Red Rock area compilation map from Beers 1873 Columbia County NY Atlas.

Red Rock Area

Compiled from Beers Atlas of Columbia County, New York


Appendix - 1860-1869

Memorabilia Related Research Material


1861 Charles M Coxon, Holbeach, Lincolnshire, England

In household of Nelson Congrove {Congreve}, Age 16, as Draper Apprentice.

England and Wales Census, 1861

Name: Charles M Coxon County: Lincolnshire Event Type: Census Event Date: 1861 Event Place: Holbeach, Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom Event Place (Original): Holbeach, Lincolnshire, England Sub-District: Parish: Ecclesiastical Parish: All Saints Enumeration District: Registration District: Holbeach Residence Note: High Street Gender: Male Age: 16 Marital Status: Unmarried Occupation: Draper Apprentice Relationship to Head of Household: Apprentice Institution: Birth Date: Birth Year: Birth Year (Estimated): 1845 Birthplace: Skellingthorpe, Lincolnshire Schedule Type: Page Number: 14 Household ID: 2709279 Line Number: 3 Registration Number: RG09 Piece/Folio: 2330 / 30 Affiliate Record Type: Household

GS Film Number: 101818092 Digital Folder Number: 101818092 Image Number: 00059

Household Role Gender Age Birthplace Nelson Congrove Head M 50 Hanford, Lincolnshire Elizabeth Congrove Wife F 55 Ely, Cambridgeshire Charles M Coxon Apprentice M 16 Skellingthorpe, Lincolnshire Francis Pick Apprentice M 18 Newborough, Northamptonshire Sarah Eaves Servant F 16 Welney, Cambridgeshire

Citing this Record: "England and Wales Census, 1861," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 14 January 2016), Charles M Coxon in household of Nelson Congrove, Holbeach, Lincolnshire, England; from "1861 England, Scotland and Wales census," database and images, findmypast ( : n.d.); citing PRO RG 9, The National Archives, Kew, Surrey.

NOTE: Surname "Congrove" misspelled. Should be "Congreve". - jhc

1861 Christiana Coxon, Fleet, Lincolnshire - England and Wales Census, 1861

In household with husband William

England and Wales Census, 1861

Name: Christiana Coxon Sex: Female Age: 51 Event Date: 1861 Event Place: Fleet, Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom Event Place (Original): Fleet, Lincolnshire, England Registration District: Holbeach Residence Note: Spalding Gate Birth Year (Estimated): 1810 Birthplace: Sutton St Edmunds, Lincolnshire Marital Status: Married Relationship to Head of Household: Wife Event Type: Census Household Identifier: 2708180 Line Number: 21 Page Number: 11 Piece/Folio: 2329 / 10 Registration Number: RG09

Household Role Sex Age Birthplace William Coxon M 63 Osbournby, Lincolnshire

Digital Folder Number: 101818091 Microfilm Number: 101818091 Image Number: 00017

Citing this Record "England and Wales Census, 1861," database with images, FamilySearch (, Christiana Coxon in household of William Coxon, Fleet, Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom; from "1861 England, Scotland and Wales census," database and images, findmypast (; citing PRO RG 9, The National Archives, Kew, Surrey.

1861 William Coxon, Fleet, Lincolnshire - England and Wales Census, 1861

In household with wife Christiana

England and Wales Census, 1861

Name: William Coxon Sex: Male Age: 63 Event Date: 1861 Event Place: Fleet, Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom Event Place (Original): Fleet, Lincolnshire, England Registration District: Holbeach Residence Note: Spalding Gate Birth Year (Estimated): 1798 Birthplace: Osbournby, Lincolnshire Marital Status: Married Occupation: Relieving Officer Relationship to Head of Household: Head Event Type: Census Household Identifier: 2708180 Line Number: 20 Page Number: 11 Piece/Folio: 2329 / 10 Registration Number: RG09

Household Role Sex Age Birthplace Christiana Coxon F 51 Sutton St Edmunds, Lincolnshire

Digital Folder Number: 101818091 Microfilm Number: 101818091 Image Number: 00017

Citing this Record "England and Wales Census, 1861," database with images, FamilySearch (, William Coxon, Fleet, Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom; from "1861 England, Scotland and Wales census," database and images, findmypast (; citing PRO RG 9, The National Archives, Kew, Surrey.

1862-02-18 Deed - Frederick Farrand to Reed Howes - 110 + 80 + 73 Acres

This Indenture, Made this Eighteenth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty two, Between Frederick Farrand of the City of Hudson, in the County of Columbia and State of New York party of the first part and Reed Howes of the town of Austerlitz in the County of Columbia party of the second part. Witnesseth, That the said party of the first part in consideration of the sum of Six thousand eight hundred Dollars, to him duly paid, has sold and By these Presents, does grant and convey to the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns All those three certain pieces, parcels, farms or tracts of land situate lying and being in the town of Austerlitz aforesaid, Bounded and described as follows. The first parcel being the same premises conveyed by Charles A. Ingersoll and Mary E. Ingersoll to Alanson R. Bice and Moses M. Bice on the twelfth day of February 1855 and bounded as follows Beginning at the Southwest corner of the farm adjoining lands of Abiram{sic} Harmon and sons, and Herman Sprague Junior, thence Eastward by lands of said Harmon and thence Northwardly by lands of said Harmon and William Flint, thence westward by lands of A R. & M. M. Bice the same that they purchased of N. D. Powers and the highway, thence Southerly by lands of Patrick Bossody{sic} and said Sprague to the place of Beginning, Containing One Hundred and ten acres and three roods and twenty seven rods of land be the same more or less. The Second parcel being the farm described in a deed dated April 1857 from Lucinda Ford, Recorded in Columbia County Clerk's Office in Deed Book No.8 on page 66 & Bounded Westerly by lands of formerly Patrick Bossidy{sic} Southerly by lands of Charles A. Ingersoll, Easterly by lands of lately William Flint and Thomas Bishop and Northerly by lands of Thomas Bishop and Collins Flint containing Eighty acres more or less, The third parcel Bounded as follows, viz. on the North by lands of Stephen Smith, on the East by lands of Norman D. Powers and Charles Ingersoll, on the South by lands of Charles Ingersoll and on the west by lands of Herman Sprague and Stephen Smith, containing Seventy three acres of Land be the same more or less. With the appurtenances and all the Estate, Title and Interest therein of the said party of the first part. And the said Frederick Farrand doth hereby covenant and agree to and with the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, that at the time of the ensealing and delivery of these presents, he is the lawful owner and is well seized in fee simple and possessed of the premises above conveyed and of the whole thereof and that the same are free and clear from all incumbrance, lien, charge and claim whatever, except a Mortgage on the premises first above described dated June 2, 1860 to Ebenezer Reed for $1300, which Mortgage with interest thereon from and after April 1, 1862, said party of the second part hereto assumes and covenants to pay as a portion of the consideration aforesaid and said party of the first part covenants to pay the interest on such Mortgage to April 1, 1862, and that the premises thus conveyed in the Quiet and Peaceable Possession of the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns he will forever Warrant and Defend against any person whomsoever lawfully claiming the same, or any part thereof. In Witness Whereof The party of the first part has hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written.

Sealed and delivered } Frederick Farrand L. S. in presence of } S. L. Magaun }

State of New York Columbia County ss: On this Eighteenth day of February in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty two, before me the subscriber appeared Frederick Farrand, to me personally known to be the same person described in, and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged that he executed the same.

S. L. Magaun Commisioner of Deeds Hudson N. Y.

Recorded February 18th, 1862 at 3.40 P. M

Recorded in Columbia County Clerk's Office in Book 16 of Deeds at page 531

1867 Ann Warrick Coxon, Birth, New York - New York, New York City Births, 1846-1909

NB: Ann Warrick Coxon died 1868-04-04 at age 11m 12d. jhc

Name: Ann Warrick Coxon Sex: Female Birth Date: 23 Apr 1867 Birthplace: Manhattan, New York, New York, United States Birthplace (Original): Manhattan, New York Father's Name: Christopher William Coxon Mother's Name: Margaret Wallace Coxon

Household Role Sex Age Birthplace Christopher William Coxon Father M Margaret Wallace Coxon Mother F

Source Details: cn 12285 Digital Folder Number: 004186494 Microfilm Number: 1322007 Image Number: 00658 Indexing Batch: C04461-4

Citing this Record "New York, New York City Births, 1846-1909," database, FamilySearch ( : 11 February 2018), Ann Warrick Coxon, 23 Apr 1867; citing Manhattan, New York, New York, United States, reference cn 12285 New York Municipal Archives, New York; FHL microfilm 1,322,007.

1869-03-31 Deed - 5 Acres - Joseph D. Clark to William D. Stewart

U S Int Rev Stamps 50¢ } Affixed and Cancelled }

This Indenture, made the Thirty first day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty nine Between: Joseph D Clark and Emma, his wife of the Town of Chatham County of Columbia and State of New York of the first part and William D Stewart of the same place of the second part. Witnesseth, that said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Two Hundred and Twenty Dollars, lawful money of the United States of America, to them in hand paid, by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, have granted, aliened, remised, [word] and confirmed, and by these presents does grant, alien, remise, release, [word] and confirm with the said party of the second part and to their heirs and assigns, forever, All that certain piece, parcel or lot of wood land, situate lying and being in the Town of Chatham County of Columbia and State of New York Bounded and described as follows viz. Bounded on the north by lands of Lawrence Colbert, On the East by the highway leading from New Concord to the House of William D Stewart, On the south and west by lands of John Hogan Containing 5 acres two Roods and fifteen Rods of land by survey. Reserving all the wood on said lot excepting the chestnut and having one year from the first of April 1869 to get the same off from the lot. Together with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or any wise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, and all the estate right title interest claim and demand whatsoever of the said parties of the first part, either in law or equity, of, in and to the above granted premises, with the said hereditaments and appurtenances. To have and to hold the above mentioned and described premises, with the appurtenances and every part and parcel thereof to the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever. And the said Party of the first part, for their heirs and executors and administrators, doth covenant, grant, bargain promise and agree to and with the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, to warrant and forever to defend the above granted premises, and every part and parcel thereof, now being in the quiet and peaceable possession of the said party of the second part against the said parties of the first part, their heirs executors administrators and assigns, and against all, and every other person or persons claiming or to claim, the said premises or any part thereof. In Witness Whereof the said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written.

sealed and delivered in } the presence of } Henry D Jones }

Joseph D Clark L.S. Emma H Clark L.S.

State of New York } Columbia County } ss I certify that on the thirty first day of March 1869 before me appeared Joseph D Clark and Emma H his wife, both to me personally known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and severally acknowledged the execution thereof. And the said Emma H Clark on a private examination apart from her husband, acknowledged that she executed the same freely and without any fear or compulsion of her said husband.

Henry D Jones Justice of the Peace

Recorded April 17, 1869 at 11 A.M.

Columbia County Clerk's Office, Book 5 of Deeds, Page 93

1869-04-17 William D. Stewart Acquires 5 Acre Woodlot

All that certain piece, parcel or lot of wood land situate, lying and being in the Town of Chatham, County of Columbia and State of New York bounded and described as follows viz: bounded on the North by lands of Lawrence Colbert, on the East by the highway leading from New Concord to the house of William D. Stewart, on the South and West by lands of John Hogan, containing five acres two roods and fifteen rods of land by survey. Being the same premises deeded by Joseph D. Clark and Emma his wife of the Town of Chatham, County of Columbia and State of New York of the first part, and William D. Stewart of the same place of the second part, which deed was recorded in the Columbia County Clerk's Office the 17th day of April 1869 at 11 A M in Book No 35 of Deeds, on page 93 etc.

Quoted from: 1894-07-03 - Quit-claim Deed - William D. & Sarah J. Stewart to Frederick C. Goodrich at APPENDIX E - Stewart Farm to Frederick C. Goodrich

1869 Charles Merriman Coxon Marriage - England and Wales Marriage Registration Index, 1837-2005

Name: Charles Merriman Coxon Event Type: Marriage Registration Quarter: Oct-Nov-Dec Registration Year: 1869 Registration District: Spalding County: Lincolnshire Event Place: Spalding, Lincolnshire, England Spouse Name (available after 1911): Volume: 7A Page: 745 Line Number: 58

Citing this Record: "England and Wales Marriage Registration Index, 1837-2005," database,, Charles Merriman Coxon, 1869; from “England & Wales Marriages, 1837-2005,” database,; citing 1869, quarter 4, vol. 7A, p. 745, Spalding, Lincolnshire, England, General Register Office, Southport, England.

Charles Merriman Coxon probably married either Hannah Barnes or Emily Johnson Copping. - jhc

— revised 2024-07-24 jhc