold occupy possess and enjoy the above granted & described premises

Page 3

against the lawful [let?] hindrance or molestation of all persons - and the said Elisha Williams for himself his heirs executors and administrators doth further Covenant grant & agree as aforesaid - that the before described & conveyed premises be & they will forever Warrant & Defend to the said parties of the second part their heirs & assigns against the lawful Claims & demand of all persons. In testimony Whereof the said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hand & seals this day and year first above written. / Signed Sealed & Delivered in presence of: signed: E Williams signed: Lucia Williams The words “and Lucia Williams his wife” between the fourth & fifth line and the words “Witnesseth that the parties of the first part [???]” between the sixth & seventh line interlined before signing Jas H Teackle[signature]

Page 4

State of New York Columbia County I James H. Teackle a commissioner for taking the acknowledgment of Deeds Etc do certify that on the twenty fifth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & twenty six Elisha Williams & Lucia Williams his wife of the City of Hudson in the county of Columbia & State aforesaid to me known as the persons described in the within Deed came before me & the said Elisha Williams acknowledged that he executed the same as his act & Deed for the uses & purposes therein mentioned & the said Lucia Williams wife of the said Elisha Williams being by me privately examined separate & apart from her husband acknowledged that she executed the said Deed freely & without any fear or compulsion from her said husband for the uses or purposes therein mentioned & finding no material interlinations or erasures which were not noticed before signing. I do therefore allow it to be recorded Jas W Leachee Com..

Page 4 Spine

Elisha Williams & Lucia William his wife to John S & Albert Griswould & Deed Columbia County Clerks Office I certify that the within Deed was recorded at this office April 15th 1826 at one o'clock P.M. and Recorded in Deed Book I fol.395.396 H Bay Clerk

1826-01 Deed - Williams to Griswold Description Extracted

Beginning at a stake standing at the road leading from William Allens to New Concord Meeting house nearly opposite to the dwelling house and running along the road

S 9 E 123.42 South nine degrees East one chain - eighty seven links

S 51 W 462 South fifty one degrees west seven chains

S 38 W 982.08 South thirty eight degrees west fourteen chains eighty eight links, bounding on the Road to Ebenezer Cadys land thence

N 79.75 W 1217.7 north seventy nine & three quarter degrees west - Eighteen Chains & forty five links to a large black oak tree. Thence

N 30.5 W 1073.82 north thirty and an half degrees west sixteen chains twenty seven links to a stake and stones thence

S 79 W 20.46 south seventy nine degrees west thirty one links thence following an old fence

N 29 W 610.5 north twenty nine degrees west nine chains twenty five links

N 32 W 825 north thirty two degrees west twelve chains fifty links thence

N 23 W 291.06 north twenty three degrees west four chains forty one links to a maple tree in Henry W Clarks corner - thence

N 69 E 2799.06 north sixty nine degrees East forty two chains forty one links along Clarks land to Ebenezer Lovejoys land thence

S 46.5 E 2286.24 South forty six and an half degrees East thirty four chains sixty four links along said Lovejoys line to the highway thence

S 37 W 1147.08 south thirty seven degrees west seventeen chains thirty eight links to the place of beginning

Containing two hundred and ten acres

1827-04-14 Quit-Claim Deed - Alanson Ford to Jesse Goodrich Jr. - 137 Acres

NOTE: This is a quit-claim deed to the farm the late Jesse Goodrich Sr. resided at in Mt. Pleasant. This farm apparently lies west of the farm Jesse Jr. purchased of Aaron Harmon ("thence on the East by Jesse Goodrich's farm which he purchased of Aaron Harmon"). Jesse Sr. died in 1836. jhc

This Indenture made the fourteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & twenty seven Between Alanson Ford of the town of Austerlitz County of Columbia & State of New York ^& Lucinda his wife^ of the first part & Jesse Goodrich of the town of Austerlitz County of Columbia & State of New York of the second part Witnesseth that the said parties of the first for & in consideration of the sum of Fifty dollars money of account of the United States to them in hand paid by the said party of the second part the receipt whereof is hereby confessed & acknowledged have remised released & forever Quit Claimed by these presents doth remise release & forever Quit Claim unto the said party of the second part in his actual possession now being & to his heirs & assigns forever All that certain farm of Land situate in the town of Austerlitz it being the farm on which the said party of the second part now resides & on which his father Jesse Goodrich Senior formerly resided butted & bounded as follows on the west by lands of Ezra Barrett on the South by Ezra Barrett & Alanson Ford on the East by Moses Myers to an highway thence on the East by Jesse Goodrich's farm which he purchased of Aaron Harmon Widow Patty Barretts land Jeremiah Barrett & Stephen Churchill & on the North by lands of William Mercer & Northwesterly by lands of Reuben & lands of Widow Cynthia Blin containing by estimation One hundred & thirty seven Acres the same more or less Together with all & singular the hereditaments & appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining & the reversion & reversions remainder & remainders rents issues & profits thereof & all the estate right title interest claim or demand whatsoever of the party of the first part either in law or equity of in & to the above demised premises with the said hereditaments & appurtenances To have & to hold the said bargained & Quit Claimed premises to the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns forever.

In Witness whereof of the parties to these presents have hereunto interchangeably set their hands & seals the day & year first written.

Sealed & Delivered in the presence of J G Ford B Goodrich Geo. Lawrence

Alanson Ford L.S. Lucinda Ford L. S.

Columbia County ss - Be it remembered that on the seventeenth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & twenty seven before me George Lawrence Comt..[?] & personally appeared the within named Alanson Ford & Lucinda his wife the within Grantors persons to me known who severally acknowledged that they executed the within indenture as their voluntary Act of deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned & Lucinda wife of the said Alanson Ford being by me separately examined from her said husband acknowledged she executed the same without fear or compulsion from her said husband I have examined the within and find no material alteration Allow the same to be Recorded.

George Lawrence Comt..[?] ss

Recorded May 12th at 11 OClock A. M.

Recorded in the Columbia County Clerk's Office, Book K, Pages 537 & 538 (

— revised 2024-07-24 jhc